The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 216 Six-Legged Man

Bringing Huaruyu, Huaduoduo, and a team of seven-star and eight-star monster spirit beasts to guard the No. 79 true blood avatar, they swaggered towards the cursed six-legged man.

There are not many nine-star monsters and spirit beasts on the starry sky battlefield, and only a few nine-star peak humans will release nine-star early-stage monsters and spirit beasts.

Although the monsters and spirit beasts with the same strength as the host will not harm the host when they are released, they will not obey the orders of the host very well. When the environment is not suitable, it will be a disservice to the release.

These six-legged people who are cursing are all battered by the second round of egg liquid. The six-legged people who were knocked down by the first round of egg liquid by monsters and spirits have long been corroded by the egg liquid and disappeared from the void of the starship. up.

After the fly eggs are refined by Wang Yin's body, although the corrosiveness is so strong that even if the nine-star life is smashed, they will kneel down and call their fathers, but the timeliness is also short, and they will solidify into a block in fifteen minutes and lose their corrosive ability.

It can't corrode life in galaxies. Wang Yin is only a third-level galaxy, so he can't practice corrosive galaxy fly bombs. Unless he becomes a fifth-level galaxy, he can refine the first-level galaxy life fly bombs. Therefore, these fly bombs are only made by him. It's for split souls and avatars.

It is even more impossible to make Tianmo Tiandao refining. These are all Tianma Tiandao's eggs. Wang Yin used it as a weapon and was already very angry. What's more, when Wang Yin came out, he took the initiative to block some memories in the Tianma world. Pass.

Tianmo Tiandao is not a tigress who doesn't eat Wang Yin, but she is the biggest female fly. In the vast world, Tiandao flies are the only ones.

Besides, does she need refining? She is the way of heaven, and she can give these eggs corrosive functions at any time if she wants.

But she doesn't want to have children to study these things. It is her destined mission to conceive the demon fly, so she appeared and combined with Wang Yin's main soul.

The scary thing about this egg liquid is that even if the soul is hidden in countless time and space rivers after being stained, the corrosiveness of the egg liquid can extend countless time and space through the relationship between the soul and soul, and corrode those souls in time and space together, which is no more than super sulfuric acid.

The red light channel of Zhishen U373 starship has been corroded with many large holes, and many six-legged people who have long been turned into liquids flowed from the holes and disappeared, making the scene very clean.

The rest of the six-legged people don't know whether they are nervous or they have no fear of death. Cursing is cursing, and there is no trace of fear that their companions will disappear after being corroded by egg liquid.

The reason for their cursing is that these bloody monsters and spirit beasts are very disgusting if their faces are covered.

It wasn't until No. 79 brought Huaruyu, Huaduoduo, and a thousand monsters and spirit beasts to their side that the rest of the six-legged people calmed down.

Only on the head of the huge ball, a faint light kept flickering.

A group of monsters, spirit beasts and Hua Ruyu, Hua Ruyu finally saw the clue, Hua Ruyu's five fingers flashed sharp wolf claws, which were her natal wolf claws.

Stretching out its wolf paws tentatively, it pawed at the round head of a six-legged man, and it happened to be one of the two pink and white tender men.

As a result, the part of the hexapod's round head that was corroded by the egg liquid was pulled off, exposing the crystal-clear jade-like skin inside.

Hua Ruyu covered her delicate red lips, and exclaimed in disbelief: "God Lord, the head of this alien monster is not real, it's just a shell~."

The No. 79 clone ignored her coquettish call, and tore off the pink, white and tender hexapod head shell that she had ripped off.

He asked his subordinate monsters and spirit beasts to only hit the six-legged man's ball head, because the ball head is not the real head of the six-legged man, but just a six-legged man's defensive equipment.

When the fly bomb hits the hexapod's ball head, when the egg liquid sprays thinly, the ball head will emit a layer of energy to control the egg liquid, preventing the egg liquid from falling on the external hexapod's limbs, and preventing the egg liquid from corroding the hexapod's exterior limbs.

This layer of energy will also try its best to prevent the egg liquid from corroding the head of the ball, forming a new balance, so that the egg liquid can corrode just after penetrating the head of the ball without hurting the body of the six-legged person inside. Hexapod.

