The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 21 Qinglong Mountain Belongs To The Mother

There are little goblins running around in panic and not knowing the situation.

Turning to the bottom of Qinglong Mountain like a flash, I saw that the entire Qinglong Mountain has been pulled up to a height of 50 feet from the ground, and four giant legs of the mountain emerged from the middle, supporting Qinglong Mountain like a human being lying on its back, up and down.

Seeing Wang Yin coming, some little demons who happened to be nearby came up and stammered, "Great...Great King, Qinglong Mountain has come back to life."

Wang Yin rolled his eyes, he has eyes to see.

A hundred miles around Qinglong Mountain was like an earthquake, shaking violently non-stop. Residents fled their homes densely and ran to the open area, crying and cursing.

"There's an earthquake, there's an earthquake, take care of the children, hurry up and come here to be safe."

"God, what are you bothering about? I didn't hear that there will be an earthquake here. Didn't the people who prevented the earthquake have food? Didn't they find any warnings for the earthquake?"

The strange thing is that the earthquake swayed and swayed, but no one was injured or a house collapsed. Many high-rise buildings looked trembling due to the shaking, but in fact there was a layer of faint green light on them, protecting the high-rise buildings as solid as gold.

Half an hour later, the shaking finally quieted down, or it was not quiet, or it no longer affected the surrounding environment.

The four giant legs of Qinglong Mountain are still practicing crouching and lying down, and it seems that they are used to how to control their strength.

Although there was no earthquake-like mountain shaking and ground shaking during the ups and downs, the hurricane that squeezed the air when the mountain rose and fell, blowing sand and rocks at the bottom of the mountain was dark.

At this time, a giggling sound resounded through the eardrums of all monsters and humans:

"Your Majesty, I have woken up. Thank you for your kindness. Don't worry, I will work hard to control the strength, and will not harm the brothers, sisters and human beings on the mountain."

Wang Yin patted his forehead and raised his head and sighed, he knew what was going on, this was Qinglong Mountain who had completed evolution and came back to life.

One-third of the evolution from the first investigation to Qinglong Mountain had been completed, so he was mentally prepared that one day the old Black Mountain demon would appear, oh no, the old Qinglong Mountain demon would appear.

But it seems that what appeared was not the old demon of Qinglong Mountain, but the mother demon of Qinglong Mountain. The voice is clear and sweet, and the cliff is a goddess-level mother demon.

Countless goblins in the mountain heard Qinglong Mountain's giggling and coquettish laughter, knowing that Qinglong Mountain had come back to life and cheered for joy. Qinglong Mountain was a big boss in their hearts, a boss bigger than a king.

Although Wang Yin is their king, their own leaders will obey unconditionally. In fact, they don't think Wang Yin is the biggest boss.

In their hearts, Wang Yin is at most their parents, and Qinglongshan is the chairman of the group company. They are two bosses who live on Qinglongshan.

The strength of monsters is the most important thing. From the perspective of strength, there are many big monsters in the mountain. Some of them feel that the strength of their own kings is not as good as themselves. A hundred meters thick and thousands of meters long are very proud of their own strength.

Although the women are gentle and virtuous in front of Wang Yin, they are actually cautious every time they approach Wang Yin, fearing that they will accidentally expose their bodies and hurt Wang Yin.

In their eyes, Wang Yin's small body is very fragile, but they don't know that Wang Yin's body is small and small, but his physical body is as hard as steel and as fast as lightning, and he can easily penetrate their bodies between life and death.

Wang Yin is also very annoyed that the blue star Tiandao is blind, and the big demon in Qinglong Mountain has come out to make a fuss.

It is true that these transformed boa constrictors see him in human form every time, but whenever he thinks of their huge bodies, he feels a toothache.

It would be great if he could evolve the ability to grow or shrink arbitrarily, so that no matter how big the monster is, he can step on it with one foot, awesome.

Bah, is it his ability to think big, big, small, or small? That is the ability that every man thinks about.

"Sister Qinglong is Sister Qinglong, so excited and happy, Sister Qinglong, come out and play", all the monsters, men and humans on the mountain cheered loudly.

Qinglong Mountain lark-like clear voice: "Fuck off, I'm not a younger sister, I'm your grandma, you know if it's your grandma, from now on, except for the king, you will all call me grandma."

"Ahaha, did you hear that Grandma Zu is Grandma Qinglong? You guys dare to call us Grandma Qinglong your younger sister. Grandma Qinglong will definitely take care of you."

Countless brainless human beings at the foot of the mountain, after knowing that Qinglong Mountain had been revived, they crazily exported monsters on the mountain.

Qinglong Mountain has a radius of tens of kilometers, and the majestic demon power of the whole mountain is covered in the mountain. The monster fog is so thick that water drips out directly.

"This is our grandma, Grandma Qinglong. You despise us for being mouthless. Grandma Qinglong said that she will teach us how to melt our mouths, and we can also melt into Tuntun."

All the monsters who heard the happy voices of these vegetation, mud, rocks and monsters for a while, the human beings were collectively speechless, staring at them blankly, and some human female monsters showed gloating expressions.

All the monsters and human men were frightened and asked: "Can you transform into form? Your demon power is so low, how can you transform into form?"

The spirit of vegetation, mud and rocks replied happily: "Grandma Qinglong said that you don't need to transform your whole body, you can transform your mouth first. We can only transform our mouths and our demon powers are all up to the standard."

"Brother monster, human brother, after we have mouths, let us devour energy and evolve."

"There is also Tuntun, and there is Tuntun, I just turn into Tuntun."

Hearing this, the monster man and the human man rolled their eyes and passed out: "Retribution, retribution, I don't want to be pitted by stones, I don't want to be pitted by mud, even if it is a wooden pit or grass pit, I don't want to be pitted by them."

Monster women and human women laughed, you scumbags finally have today.

Suddenly, the voices of several sharp stone monsters came weakly: "Don't get me wrong, not all the monsters of vegetation, mud and stone are women, we just want to turn into ding ding, we are men."

At the same time, she sang a ballad: "Ding ding ding... ding ding ding, I am happy little garden ding, I live among flowers every day, and I am best at devouring flowers."

The eyes of the monster, the human woman, gloated at others' misfortune, and the eyes of the human woman froze immediately, and a horrifying picture flashed in her mind, who did the sky bypass.

Regardless of the various monsters on the mountain and below the human beings who knew that Qinglong Mountain was alive, Wang Yin followed Qinglong Mountain's crisp voice to the bottom of Qinglong Mountain, between the giant legs of the four mountains.

Looking up at the bottom of the mountain on a large bluestone protruding, a beautiful woman appeared with her back against the mountain, but the woman's back was integrated with the mountain wall and could not move freely.

Seeing Wang Yin, the woman called out delicately: "I have seen the king, is the king's slave house good-looking? The slave family tried every means to transform this body here. The slave family's body is too big, and it cannot be fully transformed for the time being."

Wang Yin looked at the woman on the mountain wall carefully and nodded: "Not bad, not bad, it's good that you can think of this way."

"Compared to the difficulty of transforming the entire Qinglong Mountain, it is really easy for you to use the monster power of a mountain to transform a human-sized stone."

Delicate voice: "Then what are you waiting for, the Nujia mountain needs a huge amount of energy to support it, and it can't maintain its transformation form for a long time. After the life source that the Nujia will prepare for you is handed over to you, it will take back this transformation form for you body."

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