The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Two Hundred And Thirty Six Chapters Yin Do Not Be Pitted

No one knows how dragons fight, and no one knows how male and female dragons fight.

But Wang Yin knew that he was fighting against the Yin Wuchang White Dragon in his dream. Yin Wu was the ruler of the Taiyin Heaven, the highest sacred realm in the heavens and worlds.

So the two giant dragons turned upside down, fought fiercely for an unknown amount of time and space, and stared blankly at the countless creatures who dreamed of this scene.

Because Wang Yin built this dream into the consciousness of these great thousands of beings.

When passing through the great world, they can see the creatures in it, and the creatures in it can also see them, but this kind of seeing is in a dream, those creatures don't know who they are, and they will gradually forget them when they wake up.

That's right... to the beings who see them, it's just a dream, at best they say it in chat.

Brothers, have you ever seen a dragon fight? I had a dream a few days ago. I actually dreamed that two dragons were fighting against each other. One thousand feet long and five-clawed golden dragon, and one thousand feet beautiful white dragon. It’s so spectacular.

It's a pity that in the dream, I forgot who is male and female.

People who heard it said that the beautiful white dragon must be female, and the five-clawed golden dragon is male, so it is so obvious that you have to forget it.

Some souls responded that they had also dreamed about it. In the dream, the sky was full of white and turbid rain, and the two dragons rolled and entangled, and they didn't know where they came from.

After waking up, the body is as strong as an ox. Men look at sows like beauties, and women look at toads like handsome men.

Wang Yin feels that the dragon body is different from others, and she uses all her skills, and she does not care about herself because of opening Yin Wumeng.

Do not hesitate to expand the dream world and experience countless dreams, so as not to be boring and boring.

The dragon's fighting power is worthy of being number one in the heavens, so far Yin Wu has not raised his hand to surrender.

Yes, this is Wang Yin, the dream enchantment technique after entering the galaxy realm, can weave the heavens and the world, and establish the dream scene into the consciousness of all beings.

To the living beings in the dream, they are reality, and to Wang Yinyin, this is just a dream, but this dream directly reaches the consciousness of all living beings.

Yin Wu's spiritual consciousness was firmly suppressed by Wang Yin's assistant, who is equivalent to the peak of the saint, the demon and the heavenly way, so why did Wang Yin let Wang Yin create dreams.

She also has her own solution. Although she can't get rid of the control of the will of the demon and heaven, she can use the supreme spirit of the saint in the later stage to stay awake and know that this is a dream.

No matter what methods the five-clawed golden dragon uses, even if she is unable to resist, she will not be defeated and surrender, because this is a dream, and it is not real to get through it.

If this situation is not changed, the two giant dragons may fight until the heavens collapse.

But the fate of the heavens is on Wang Yin's side, and he is the spokesperson for the awakening of the supreme chaotic will.

On this day, Yinwu uttered a long dragon cry and cursed unwillingly: "Taibai rebels dare to harm me"~.

After scolding the thousand-foot white dragon, it changes into a majestic giant beauty with a height of thousands of feet. This solemn beauty is the sage of Taiyin, the human being.

Wang Yin chose the giant dragon in his second dream after the lovebirds dream, because the dragon can be big or small, not only is the blue star legendary beast, but also can be transformed into a human being by nature.

As long as it is a dragon, there are two forms, one is the body form of the dragon body, and the other is the form of changing into an adult. Many dragons socialize in the human body.

Otherwise, the body of the dragon clan is so huge, and when there are many people in the clan, they are all in the shape of a dragon body, and most of the dragon palace cannot live in it.

What's more, in the Great Thousand World, not every creature can grow as big as the dragon family. When socializing with other creatures, it is very impolite to use the dragon body to communicate with others.

The dragon body can be big or small and can transform into a human being. Yin Wu in the dream kept her dragon body for so long, which shows how unwilling she is to transform into a human being. Being human means that she is about to be conquered, and she will be opened up by scum in the dream world...she Not stupid.

It's just that her persistence was broken by the little disciple Master Taibai. She knew when she entered the dream that the outside world's disciple Master Taibai had been planted with the master-slave law, which was a huge loophole.

It's just that she has entered the dreamland, and there is still a soul whose will is not inferior to her, and there is no way for the demons and heaven to guard her.

On a cloudy day, next to the small courtyard of the vegetable garden, there is a hut where Yinwu lives. Master Taibai in ancient red clothes is guarding outside the house. After a while, a beautiful woman walks out of the house. Master Taibai is tangled and depressed, and asks in a low voice.

