The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 227: The Heavenly World

Z1 space-time blue star three hundred light-year battlefield, the beautiful woman Jian Yutian is also calling.

"My child, my poor child."

A plump, white, eight-month-old baby boy was lying in her arms and giggling. His small fleshy hands scratched her beautiful face, shattering Jian Yutian's heart.

"My poor son, you can't always be this big, you have to grow up quickly."

"How could your cruel father keep you so old forever? What kind of method is this?"

"Now only the mother herself, the big mother can help you grow up when she comes back, my youngest son, don't become a giant baby."

This is Zhishen U373 starship, the starship has become an empty shell, Jian Yutian took No. 79 true blood avatar, the flowers are like jade flowers, and another six-legged beautiful woman is taken care of very warmly as a couple's new house .

If you want to ask where is the best place to live without being trapped by life, of course it is the best place to live in the starship.

Every day when you open your eyes, you will see the beautiful starry sky. The starships are shaking and shaking, and it is so cool to float wherever you want.

The six-legged people have all withdrawn from the battlefield long ago, and the human beings have won inexplicably, occupying all the planetary worlds within 300 light-years while cheering, and expanding to the distant starry sky more rapidly.

It's just that this speed seems fast, but it's actually as slow as a snail compared to galaxy-level civilizations.

The six-legged people have already passed through this period of slow expansion like a snail, and now they jump directly into space expansion, calculate the distance wherever they want to go, and go wherever they want to open the black hole in that direction

With this kind of power, the six-legged people no longer care about the 980 colonists of the planet. The whole world is full of their king's land. If they need any resources, they can just jump over and collect them, and just build the six-legged world into a more prosperous and prosperous world.

To reach this level, human beings have to work hard to promote the civilization of the galaxy.

Jian Yutian, who was teasing the baby, froze inexplicably, and quickly handed the baby in his arms to Huaduuo's arms next to him, turning into a long sword and standing upright in the void.

The mental fluctuations dispersed to cover the ship, and after a while, the No. 79 clone came over in a daze, and bumped straight into Jian Yutian Changjian.


The miserable cry sounded again, and the No. 79 avatar hugged its lower abdomen, squatting on the ground and yelling for an unknown number of times.

"Jian Yutian, you pervert, why are you so crazy, you hurt me to death... You hurt me to death."

The sword turned into a long sword flashed with light, and the glamorous woman showed her figure. She knelt and sat next to the No. 79 clone, and kneaded the sword wound for the No. 79 clone, sorry for the response.

"Oh, did senior hurt you again? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. This junior didn't mean it. I can't control it. As long as this junior is bullied once by your body, this junior will involuntarily bully you once. I'm sorry."

"Forgive me a lot, this junior has healed your wound."

The No. 79 avatar was extremely resentful, he was punished for what the main body enjoyed, and quickly pushed Jian Yutian down, if he couldn't do it, he had to take revenge.

The flowers are like jade flowers, and the other six-legged person can't bear to look directly and cover his eyes. This has happened countless times, since the god master was taken away by unknown existence, one year after the birth of the young god master

Mrs. Jian Yutian began to chop the clone of the God Lord with her sword.

Every day, the avatar of the God Lord will be slashed several times by Mrs. Jian Yutian's sword, and after recovering from her injuries, she will be slashed back to Mrs. Jian Yutian.

After Mrs. Jian Yutian nagged again and again, they knew what was going on.

It's Mrs. Jian Yutian's real boss, who was hurt endlessly by the God Lord's real master in an unknown time and space, and he didn't want to let Mrs. Jian Yutian take revenge.

So Mrs. Jian Yutian can't help herself, it's not easy.

After hurting the clone of the god master again, he tried his best to help the clone of the god master recover from the injury, and made a promise with his body to comfort the clone of the god master who had suffered a huge trauma.

The No. 79 avatar was extremely sad, he knew everything, but he couldn't escape the great sword of Jian Yutian, so he could only turn grief and anger into strength, and use the big sword to strike back.

