The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Two Hundred And Fifty Nine Chapters To Go Through The Back Door

Wang Yin was trapped in a small courtyard under a cloudy sky, lingering on his last breath and unable to move.

It is still white and flawless space, charming Yin Wu in hot short skirts, solemn beautiful woman and saint Yin Wu, dancing around Wang Yin.

She said with a smile, "God, do we look good?"

The incomparably gentle words under the delicate face are chilling and killing intent that penetrates deep into the bone marrow.

Wang Yin was so breathless that he couldn't even hear the sound he made.

"You wicked woman, don't waste your efforts in vain. This king's spirit and will are as firm as a rock. Even if you squeeze this king dry, you can never refine him."

The voice could also be heard in Xiao Yinwu, two fleshy bodies came lightly to Wang Yin, one was stroking his inhuman form, like a skeleton body, and wiped his cheek gently and considerately.

"How can the Lord God be so cruel, now he doesn't even call his wife, every day whore, whore, where is your love, do I just make you hate me like that?"

"Don't worry, I don't need to refine you in the future, just take you away. With my strength as a sage of the heavenly way, I can take you and I will be stationed in your chaotic soul consciousness aperture, and take charge of the heavens and worlds on your behalf."

Walking outside the "seven thirty-seven" face the world of innate gods and demons. "

"I will love and protect your supreme chaotic body from now on. You are the father of so many children of mine, hahaha."

Thin and humanoid Wang Yin, weakly rolling his eyes, what is he called, himself and the cancer cells in his body, after multiplying new cancer cells, will he still be taken away by plague cells?

He has completely integrated the supreme body, the memory of the primordial bloodfly of chaos, and knows that he is not Wang Yin of the heavens and worlds. All the heavens and all realms.

Because he has reached the Poyu Realm, the inner universe is so vast and mature that the heavens and myriad realms are so prosperous and boundless.

"Seizing this king is a dream, as long as this king's soul is still alive, you will never succeed. It's almost as good as this king seizing you."

"It doesn't matter if you refine this king and all the clones outside, so what if you refine my human body, I still have a demon body, you will never find where it is, hehehe.

If you want Wang Yin to be a zombie fly, you really want to eat farts. It is bad enough for him to come to the world of innate gods and demons.

The god-and-devil boy of the Pan clan didn't do it well, but was forced to be born again by the master of the Pan clan kid, Gu, and became the ancestor bloodfly in the sea of ​​blood.

It sounds good to be the ancestor blood fly, but it sounds bad to be a fly that feeds on the sea of ​​blood.

It's fine to be a fly, but in the end, even being a fly is unlucky. After repairing to Poyu, he was hacked to death by the old fellow of the Pan clan, Gu, with an axe.

After death, try hard to survive, die in the heavens of your own inner universe, Nirvana, rebuild and restore your strength, won't it work?

He who has recovered the memory of the ancestor Bloodfly, not to mention Nirvana rebirth, is rebirth in his own body called rebirth, or re-cultivation better.

If he gets to this point, is extremely careful, and still gets caught in the shadows, he will soon turn into a zombie fly, and he won't even be allowed to be a normal fly. What a nonsense.

Yinwu represents the will to walk against chaos, and the duck is still dead with a stiff mouth and has no choice but to do so.

She is of a different blood race, and she can only rely on seizing the body, and the way to seize the body is to do everything possible to squeeze out the source of the god master, make him weak in body and spirit, and take the opportunity to occupy his spiritual acupoints.

The current situation is that she has exhausted Wang Yin's essence and blood, but she can't let Wang Yin's body and spirit collapse.

If other supreme saints had already slapped Wang Yin to death, they would directly devour Wang Yin's soul memory, and obtaining Wang Yin's soul memory "is equivalent to obtaining and becoming Che Gao's secret key of chaos.

But Yin Wu can't operate like this. As a foreign blood race, she can only rely on Duoshe. Even if she is a sage of heaven, she is just a sage of heaven and a zombie of different blood.

The alien blood zombie is a dead thing, unable to swallow Wang Yin's spiritual memory.

The dream world can be opened by Wang Yin, one is that her zombie is a human being...can dream, and the other is that she has cultivated Qi from her dead energy, which is a super-advanced zombie dead thing, but a super-high-level dead thing is still a dead thing, she lost it long ago Spiritual rights of the living.

Even the law of Taiyin, the law that nourishes her corpse energy the most, can only be practiced if she has fully cultivated her dead energy, otherwise she would not be able to practice the law of Taiyin.

Putting away his gentle expression, Yin Wu's eyes were ferocious and tyrannical, and he said viciously: "Boy, think carefully, your patience is limited in the future, if you don't cooperate, you will be swallowed up.