"How did it work?"

The beautiful woman gave him a white look: "Is it possible for the master to go out, I have integrated your master and the god master into one."

Master Taibai was even more entangled in guilt and right, and respectfully knelt down in front of the hut to repent: "Master, don't blame disciples, the god master is the master of disciple masters, if you don't help the god master cheat you, disciples will get out of their minds, you Wan An old man, this disciple can only do so not to blaspheme you with his own hands."

"Don't hate me, disciple. As the first generation of slave masters under God, you have been masters of disciples for many generations. In the future, you will not only be master of disciples, but also supreme master of disciples. I hope you will not be too angry when you wake up. "

The beautiful woman giggled coquettishly, and touched the head of Master Taibai, who was dressed in red in ancient costume: "Hey, my good Nunu, I didn't expect you to be quite filial. How do you feel now? Are you regretful and excited?"

Master Taibai took the beautiful woman's small hand, and replied respectfully with his forehead tentacles: "Master Chaoyin, how could I regret it, it is Taibai's supreme honor to be your slave."

"Let's go back quickly, otherwise the sage's anger when Master wakes up is not something we two can bear.

The beautiful woman named Chaoyin stuck out her tongue and followed Master Taibai to leave the vegetable garden courtyard.

Venerable Master Taibai, the first-generation slave master of the late God Lord of the Great Sage, she is not as high as the other party in terms of strength or master-slave rules, so she really dare not face the other party.

If it wasn't for the unfathomable chance that Taibai's avatar spirit took a fancy to and brought her to meet Master Taibai, and received Master Taibai as a little holy slave, she would be a star life with her own strength.

Leaving the small courtyard and entering the space passage, the two returned to the Taiyin Tianxia Higher God Realm, and in the Blue Star Great Thousand God Realm, a beautiful woman kowtowed respectfully to the void.

*`~God Lord Supreme Lord, your order has been completed, and Chaoyin will return to you the law of protection. "

Master Taibai in Chiyi followed suit and bowed respectfully: "I pay homage to the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Lord."

As soon as the two of them spoke, they saw a beautiful woman. There were several strands of mystery and nobility exuding from Chao Yin's body.

It turned out that the woman in the green skirt, the supreme demon of heaven, saw that the main soul Wang Yin was in a stalemate with the sage of Taiyin. In order to fear that things would change over time, she provided slave information through Wang Yin's Blue Star No. 79 avatar, found Master Taibai and gave Chao Yin There are a few strands of the law of the heavenly demon and the law of heaven.

Under the protection of the Heavenly Demon and the Law of Heaven, Chaoyin ordered Master Taibai to lead the way into the Taiyin Heaven, and artificially put all the soul and will into the dreamland Yinwu and Yinwu caught the Lord Yin of the Taiyin Heaven and merged into a sun body.

The Taiyin Heaven Sacred Realm is composed of the laws of Taiyin in the heavens, and the laws of Taiyin are composed of countless Yin sources in the God Realm.

The beautiful woman Chaoyinbu (Nuo Hao) is not a holy land, not even a galaxy being. Only under the protection of the heavenly demon and the law of heaven can she enter the holy land of Taiyin.

Even with the support of the heavenly demon and the law of heaven, she can only catch the sage of Taiyin, and enter the holy place if her soul and will are not in the holy place.

Lord Taibai was ordered by the beautiful woman Chaoyin, and he had to cooperate with leading the way no matter how unwilling he was. The master-slave rule was not something he could resist, so Yin Wu, the sage of Taiyin, was tricked and became Wang Yin's first sage Mengslave.

In Wang Yin's dream, he showed his true body of a thousand-foot human being, reluctantly discovered the change, and quickly transformed into a thousand-foot human body Wang Yin, and opened the spring of dreams when the soul and flesh resonated.

Originally, she had been staying awake by relying on the late stage will of the Great Sage, and Wang Yin did not move her at all without external interference.

A dream is a dream after all, if you know it is a dream, you will be very determined. Anyway, no matter what Wang Yin does, she will treat it as a dream.

It's a pity that after the external body was forced by Chaoyin, this dream is no longer a dream, and the body, spirit and soul are both defeated, and Yin Wu can only accept his fate.

Chaoyin Chaoyin, Yin is Yin, Yin is not touched, and it is Yin. .

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