The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 250: The Way Of Life And Death

Master Taibai took back all the warriors in the holy realm, turned into a streamer and rushed towards the cloudy sky.

Snow Song Zhongsheng and Qingyu Zhongsheng looked at each other and stood still. They knew that with the help of Master Taibai, no one in the heavens and myriad worlds could bring trouble to Taiyin Tian except for the most supreme saint of the Dao of Heaven.

Lan Xing Daqian, Lan Bai, sat down on the ground and trembled with fright: "He is the highest saint of heaven, and the saint of Taiyin has become the highest saint of heaven."

"No, no, it's not the sage of heaven who has joined the supreme chaos, but the sage of heaven whose strength is equal to the will of the supreme chaos and can be replaced by refining chaos."

"Brother Taibai is so awesome, his master Taiyin Sage has also been promoted to a high heavenly saint, is Taiyin Tian trying to dominate the heavens and myriad worlds?

On a cloudy day, after Venerable Taibai destroyed the giant claws of the Corpse Saint with one blow, Mo Ji, the evil saint, used a saint-level, demon ecstasy attack on Master Taibai.

In the sound and light development of the Supreme Sound Transmission Avenue, the magic girl's voice is soft and sweet, and she transforms into the form of a bewitching, white and tender human woman who can overwhelm the heavens.

"Brother Taibai, come or not, Ji Ji will be yours from now on, come and study with me, 04, your vertical finger is digging the avenue."

Although Master Taibai commanded the Dream Realm Saint Realm team to repel the attack of the Nirvana Corpse Saint, his actual realm was only at the peak of the Little Saint.

For a moment, the magic girl's charming figure made Master Taibai dazzled and his body was on the verge of falling. The endless Taibai holy warriors, affected by the spirit of Taibai's body, danced on the spot

Make unsightly actions.

Seeing that Master Taibai was about to indulge in the temptation of demons, a soft voice came from the depths of the Taiyin sky: "Magic Princess is presumptuous."

The sound of Qingcha passed through the barriers of time and space, and fell into the ears of Ji Mietian Moji. The magic girl turned into a human woman and screamed, and was beaten back to her original form by the Dao purification law contained in Qingcha.


According to the law of sound transmission on the supreme avenue of the heavens, the enchanting white and tender human woman transformed by the magic girl, which covers the heavens, quickly collapses and dissipates, and soon reveals the dirty and corrupt body of the evil spirit. It got higher and higher, and finally made a sound of terror and despair.

"Ah...Master Yin Wu, I know I was wrong, let me go, please let me go."

It's a pity that there was no sound in the cloudy sky anymore. After drinking lightly and exuding the presumptuous sound of the magic girl, it seemed that she didn't pay attention to the effect of light drinking. No matter how hoarse the magic girl begged for mercy, there was no sound of forgiveness.

Under the action of the Supreme Heavenly Dao Saint Purifying the Dao, the demon's body was filthy and corrupted, like lard suet thrown into a hot iron pan, and the smoke was rising straight up. The yellow hair, shriveled, shriveled, and brittle was visible to the naked eye, and it was about to be completely smashed.

The roar of corpses on Ji Mie Tian Dao finally came out again, and a corpse covered in the smell of different blood appeared next to the magic princess. It was full of ten heads and ten claws, and it opened its mouth to spit out the law of doom to manifest corpse water. It was poured on the magic girl of the holy land who was about to collapse and dissipate.

That's right, whether it is a corpse saint or a magic princess, they are all holy realms, and the holy realm is not a patent of the righteous way. The demon corpse clan can also enter the holy realm when they reach their cultivation level.

Mo Ji Shu Chang groaned, and finally melted away the purification law of the heavenly sage contained in the mysterious light drink of the cloudy sky.

The stench of corpses covered the heavens with ten heads and ten claws full of different blood races. Violent and bloody eyes penetrated layers of time and space barriers, looking directly at the cloudy sky and laughing wildly.

"Mrs. Yinwu has to be forgiving and forgiving, so aggressive, do you want to provoke a war among the saints?"

Before Yin Wu, the sage of Taiyin, could respond, in the sound transmission law of the highest avenue in the heavens and myriad worlds, the voices of verbal criticism and pen criticism had already rang out.

