The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 219 Changes In The Battlefield

Jian Yutian released his spiritual consciousness to check the environment, and found that it was blocked by a layer of strange energy.

This is a small house, with a strange narrow space. It is said that she can touch the walls when she stretches out her arms.

When you open your eyes, all you see is an endless starry sky, with green and red dots flashing like various stars.

The never-before-seen monsters and spirit beasts in the picture are like waves sweeping across thousands of miles, supported by countless ancient and rare monsters like the torrent of the same great river.

Embracing strange monster eggs one after another, it smashed the strange huge house that could not be seen by the naked eye, emitting starlight.

There was heat in her mind, her true self, a majestic and beautiful woman, had transmitted all the information and knowledge of all the pictures she saw to her.

In an instant, she knew that this was what her true self, the solemn and beautiful woman, said. Three hundred light-years away from the blue star in time and space, Taibai, the youngest disciple among all the disciples, led the "770" six-legged people to encounter the human army on the battlefield.

I also know why these human armies launched a war with the Taibai formation spirit clone.

It turned out to be the little disciple Taibai, the avatar who stayed in the space-time crystal star dojo of the main body.

Even so, it's not that the little disciple wants to fight against humans. The little disciple has already cultivated the Dream Realm God Kingdom. Many human beings are the master of the little disciple, and he will not openly provoke the master.

It's the little disciple's avatar array spirit, who didn't know that the real deity has become a human servant, so he couldn't get angry, so he led the team back to Blue Star to find a place.

However, restricted by the master-slave rule, although the array spirit didn't know that its main body had become a human slave, it inexplicably had the idea that it could not be an enemy of humans, so it hid in the starship and did not come out.

Only let the six-legged fleet under his command play pimp-style ship battle games with humans, making Jian Yutian dumbfounded.

Gently touching the screen in front of him, Jian Yutian already knew that this was not a small room, but a six-legged human brain wave device, and those flashing green and red dots were just emergency function buttons.

Usually in the device, rely on brain waves and eye awareness to adjust various star functions of the device.

In case of an emergency, if the device system is damaged and the brain waves and eyes cannot use the device, use both hands to select these flashing green and red function keys.

If you can’t even use the function keys that emit green light and red light, you can pry open the cushion along the position of the function keys, and you can manually open the device for emergency maintenance.

Now Jian Yutian is opening the device manually. She has just been broken into space by the deity and stuffed into the device. The six-legged human body in the original device has been replaced by the deity.

It was discovered that these six-legged talents had experienced encounters, and the mind and brain system had been necrotic and could only be opened by hand.

Quietly, a gap opened between the wrapped upper body and the head equipment, the surrounding environment came into view, and at the same time there was a female voice


"Is this the fate of human beings again? These human beings are the sons of heaven, so all the benefits belong to them. We also want the dream world. Lord God, please help us.'

In front of him was an internal passage of a starship. Two coquettish and sexy women were shaking their arms at a man with two-star strength coquettishly. It was one of the two women who was talking.

The two-star strength man who was acted like a spoiled child was exactly the mysterious senior she had seen in the ancient continent.

Is this the power of an immortal? Jian Yutian felt the terrifying sword energy in his body that could destroy the ancient continent.

Her strength has been changed to the nine-star Golden Immortal level by her own deity, who is a sage of Taiyin, so it is very natural for her to accept this extraordinary power.

Originally, I heard that the target of the mission was the Da Luo class of the galaxy, so I wanted the deity to also change it to the Da Luo class of the galaxy.

However, the deity said that it was changed to the galaxy Daluo level, and the span is too fast for fear that it will scare away the mysterious person who is suspected of chaotic walking consciousness.

In Zhishen's U373 starship channel, No. 79 observes the beautiful six-legged man whose ball head has been opened, while dealing with two female wolf monsters.

"This king raised the status of your monster clan, isn't it just to give you a chance to help you, you have more children with humans, and if your children get human blood, you will have a dream world."

Two female werewolves, one on each side, hung on No. 79 clone, laughing and laughing.

"We don't give birth to other human beings, only to you, God Lord, the six-legged people in this starship are too weak, it's not fun at all, God Lord, let's have children.

The centipede monster with a beautiful face next to it heard it and cheered: "I want it too, I want it too, my family loves having offspring the most, and my family can have hundreds of offspring at a time."

No. 79's avatar is impatient, these are some weird monsters, the female wolf demon has transformed into a form and wants to take advantage of him, which can be tolerated.

You are a terrifying monster with legs all over, and you want to take advantage of me, so you kicked the beautiful face centipede, go to hell with you.

The centipede with the beautiful face was very cooperative, flew out dozens of meters away with a yow, got up, stood up straight like a human, slapped dozens of pairs of feet, and complimented the No. Kicked so that "my heart thumps and thumps."

No. 79's clone rolled his eyes, Nima body, please give me strength, raise me to the galaxy level, I will kick these bitches to death.

You actually call yourself a monster lady, look at the monster lady of the Destiny Continent, she is a human woman, you are just a bastard monster with a human face on your face, it's a shame to always disgust me...

Let me think about it, who sent these beautiful-faced centipedes, if I don't drain her body when I go back, I will not be the king of Qinglong Mountain.

Seeing the beauty's face and the centipede's deflated face, the fairy ape and spirit beast patted its chest happily and laughed.

It's because their hosts are smart, they didn't replace their faces with the host's face, otherwise the host would be out of luck if they were remembered by the divine book like these silly centipedes.

Suddenly sharp eyes swept over them, and several laughing fairy ape spirit beasts quickly shut up, and began to clean up the battlefield in a serious manner.

The other centipede with a beautiful face, saw their companion was kicked by the god master and flew tens of meters away, so they turned their heads tacitly and pretended not to see it.

They don't know this beautiful face centipede, it's too embarrassing for them centipede clan monsters.

The beautiful woman whose brain has been torn apart by the ball, the six-legged man looked at the scene in front of her, and there was a crow flying quickly in her eyes. What's the situation, is this the avatar of the master of Tianmozi, Tianmodao.

It feels very awkward that the image of Tian Mo Dao is different from the image in the imagination.

She and another six-legged woman were arranged by the mysterious boss to come to the battlefield to look for information about the Heavenly Demon Dao. They knew that the image of the Heavenly Demon was transmitted to their minds by the mysterious boss. By the way, the Heavenly Demon just now Well, why is there no sound.

Only then did the beautiful six-legged woman realize that after her attention was attracted by a human being like the avatar of the Heavenly Demon Dao, the Heavenly Demon who had just appeared and devoured a six-legged person disappeared at some point.

She didn't know that No. 79 found out that she took the wrong egg, and the one that smashed out was a fly bomb hidden by the Omen, and someone at the scene knew the Queen of Omen.

As early as when he was laughing and playing with the two female wolf demons, he took the child soul devil baby back into the dream world.

The battlefield with the six-legged people in these 300 light years is full of star life, even if the six-legged people use their own equipment, the attack power is above five stars, and even the starship of the crystal star array is even more powerful. A galaxy-class main ship.

Zihun Moying only has the strength at the initial stage of crossing the catastrophe in the cultivation world, and weak chickens and spicy dishes are not suitable for this kind of battlefield.

The six-legged man can be swallowed because the six-legged man's mind and brain equipment is damaged, and he is just in the stage of coma.

The beautiful six-legged person didn't know this, and in the blink of an eye, she happened to see that the mind-brain device of her companion, who was performing the task with her, was being manually opened, revealing the mature and attractive figure of the companion inside. .

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