The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 242 Congratulations From The Saints

The thing that vomits the most blood in life is when you try to accomplish something and find that it is in the wrong direction.

What should I do if I am wrong, I can only admit it by cursing and pinching my nose, or do it again, just like buying a stock, you have to buy it to know that you have bought it wrong.

Wang Yin was cursing, and after fate made a big circle for him, he found the direction of life for him again.

His goal now is not to transcend the Blue Star Heavens and Worlds, but to strive to restore his former strength.

The heavens and myriad realms are directly his body, he is so transcendent, what he needs to do is to restore his strength.

God made a big joke with him, he is not from the heavens, not from the blue star time and space, the heavens and the blue star time and space were created by him "Why don't you be so bloody.

It's not right... It's not that God is joking with him, but he is joking with himself.

Choosing to be reborn in nirvana and returning to the chaotic bloodfly inner universe is all his own arrangement, and he himself is his heaven and his destiny.

After getting all the memories sent back by Tianmo Tiandao, Wang Yin once again knew who she was, where she came from and where she was going. That’s right, it was again. This once again made life complicated and changeable.

Explained thoroughly.

He is really a human being, from a small village named Jianshan in the modern Dragon Kingdom, and Emma is also from the modern Dragon Kingdom.

However, this current 803 generation Dragon Kingdom is the modern Dragon Kingdom he was actually born in, not the modern Dragon Kingdom he created in the inner universe world.

The modern Dragon Kingdom in the Inner Universe World is a brand-new Inner Universe Heavens and Myriad Realms created by him based on the memories of the Modern Dragon Kingdom in his previous life when he became an innate bloodfly in the chaotic blood sea and was promoted to the Inner Universe Saint Realm.

I vaguely remember that it was a Jianshan village. The biggest feature is that there is a sacred tree covering the top of the mountain, which looks like a crown.

This sacred tree was not unusual at the time, but now I know that it has been cultivated to gather spiritual energy in its causal body, and it was the first aid for him to cross the heavens.

That night when the divine tree passed the catastrophe, the thunder from the sky raged and the electric light flew. He lived in the village under the sacred tree. As soon as he turned on the light, he was hit by the electric light. Clan kid.

Like many traversers, it has its own benefits, and the ability to control lightning can be upgraded by beating people.

Because he was too young and didn't know how to hide it, he was discovered by Gu, a boy from the Pan tribe, who designed him to be reincarnated in a chaotic sea of ​​blood, becoming an innate blood fly with the highest life that feeds on the blood of innate gods and demons.

Gu seized him to pass through the benefits and beat people to be able to upgrade, control the upgrade ability of thunder and lightning, rise from the ordinary giant of the pan clan against the sky, cross the world of innate gods and demons, and transcend to become the supreme ancestor of the innate (aeba) gods and demons.

He already knew the following things, that is, after becoming the world of innate gods and demons in ancient times, after the supreme ancestor of the upper boundless world, he discovered that he was reincarnated in the chaotic blood sea, became the innate blood fly in the chaotic blood sea, guarded the unbounded transcendence level, and gave him an axe , kicked him back to the chaotic sea of ​​blood.

He also sent down an oracle to the descendants of the Pan clan, led a team to the chaotic blood sea to snatch his body, and sold his body in thousands of pieces in advance.

The congenital blood fly in the chaotic blood sea is the supreme life in ancient times, and it is full of treasures, which is loved by the innate gods and beings.

The Pan Clan called the Chaotic Blood Sea the Blood Lake, because the Pan Clan were ancient giants. They were three feet tall when they were not fighting, but they could reach hundreds of millions of feet when they turned into a sky-opening giant. Therefore, in their eyes, the Chaotic Blood Sea is A huge lake of blood.

Tianmo Tiandao hides in the void of Tianmo again. She is Wang Yin's separated soul successor. In addition to breeding Tianmo's desire fly, she also protects all Wang Yin's memories.

Now it seems that Tianmo Tiandao is just like storing computer data separately on a USB flash drive. Wang Yin is the main brain. Entering the demon world to devour Wang Yin's memory.