Righteous talker: "Sacred Corpse, don't you want to be ashamed? It was you Nirvana who first spoke out to provoke, and it was your claws that attacked the Taiyin sky. Now you are shifting the responsibility to the Taiyin sky. Can not you see.

"You have to forgive others and forgive others... Pooh, are you Nil Mietian qualified to say this? It wasn't you who provoked it first. In the God Realm under the great holy realms, in all the worlds of the heavens, as long as you There are planes where your different blood races exist, do you bypass sentient beings?

Those who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic: "Don't be afraid, the sage of Taiyin, come out to kill other blood races, threaten everyone by provoking a war among the saints, whoever is afraid of whoever you provoke, we support you."

Professional black fan of the heavens: "It's just fighting, whoever said that the saints don't fight, it's because they didn't offend him."

Many real saints lying on their guns: "cough cough... this brother, you are that powerful saint, and I deeply admire you for speaking so fiercely."

"Hey, hey... tell me who said that saints don't fight, that's brother who didn't offend him, please don't represent us, we are all great powers in the holy realm, how can we fight indiscriminately.

Professional black fan of the heavens: "Heaven and man forget love, fart, forget love, you are still chatting in groups here, don't think that chatting behind closed doors, the sentient beings below can't see or hear, you can feel at ease"

"That's right, every day I shout that those who offend my heavenly beings will be punished even if they are far away, and the flesh and blood of the alien races are so rampant, why don't you punish them?"

The person who spoke out for the saints of the heavens: "This saint has misunderstood it. What we said is that even if you are far away, you will be punished. The Nirvana Heaven is too close, and it is not within the scope of being far away."

Cynical sympathizers: "The dog's head said that the saints, the supreme, the great, the heavenly and the human forgetful, are a group of people who use forgetfulness as a cover to cover up that they are not hypocrites."

Yinwu professional fan group: "Bold corpse holy book, dare to speak rudely to my wife, Yinwu, go to hell, brothers, fuck it."

"Do it to it... Let it know that our Lady Yinwu, "Not everyone can provoke."

When the sky was in full swing, the grand and beautiful figure of the sage of Taiyin finally appeared in the law of the great way of sound transmission in the heavens. This figure penetrated deep into the depths of time and space and oppressed the heavens. Look at the smell of corpses covering the sky, ten heads and ten claws are full of different blood clan corpses.

"The holy book of corpses... You have repeatedly provoked me in the cloudy sky, are you afraid of something? I hope that the jihad of the heavens is your Nirvana Heaven." Nowhere, nowhere to follow the voice of the Supreme.

"Of course they are afraid. The supreme chaotic law of anger in the heavens is activated in the territory of Taiyin. The law of anger is the deadly enemy of the law of doom. After activation, the heavens and myriad worlds will gradually recover their vitality. At that time, there will be no place for them to survive. If Being able to provoke the war of the saints and accelerate the expansion of the doomsday law of the heavens and the world will be of great benefit to them."

In the sound transmission law of the Supreme Holy Land Avenue, looming, there are thin, long and crystal-clear dazzling strips, connecting the gods, souls and insect races of all living beings in the heavens and ten thousand realms.

When Yin Wu, the sage of Taiyin, saw this figure, he solemnly shook his head: "Yin Wu has seen fellow Taoist Ming Ming."

There was another exclamation in the channel of the supreme sound transmission law of the heavens.

"It's a sage of fate, actually the most mysterious and supreme saint in the holy realm of the gods, a sage in charge of fate.

"Did something happen to my heaven? Even the most mysterious sage in charge of destiny, the supreme representative of the law of destiny, has appeared."

"Don't you know, the Blue Star Great Thousand God Realm under the cloudy sky, a place called the Destiny Continent, has activated the supreme law of chaotic vitality."

"No wonder, no wonder, so I understand why the Corpse Saint Ben took the risk and tried to provoke Tai Yintian. This is a battle for the great way, or a battle for the great way between life and death."

"No... not only the battle between life and death, but also the battle between the living and the dead in our heavens and myriad worlds.",

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