The Heavens Are My Old Shell

One Hundred And Ninety Eight Chapters Staring At Who Is Pregnant

Sitting high on the Heavenly Dao Throne of the Tianmo Dao Palace, Wang Yin's eyes see through overlapping spaces.

Observing the Qianye God Realm, the Manggu God Realm, the Qianye Great Thousand World, the Manggu Great Thousand World, the Blue Star Great Thousand World, the Blue Star Z1 Time Space Z2 Time Space Z9 Time Space Z591 Time Space World, and the S1 True Spirit Race, S16 Ant God, Z2 time and space N1568 planet S21 Chapter Wang Xing world, etc. In countless time and space worlds, the activities of true blood avatars and offspring avatars in the Great Thousand World.

Turning his gaze back to Z9595 Time-Space Destiny Continent, there was a split soul avatar raising his head and laughing, calling him a scumbag on the main soul time-space body, and rolling his eyes.

This Z9595 Time-Space Destiny Continent is very special. It is the former Blue Star Continent, but it is no longer a mere continent with a diameter of more than 10,000 kilometers, but a star continent that is 100,000 times larger than Blue Star. He used to lament that Blue Star is the smallest Words, all of a sudden by this parallel blue star continent hit decently ~ completely skinless.

This continent is no longer called the Blue Star, but the Destiny Continent, which is a blue star version enlarged by 100,000 times. The Blue Star Dragon Kingdom once replaced the Dragon Kingdom. A blue star outfit - no less.

The wild and wild territory outside the empire is even more vast and boundless. There are countless strange and strange lives of thousands of races on it, and the number of barbaric human races is unbelievable.

Wang Yin noticed it because, this blue star is too big, so big that it makes people feel uneasy.

There are indeed planets that are more than 100,000 times larger than Blue Star in the time and space of Blue Star Z1, but they are all planets without life civilization. On the huge Blue Star Destiny Continent in Z9595 time and space, the majesty of life civilization simply makes Wang Yin dumbfounded. The Destiny Continent is also very strange.

In the scan of his consciousness, the civilization of the entire Destiny Continent is full of strange things. On the surface, it is an ordinary civilized world, and it is full of ancient martial arts and technology for cultivating immortality and truth in secret.

He couldn't help but deeply doubt whether this is the original time-space world, or the largest parallel time-space world that all life fantasies agree on in the original time-space world.

But no matter what kind of time and space world this is, its existence is very suitable for Wang Yin to develop the body of the heavens and the power of flesh and blood cells in his whole body, and it is also the most suitable world for him to cast his soul and clone to stare at whoever is pregnant.

Therefore, Wang Yin, the split soul in time and space, became the first soul split in all parallel time and space to be lucky enough to be favored by the master soul of the third-level galaxy and continue to maintain the memory of the original body after being taken back.

If all the memories of the heavens in the soul are opened, Wang Yin may know why this world is called the Destiny Continent.

Could it be that on his body of the heavens, the continent in the world of the heart, it is very possible that his body of the heavens is so awesome.

On the Destiny Continent, in the broad-leaved forest in the interior of the Ancestral Dragon Empire, Wang Yin, who walked out of the forest path, was in high spirits.

He is no longer the ordinary poor scholar Wang Yin, a child from a poor family.

He is Wang Yin, the life avatar of the third-level ruler of the galaxy, who has obtained the unheard-of golden finger and the skill of staring at someone who is pregnant.

And he still retains his own independent memory, has his own independent personality life, and the relationship between relatives and friends remains unchanged.

A village appeared on the road ahead, very lively as if it was the day of the market, Wang Yin's eyes lit up and walked towards the village, as if he was dozing off and came to give a pillow, just to give him a test of the so-and-so pregnancy skill.

There are more and more pedestrians and horses on the road, and there are three beautifully dressed, giggling and laughing women at the entrance of the town, who are walking back after purchasing items from the town.