By the way, Pi Pi is always eating melons and watching Hua Ruyu, a beautiful woman with six legs.

There is no way this is the starry sky of the universe, everyone is a star life, moral laws and regulations, it is just a piece of thin paper that can be easily torn.

The baby Wang Tian in Huaduuo's arms fell into a deep sleep. The name was given by the No. 79 avatar of Jian Yutian, Wang Yin's Wang Jiajian Yutian's Tian.

When Wang Tian was born, he suffered from Wang Yin's anger, a trace of chaotic will to love his son. Under the law of love, Jian Yutian couldn't put it down for Wang Tian, ​​and regarded him as his beloved.

At this time, in the sleepy dream of the fleshy Wang Tian, ​​a magnificent, beautiful and colorful world is being built, and 1,236 lovebirds and monster clans are flying in it, riding the monster wind.

There were constant rattling noises in Yaofeng, and there were 1,236 adult lovebirds making a fuss.

Lovebird quacked: "Brothers and sisters (aeaa), where did Mom and Dad go?"

Lovebird Er Quack: "You idiot, don't call me sister, we only have brothers and no sisters.

Lovebird Three Quack: "You said that Mom and Dad disappeared, what should we do in the future.

Lovebird Er Quack: "Big idiot, you are so big, why don't you ask me what to do?"

At the front of the line, a few strong and strong big brother lovebirds reclined and Yaofeng frowning.

These are a few lovebirds that have passed the breeding age, but there is not a single female in this world, only their 1,236 brothers, and the leading brother lovebird has long been irritated

Look at the big group of brothers who are young and don't know how to reproduce, and the lovebirds take the lead in collectively sighing.

The leading brother Yi Quack: "Brother Wang, we have traveled thousands of miles in this world, where should we go now?"

The elder brother named Wang Da was lying on the evil wind, facing the blue sky and answering lazily.

Quack: "Brother Wang Shi, you'd better think about this question yourself, because Gao Lu is gone.

Brother Xin Datou answered, quack: "Brother Wang, you are our big brother, you must cheer up, Mom and Dad are gone, and you will be our belief from now on, brother, come on.

Brother Lovebird King turned over and stood up, with the help of the evil wind, he stood upright, raised his head and screamed, raising his spirits.

"For Quack, we can't give up, we must find our lives and our spouses."

They didn't realize that the clouds gathered in the endless sky at this time, looming a chubby, extremely cute baby's face, the cute baby seemed to be sleeping in a dream, the sky was full of sweet smiles, and a roaring will sounded from all over the world.

"Don't quarrel, I am your elder brother, if you want to find a spouse, then go outside, there are no outsiders in the world my father left us.

The voice of will is everywhere and nowhere, it seems to appear in the wind, and it seems to appear in the will of the soul, in the sky and white clouds, and on the ground under your feet.

Following the sound of 1,236 lovebirds in front of the monster clan, a spatial crack was silently revealed within a kilometer range.

Inside is brightly lit and full of traffic, bustling and full of life.

Brother Wang quickly raised his hand to block the flying team of 1,283-six brothers, braked quickly and hovered on the road.

Looking up at the sky, the fleshy body is sleeping soundly, with an unknown and cute baby face, stuttering with excitement in his heart.

Quack: "Brother, this is our real big brother. Brothers, I smell it. The baby in the sky is our big brother. He smells like his father's blood. Let's pay our respects to big brother together."

Quack, quack, quack, quack.

One thousand two hundred and thirty-six lovebirds and monsters suddenly jumped up and down alive.

They also sensed it, sensed the strong father's blood message on the cute baby in the sky, raised their heads together and called out: "Brothers have met big brother, hello big brother

Quack: "Brother, don't sleep, tell the younger brothers where Dad is."

Quack: "Big idiot, you are already very big, children are called daddy, and we have to be called father."

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