The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 23 Qinglong Mountain Runs Away

Looking at the restored human body in front of him, Wang Yin's spirit couldn't penetrate it no matter what.

What's going on? Why can plants, trees, mud and rocks become monsters now, but his human body doesn't respond at all, and he can't even penetrate his own human soul.

Anyway, he wants to enter the consciousness of other human beings, and the ability to enter dreams can be easily entered. It doesn't make sense that he can't enter his own body.

Ding Ding: "Reminder, the main body of the host has simultaneously awakened the Dream Scripture, and now the Dream Scripture is in a state of hidden defense. The host's soul cannot return. Return condition 1: The host reaches the star life. Return condition 2: The host Hongchen Dreamfly evolves. Into the automatic track."

The long-silent Damengzhajing seems to be unable to show its existence, and Wang Yin has already abandoned it.

Finally, when Wang Yin was desperately studying his own body, he jumped out and sent a message to Wang Yin's mind.

Wang Yin is heartbroken and has been doing it for a long time. It turns out that you are the cause of this scumbag. Does he not allow him to go back to his own home? I hate hegemony.

As soon as the return condition reaches the star life, what does the star life mean? He knows that Zha Jing will not answer, because he asked it last time.

Return condition 2 Dreamfly Hongchen evolves into an automatic track, and has a new name. What is Dreamfly Hongchen? Is it his blowfly body now?

Could it be that his current body of a fly is a dream he had, and he would just return a fart for that, and just wake up from the dream, or that this is a realm, and his evolution needs to be completed in this blowfly.

After the blowfly enters the track of automatic evolution, he can let go of the blowfly body and let it go on its own, and then return to the human body, so how can it automatically evolve.

Such an analysis means that this blowfly body is his clone, his body is still human or the body is a clone, is it he who took the blowfly, or the blowfly took him, is it Zhougong Mengdie or butterfly dreaming Zhougong .

Oops, all my gods have turned to philosophy, and my brain hurts and I don't want to think about it.

Consciousness enters the Dream Soul Realm, and the blowfly's soul in the four light spots becomes more and more solid. Maybe as long as he is completely solidified, he can have an extra soul clone, and he can separate his consciousness to control the blowfly alone. Can return to the body.

A beautiful voice came from behind: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty... It's been a long time since you brought this servant to cultivate the soul, and this servant wants to practice."

Opening his eyes, the human body in the form of a female fly walked over with great poise, and immediately flapped his wings away.

"Your Majesty really wants to take you to cultivate your soul, but you're already a big demon in form, can you take me with you? Don't you feel uncomfortable if you don't attack me, Your Majesty?"

The female fly replied honestly: "No, my lord, I really feel that cultivating the soul with the king at the same time is very helpful for the evolution of the king, so I want the king to bring me to practice together."

Wang Yin was very surprised that the female fly cared about him. After the female fly transformed into a human body, her mind was filled with human emotions.

"Do you already know that the king is your son, then you are still willing to be ordered by the king."

The female fly sat down on the high-back high-end sofa on the platform, and replied calmly and gently.

"Although I claim to be the Supreme Queen, my lord, are you really a slave? Don't think that I don't understand anything. I have checked all the information of human beings after the successful transformation. We blowflies are the most humble and short-lived bugs in Blue Star. It has existed for so many years from ancient times to modern times and has never been transformed into a demon. How can we evolve when we come to you, my lord? Besides, we are the most humble and ignorant beings. Without the broken rules of human beings, you are my king at your command It's the rules."

"So no matter what kind of slaves you are, you are very grateful to the king. You are the king who gave the present to the slaves, otherwise the slaves would have been wiped out together with hundreds of millions of lowly bugs. What's more, the king has signed so many contracts with the souls of the slaves. If you don't follow the king, your slaves With whom."

Wang Yin slapped his head and was very speechless. Why do these big monsters like to call themselves slaves? This is modern and not ancient.

However, he really likes the appearance of a human after the female fly transforms into a human form, and he is very comforted by the female fly's ideological awareness. Of course, he does not feel guilty at all, because he did not ask to sign those soul contracts, but was signed by the Great Dream Slag. Da Mengzha once said that safety comes first.

