The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 248: Greeting The Master

What was Wang Yin doing when Lord Taibai caused disasters to his second and third senior sisters?

He is pestering Yinwu, providing saint-level innate essence liquid to improve his strength, and paying attention to the growth of No. 79 true blood avatar, Jian Yutian's child Wang Tianworld.

Zhishen U373 Starship Palace, No. 79 true blood avatar looked up to the sky and smiled long: "Jian Yutian, I have been slashed by you so many times, and finally it is my turn to slash you all the time, hahaha."

Jian Yutian's face was full of sorrow, the deity was big, and it was agreed that you would take care of the mysterious person's body, and I would take care of the mysterious person's avatar, how could you lose the chain?

It's a pity that she wants to go back and take action, but she can't resist, even though she is independent and independent, she is still yin and yin.

Yin Wu is already Wang Yin's dream slave, so she is also Wang Yin's dream slave. No. 79 is Wang Yin's true blood avatar, which represents Wang Yin's will. She can only work hard to cooperate with No. 79-avatar's revenge

I feel extremely regretful in my heart. I knew that I would hack the clone of the mysterious person No. 79 several times, and my heart would be balanced after being retaliated.

The cute baby Wang Tian murmured, turned over and continued to enter the dream, dreaming of the supreme baby ruler of the Wang Tian world, every time the baby wakes up, the Wang Tian world restarts.

The restarting process is very cruel and realistic. If there are other beings in Wuyou World, the restarting of the world will be the end of the world for other beings whose bodies, spirits and souls collapse and disappear inexplicably.

The only one who can continue to the next world is his one thousand two hundred and thirty-six brothers of the same root and the same origin, the lovebird brothers of the innate demon race.

For this reason, the thousand, two hundred and thirty-six innate lovebirds and monsters organized many blood monsters brought into the Wangtian world by them, and the human orcs formed Wangtian Big Brother's professional sleeping team and flew the main world as a high-level blood map to the world.

At first, they thought that other beings could not enter the heavenly world. Unexpectedly, once, there was a lovebird brother who really disliked the heavenly world. He was too lonely, boring and lifeless.

He tried to bring his favorite blood monsters into Wuyou, but he didn't expect to bring them in. He didn't know whether he could have brought them in, or Brother Wuyou also felt that his world was too deserted to allow them to be brought in.

Discovering the situation, the Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-Six brothers worked together to build the Wangtian World in full swing, and countless blood monsters, human and orcs entered it to multiply. As the newborn human orcs gradually grew up, the blood god and blood monster gradually became legends.

Only the patriarch of the world's top family knows that in the temple on the top of the world's roof closest to the sky, there are hundreds of priests who are doing nothing all day long.

Talk to Master Taibai, Taibai Dao Palace, the highest holy hall in the Blue Star Daqian God Realm, Master Taibai brought with him Snow Song Zhongsheng and Qingyu Zhongsheng standing on the jade platform in front of the palace overlooking the magnificent blue star Taibai Palace.

"Two senior sisters, this is our Blue Star Great Thousand God Realm. Back then, our God Realm was just an ordinary Blue Star Immortal Realm. Later, due to the depletion of Blue Star's innate origin, we had to evacuate from Blue Star Time and Space and come here, rising to become the supreme god of the Blue Star Great Thousand World. In the world, the master's opportunity is indispensable, isn't it a good comparison."

Snow Song Zhongsheng exclaimed: "Master is worthy of being the greatest legend in the heavens, who would have thought that the mundane immortal cultivator in the past is now the master of the highest Taiyin Heavenly God Realm among the heavens and myriad worlds.

As the second disciple of the Taiyin Sage, although she is not a member of the Blue Star Great Thousand World, she has learned about the legend of Master's growth many times from Taibai Junior Brother.

Junior brother Taibai is a proud disciple who has been with Master all the time when he was in the world of mortals. Even the holy name has continued to use the honor of Master Taizi, which shows how deeply Master loves Junior Brother Taibai

According to seniority, Junior Brother Taibai is a Senior Brother. Unfortunately, seniority is not judged by seniority when entering the Holy Realm, but seniority is judged by strength. Master Taibai is the weakest disciple of the Taiyin Sage.