Let’s not talk about Wang Yin’s thoughts after he retrieved his memory, but before Wang Yin retrieved his memory, Yin Wuyin, a sage of Taiyin, is a woman in a green dress because of the heavenly demon, and the woman in a green dress wants to fly the demon’s words to break through the barriers of thinking, realize the truth of the past and future in the supreme chaos, and move forward with strength. Take a big step forward.

The movement caused by reaching the peak of the Heavenly Dao Saint shocked all the supreme saints in the Holy Realm of the Nine Heavens.

In the nineteen heavens, ten places, and nineteen super supreme holy realms, all the supreme saints felt something in their hearts, and they looked in the direction of the Taiyin sky and exclaimed in surprise: "The second heavenly saint has appeared, Taiyin Tian, ​​and it is actually a Taiyin saint."

"Unexpectedly, the luck of the human race is so bright that the sun is soaring to the sky, and there is a saint of heaven among the human race."

"It's fun now. There must be a fight between two heavenly sages. The heavens are in danger."

"No, no, the fighting power of a sage of heaven and dao is not what the heavens can bear. Everyone knows about it, and everyone is finished if they break it."

"At most, secretly strive for a quick union, become the supreme will of chaos, and control the heavens."

Yaosheng, the supreme patriarch of the light clan, emits light that pierces the heavens, spreading his light and heat into the endless worlds and the light source of the cosmic starry sky.

Countless stars are lit by him, bringing life hope to all living beings in the heavens and all realms.

On the throne of Yaosheng Supreme God Realm, a blazing white light piercing the heavens and the earth shines, and the grand Dao sound of the law of the highest light brings out billowing heat waves to convey to the heavens and myriad worlds.

"Yao, congratulations to the sage of Taiyin who has made great progress and climbed to the top of the heavens."

Under the throne of the Holy Realm of the Highest God Realm in the Darkest Sky, the deep and dark space spreads like ink, so that all living beings can’t see the light. all over the heavens.

"Darkness, congratulations to the sage of Taiyin who has made a great leap forward and climbed to the top of the heavens."

Congratulations were also heard from the rest of the Holy Realm of the Supreme Nine Heavens God Realm.

"Sun Moon Heaven congratulates the sage of Taiyin, who has made another great step forward and climbed to the top of the heavens.

"In the old days, congratulations to the sage of Taiyin, he has made another step forward and reached the top of the heavens."

"Handling the heavens... Congratulations to Tai Yinyou, who ascended to the top of the heavens.

Hao land, Nether land, Wumo land, Yan land, Bone land, Shiyuan land, Immortal land, Ancestral demon land, Liutie land, and Sumeru land congratulated at the same time, thousands of laws and avenues resounded through the heavens Myriad worlds.

"Wu Land, Nether Land, Wumo Land, Yan Land, Bone Land, Shiyuan Land, Immortal Land, Ancestral Demon Land, Flowing Iron Land, Sumeru Land Congratulations to the supreme Taiyin sage who has come to the heavens and ascended to the top of all worlds. Hehehe......

Countless treasures of the Dao Law followed the congratulatory sound of the Dao, revealed from the lunar vegetable garden, and for a while the origin of the Lunar Law grew rapidly, and layers of Laws around the small village in the mountains were surrounded by layers of fog and clouds, blowing away an unknown number of miles of huge space.

The supreme law of the lunar sky opened up the world, and the space is already among the nineteen major forces of the heavens, second only to the space of the saints of the blue sky and the blue sky. At this time, as long as the saints in the supreme holy realm of the lunar sky have enough saints, they can build a country like the blue sky and the blue sky. Build a city to create a kingdom of saints in the holy realm of the highest gods.

The congratulatory voices of these great powers in the holy realm are all the voices of the supreme law of the heavens [all are the language of the highest law that can be heard and seen by the high-ranking people who have entered the Xin realm.

But for the quasi-sacred realm below the holy realm, the ruler of the galaxy, they don't understand the language at all, they only know that the law of the sky is extremely clear and cheerful, making countless quasi-sages, the galaxy's big Luo burst into joy and smile, it is a blessing from heaven .

As for the quasi-sages and all living beings at the Daluo level of the galaxy, they only know that the sky is clear and the sky is clear today, the body and mind are happy, the mind is refreshed, and the disease is eliminated and everything is going well. .

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