The Great Dream Zhajing not only signed a spiritual contract with the female fly, but also signed contracts with the souls of all Qinglong Mountain creatures. He would not have known about it if the female fly hadn't said it once.

Now he finally understands why Da Meng Zha Jing signed so many soul contracts inexplicably when he was not paying attention. This guy definitely knows that there will be monsters everywhere in Qinglong Mountain.

While complaining about the Great Dream Slag Sutra in his heart, while enjoying the benefits brought by the Slag Sutra confidently, he beckoned the female fly to his side and devoured a mouthful of the life essence of the female fly. These innate essence fluids are actually the life essence of every life. Not once ruthless devouring hurts the root of life, life can be automatically recuperated and restored.

Of course, the origin of life of a transfigured female fly cannot satisfy him, the main reason is that he can't devour her to the point of losing her vitality at once, and with a wave of his hand, he also attracts a few witches in the form of giant pythons, plus Yangmei Caicai, Xue Bing'er Waiting for a group of human beings who are willing to stay in the cave to serve him in daily life, they can barely meet his current devouring needs.

That's right, Xue Bing'er, this Xue Qingcheng regards her as her sweetheart, she has been extremely adoring and obsessed with Wang Yin since the canyon war, and she ran to join Wang Yin in private within a few days after returning to the Xueshan Sword Sect, and when the little demon took her Wang Yin was taken aback when he was brought to the cave.

But his former scumbag thinking is that he will not refuse anyone, it's not that I promised you that Xue Qingcheng didn't do it, it's your daughter who insisted on finding me, you can't blame me.

Anyway, your Xueshan Sword Sect knows that when I am too lazy to move, even if you line up to kill me, you are too lazy to move, so I have no reason to abduct your daughter. This kind of thinking is extremely shameless. If you want to be so noble, send Xue Binger back. .

Seeing Xue Binger and Wang Yin, I thought about how many little ants were still left behind. The Snow Mountain Sword Sect paid interest, so it doesn’t make sense for you to encourage the little ants behind your back. Unhealthy tendencies cannot be encouraged.

Flying to the top of the mountain and riding on a big bluestone on the top of the mountain, he slapped the big bluestone: "Qinglong girl, get up, my king will take you out for a ride."

A beautiful woman emerged out of the big bluestone swaying, it is the avatar of Qinglong Mountain demon spirit, Wang Yin didn't want to go to the foot of the mountain to find her.

The foot of the main mountain was full of people, so she was asked to put the reshaped avatar in the big bluestone at the entrance of the mountain.

As for putting it in the cave, that's impossible, he doesn't want to be watched and rested by monsters, even if it's a goddess-level monster, besides, it's most suitable for such a monster born to be superior, to be worshiped by little monsters on the top of the mountain.

Qinglong girl, the demon spirit of Qinglong Mountain, felt Wang Yin's call. After waking up, she looked at Wang Yin with bright eyes and doubts, wondering why Wang Yin woke her up.

"Your Majesty, do you have any orders? I have already given you all the source of life prepared by the slave family. If I give you any more, the slave family will disappear."

Wang Yin rubbed the Qinglong woman's head with her paws and said: "It's not to devour your life source. The life source you gave me last time has not been digested by the king yet. I want to take you out for a while, aiming at the Tianyi Palace in the Central Plains." let's go."

The Qinglong woman giggled coquettishly: "Good king."

After the words fell, Qinglong Mountain shook violently, rose from the ground amidst a rumble, and flew slowly into the sky. At any rate, it was a big monster that could transform into a clone. Although the main body was too big to transform slowly, it was no problem to fly as a big monster flying sand and rocks. .

It’s just that the body is too big and the flying speed is very slow, but it can’t support the huge body of tens of kilometers. It takes dozens of kilometers to move a body, and she flies hundreds of kilometers quickly even if she is slow.

Countless people in Yangyun City heard the movement, looked up at the sky and stammered: "Qinglong Mountain has gone, Qinglong Mountain has gone...."

Countless big bosses behind the top consortiums who had spent money in Yangyun City and settled down in Yangyun City hurriedly ran out of their respective villas and raised their heads to look at Qinglong Mountain.

"Fuck, Fairy Qinglong has run away, Fairy Qinglong, don't run away, what shall we do if you run away?"

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