If seniority is really judged according to seniority, when other saints of the highest gods and saints discussed Taoism with Taiyin saints in the Taiyin sky, there were those who were lower than Master Taibai in the past, and later came to the later stages of the saints. When they saw Taibai, they should respectfully call them seniors .

What is the glory of the saint's heavenly power? If all the saints agree together, the strength of those who enter the holy realm will be based on their seniority.

The three disciples of Yinwu, the sage of Taiyin in Qingyu, whose hot body is inversely proportional to the holy name of Qingyu, opened the dream world with the lingering charm still there, with a rosy face and admiring the scenery of the Blue Star Daqian God Realm, and then Master Taibai and Snow Song Zhongsheng Words said.

"So Second Senior Sister, in order to become a legendary saint like Master, did you sell me to Junior Brother?

Snow Song Zhongsheng smiled, and his cold and hard voice changed into a gentle and pleasant voice at some point, walked to Qingyu Zhongsheng, and held Qingyu Zhongsheng's hand.

"Is Junior Sister still angry? It's Senior Sister's fault to encourage Junior Sister to open the dream world without explaining the master-slave rule to Junior Sister. Senior Sister apologizes to you, but Junior Sister shouldn't mind too much."

The benefits of opening the dream world I think the younger sister has understood, the younger brother has the nature to respect the teacher, and will not bully us recklessly just because he is our slave master. "

Qingyu Zhongsheng rolled his eyes, it is true that they have already opened the dream world, and became Taibai's disciples slaves. It is better than being taken as a slave by someone with ulterior motives.

0…ask for flowers……

However, other people with ulterior motives would not have the chance to take her as a slave, Senior Sister Song Xue wanted to confuse the concept.

In the depths of time and space below the Taibai Taoist Palace, golden dragons fly and dance in groups of cranes.

The contemporary Blue Star Daqian God Emperor sits high in the temple, waiting for the many star generals below.

The masters of the eighteen galaxies Da Luo, the white jade pillars supporting the sky and the purple gold beams supporting the sea in the Blue Star Great Thousand World, did not stay in the temple honestly.

Suddenly white light flickered outside the hall and the sound of mechanical holy voices sang, and the general on duty ran into the hall flushed and knelt down and shouted.

"Report to my emperor, the holy light of the Taibai Taoist Palace is dazzling, and there is a suspicion that a saint has appeared. Congratulations to my emperor, the holy light has favored us, and the gods will prosper forever."

Sitting high above the temple, the contemporary Blue Star Daqian God Emperor listened to the copywriting priest's memorial, his expression was stunned, his eyes lit up, he got up abruptly and rushed down the throne.

"Is it my holy master Taibai who has manifested? Hurry up, hurry up... the nineteenth ringing of the Great Dao Divine Bell is to greet the Supreme Master Taibai, and come to our Blue Star Great Thousand God Realm."

Nineteen deep and heavy bells of the Great Dao sounded, and the faces of the gods and gods of the Blue Star Great Thousand God Realm were shocked, and they looked towards the direction of the supreme authority in the God Realm, the God Emperor. This was the bell of the God Emperor welcoming the Supreme Saint Master.

The holy master has not revealed his holy signs for thousands of years, and all the gods and gods knelt down to the ground in unison: "Welcome to the holy master Taibai, the holy master is not old in age, and the heavens are proud."

Snow Song Zhongsheng and Qingyu Zhongsheng saw Master Taibai deliberately creating a show off, and they couldn't help smiling. They are all saints, and Snow Song Zhongsheng refines and refines the existence of the Snow Song Great Thousand God Realm. They often see this kind of scene Yes, but Taibai is already their slave master, the two of them cooperated and complimented each other.

Snow Song Zhongsheng: "Oh, I didn't see that, junior brother is very popular in this Blue Star Great Thousand God Realm, is he still the teacher of the contemporary god emperor?"

Qingyu Zhongsheng: "If you engage in such vain things, it's no wonder that you are older than us, but your strength is the last."

Master Taibai was choked by the holy words in Qingyu, he rubbed his nose to ease the atmosphere, senior sister, do you think everyone is like you, with talent, fortune and resources against the sky, you can be made a saint after 100,000 years.

As if responding to the holy words of Qingyu, a strange and teasing voice came from the void: "This fellow Taoist is right, the little man Taibai likes to do silly things."

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