The flowers are like jade, the flowers are blooming, under the eyes of a group of monsters and beasts, the six-legged man whose ball head was removed finally revealed his true face.

All the monsters and spirit beasts, flowers like jade, with their mouths wide open, their eyes full of surprise, only to see that the spherical head is wrapped, revealing an ethereal, beautiful and peerless appearance.

The upper body of the six-legged man whose head was ripped apart from the ball was actually exactly the same as that of a human being. This was a female six-legged man.

The pink and white tender skin can be broken by blowing, and the soft green hair is scattered on the shoulders. The only difference from human beings is that below the buttocks, there are no longer two long human legs, but six white and tender pink moist soft feet.

A pair of jade arms on the upper body are hidden in the ball head. I don't know if the equipment settings of the ball cannot be exposed, or the ball head needs a pair of jade arms to control.

The reason why the jade arm is not the jade hand is that the jade arm does not have palm fingers, and the palm position is just a very flexible oval soft finger that can be flattened and forked.

The plump red lips are breathing hard. It seems that the spherical head can convert the oxygen needed by the six-legged man. After being opened, the woman begins to have difficulty breathing.

This is exactly the same shape as Zhang Miaomiao, the soul of Zhang Wangxing and Blue Star Ocean. The difference is that the six white and pink feet are moist and soft, without the cute and crystal-clear suction cups that Zhang Miaomiao is unique to octopus.

Entering the cosmic void requires a spherical head to assist breathing, and the spherical head is fully functional like a mobile light brain. It seems that it is just a race that can use technology to dominate the stars, and its physical strength is very fragile.

The No. 79 clone signaled Hua Ruyu, and the flowers created an environment for life to breathe freely, and the female six-legged person's breathing calmed down.

The centipede with the beautiful face and the fairy ape spirit beast are very upset. They are all eight stars in strength, and they are stronger than Hua Ruyu, Hua Duoduo, creating a more perfect breathing environment for life.

Why does the God Lord like to call Hua Ruyu and Hua Duoduo to do this, just because Hua Ruyu Hua Duoduo is now a human body?

This news should be quickly informed to their hosts, the No. 79 Divine Master clone likes the figure of a human woman, and does not like the type of monster woman, so they must be transformed into the form of a human woman.

The beautiful six-legged woman whose head was torn from the ball looked at Wang Yin in horror, the flowers were like jade, Huaduoduo, and the terrifying and ugly monsters and spirit beasts with teeth and claws, making clear and sweet voices.

` are the master of the Heavenly Devil, the avatar of the Supreme Heavenly Devil. "

The No. 79 avatar's inner alarm bells rang loudly, whether the Tianmozi that the six-legged woman was talking about was the Zihun Demon Infant, how did she know the Zihun Demon Infant, and how did she know the Heavenly Demon and Heavenly Dao.

He didn't answer the six-legged woman face to face, stretched out his hands to pinch the six-legged woman's fragrant, soft, white and tender skin, and said popular science to the flowers like jade, flowers blooming, and a team of monsters and beasts beside her.

"See, that's why I called them six-legged people. They are not spherical six-legged alien creatures as you think."

"You can't see their upper bodies because the spherical heads they made can shield the star civilization's consciousness or signal detection."

"This is a blue star 39 million light-years away (is that good), a six-legged human evolved from an ancient octopus on a foreign star, and the evolution process is like the evolution history of blue star humans. y

"Their bodies are not monsters like yours, but real evolved six-legged human bodies, so after they develop technology and enter the void of the universe, they need the ball to help them breathe and survive, and control weapons to drive starships."

"This is the subordinate race of the crystal star formation spirit supreme body, just like the blue star humans and demon race are the subordinate races of this king."

"However, this is a six-legged human being, not a blue star bipedal human being. Like humans, they love to dream. There are also monsters, spirit beasts and dream worlds in their souls. Combined with humans and double cultivation, human strength can be improved to a higher level.

When they are brought into the dream world by humans, they are all slaves of humans, and they are also slaves of this king, hehehe.

A group of monsters and spirit beasts, Huaruyu, Huaduoduo's face was full of depression, especially Huaruyu, Huaduoduo, said Joe sourly.

"Is this the fate of human beings again? Human beings are the sons of heaven. Why do they have all the benefits? We also want the dream world. Lord God, please help us.",

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