"This empress is already a sage of heaven, at worst, spend a little time to pollute all your heavens and myriad worlds, and you can still control your chaotic body."


The ferocious Yinwu roared, turned around and disappeared into the white and flawless space.

Wang Yin watched Yin Wu leave, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, this woman couldn't hold her breath anymore, if he hadn't made a plan before the death of the supreme body, and arranged the second demon body into the universe, now he is really Get caught.

Fucking fate is like this, he fell into the cliff cave of Qinglong Mountain, cultivated into the demon body of a red dust dreamfly, and later cultivated into a second physical body of a bloodfly, found a woman in a green skirt in the demon world, gave birth to a demon fly, and reincarnated as an adult in his inner world , Step by step life encounters are all arranged by him when he is conscious.

The queen mother, the demon and the heavenly dao green skirt girl are all split from him to give birth to the limbs and soul. It is not a coincidence that the fly fell in the cave and hit him. It was a fate he arranged early. what to use.

I can't help thinking of a sentence with emotion, my fate is up to me, and it really is up to him, he is his own destiny.

Now he is trapped in the cloudy sky. According to what Yinwu said, all his avatars in the heavens and myriad worlds have been polluted by Yinwu's minions, and what's more, Yinwu's avatars are all polluted. Jie is surnamed Yin.

But Yin Wu has no idea, he has a demon body, and has escaped from the heavens and worlds long ago.

The non-universe where the demon body goes is not just as simple as the ordinary universe. Z2 space-time blue star father, who took all the demon countries, human beings and demon bodies to go, is called the life of the planet without the universe.


It is the upper bound of the world of innate gods and demons outside... Unbounded another subordinate super thousand world.

Why is it called a super universe, because the area of ​​a living planet in it is equal to one world in other great universes, and there are so many living planets in the universe, it is hard to count the number of Ganges sands.

To say that the super great world is modest, it is almost an independent universe.

Back then when his ancestor Bloodfly's body reached Poyu and transcended boundlessness, he was indeed killed by the master of the Pan tribe, the old bastard Gu, with an axe, but even if Gu could kill him... it doesn't mean that he didn't transcend, his strength is perfect Poyuchao escaped the border.

What is detachment, it is the supreme existence beyond the heavens, not to mention the world of innate gods and demons, which is higher than the ordinary heavens and worlds.

Gu can kill him with a single axe, because Gu is more detached than him, but to the world of innate gods and demons, and ordinary heavens and myriad realms, he is also the supreme and detached existence.

Therefore, on the day of the exit of Transcending Unbounded, he was killed by Gu Qi, and at the same time, he also got a lot of unbounded information, including the information of planetary life and no universe, which is equal to the world of innate gods and demons.

Otherwise, it would be so easy for ordinary planets in the heavens and myriad worlds to become life and appear wisdom.

It is that there is no planet in the universe, and it is born to be a planet of gods and demons, which is equivalent to the life of innate gods and demons in the world of innate gods and demons.

So he was hacked to death by Gu Yi's axe, and in the process of falling into the chaotic sea of ​​blood in the world of innate gods and demons, he tried his best to dig out a trace of the unbounded origin.

This thread of unbounded origin contains the life information of the planet. Later, he injected this thread of origin information into the inner universe heavens and Z2 space-time blue star father he constructed.

All the living beings in Lan Xing's father were able to happily become a demon with his father under the activation of the life of the demon body.

This is also the reason for Dad, who became a planetary life as soon as he woke up, and he can immediately knock on the door of the non-universe on 4.1, and enter the non-universe of the planetary life paradise.

The main thing my father got was standing on the body of the innate gods and demons, the supreme and unbounded original breath, and my father's planetary life consciousness, which is more advanced than many planets in the infinite universe.

Wu Universe is a universe of all kinds of Tianjiao planets. Sensing Z2 space-time blue star father knocking on the door, Wu Universe Tiandao is naturally very welcome. Immediately opens the passage leading to Wang Yin's ancestor blood fly and the inner universe, and connects father and all living beings on him. past.

These sentient beings do not refer to monsters and humans, but to all the mud, rocks and earthworks on Dad's body.

It doesn't matter if they are contaminated with the origin of unbounded planets, even if they are tiny, there are planets in the microscopic world.

Wang Yin can enter the non-universe from the dream world, and is also the back door left by the supreme ancestor Bloodfly on Blue Star's father.

The entire Blue Star father, and all the living beings on his body, are all the creatures of the bloodfly inner universe, the ancestor of his supreme body, and he is the creator god of these creatures.

As long as Dad can enter the universe, the living beings in Dad are Wang Yin's back door.

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