Soul-dividing Wang Yin laughed and stared, and the sound came from his mind... Ding: I am Wang Yin, your cultivation assistant, you get energy plus 0.0001, plus 0.0001, plus O.0001.

Hey, the master of the galaxy, the main soul, is a nice person, and even gave him a cultivation assistant.

The three women in the town suddenly froze and looked at each other. Woman A blushed and said, "I, I, I seem to be pregnant."

Woman B: "I'm dying, I feel like I'm pregnant too."

Woman C: "No, no, it's over, I'm pregnant too, what should I do if I don't have a husband's house yet, woo woo woo."

The three panic-stricken women quickly squatted on the stone sill by the side of the road, wanting to cry for no reason because of their small eyes.

The strong man passed by and smiled disdainfully: "Hehe, as expected, a pig can climb a tree if a woman is reliable, but now women are more unreliable than one."

Before he finished laughing, his eyes were suddenly dull, and he quickly ran to the side of the century-old willow tree beside the road, stroking the newly swollen trunk of the willow tree, and the sound of life beating inside could be heard endlessly.

Shouted in fright: "God, I will stop talking nonsense, don't retribution to me, willows will be pregnant and scare people to death, this is because of A Piao."

The split soul Wang Yin was sweating profusely due to an operation error, and the mechanical sound of the training assistant Wang Yin came from his ears.

Ding: You let the three-hundred-year-old willow tree spirit successfully conceive and gain energy points by 0.001.

Wang Yin was taken aback by the situation. Are there really monsters in this world? Although he got the golden finger of being pregnant and knew that he had a third-level galaxy space-time main soul, he had never actually seen a monster.

0...ask for flowers.

But this spirit adds more points, it is a life with greater strength, will it add more points after pregnancy, if this is the case, he will only find stronger ones in the future, won't he be able to get more energy

The special situation of the three women and the exclamation of the strong man beside the willow tree attracted the attention of more market crowds, who gathered around and chattered.

"What's going on, oh my god, why is it so weird? "Did I hit something evil?"

"What are you three waiting for, go back to the town and see a doctor for an examination, maybe it's some special disease.

"These women, why don't they even know that they are pregnant, and they still go out to wander around."

"It's not that I didn't know that I got pregnant suddenly, even the willow tree over there was pregnant."

The onlookers were curious and funny, and there was a lot of discussion. Some people followed and ran to the willow tree, listening to the sound of life beating in the willow tree, and they were amazed.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the crowd, and more voices screamed, a tall and slender woman yelled in fright: "Ah, it's over, it's over, I'm pregnant too, my God, I've been single for a long time, okay, how can I find someone now?" Husband's house."

"Ma'am, Ma'am... why are you pregnant? Tell me who it is, and I will hack him to death."

"Husband, do you believe it when I say it's yours? Do you believe it when I say I don't know who it's from? Do you believe that my slave's house just broke down, woo woo woo."

At this moment, everyone's face changed drastically, and they took their family members and pulled their family members, and ran away quickly and ran home desperately.

"There is A Piao. If there are monsters, there must be monsters. Everyone, hurry up and report to the police."

I didn't find any green light, which was spreading in all directions following their flight. Wang Yin, the distracted soul, hid aside, happily listening to the series of mechanical lifting sounds in his head, and the personal assistant Wang Yin broadcasted coldly.

Ding Ding: You have successfully impregnated one hundred women, you can add 0.0001 to your energy, 0.0001 to your energy, 0.0001 to your energy... The total energy you get is 0.01. You have taken a big step towards upgrading. Welcome to continue to create miracles.

A thousand meters away, a heroic couple was riding on tall horses. Looking at the crowd fleeing in panic, the man frowned and carefully observed all suspicious places, and told the woman: "Madam, be careful, I'm afraid something strange and strange may happen here."

There was a crowd running by, and when they saw the couple riding on tall horses, they shouted happily: "It's Hanjiang Heroes, Hanjiang Heroes have come to our town, don't be afraid, everyone, Hanjiang Heroes will help us all. ".

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