The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 266: The Giant Daughter Of The Pan Clan

Wang Yin's ancestor bloodfly above, the separated soul and will were tangled in doubt, and the people in Fangzhong County below exclaimed louder and louder.

"I saw it too. That scary fly is blood red all over its body, it's scary, and its thighs are so thick."

"What's so scary about it? Don't you think the ocean is even scarier? It's the first time I've seen the ocean of blood."

"Yes...I also think the sea of ​​blood is scary, and the bloody waves created by walking with those giants are more terrifying than the end of the world.'

"How do you know it's more terrifying than the end of the world? Have you ever seen the end of the world?"

All kinds of mobile phone cameras and cameras, the monitoring is unified to the sky, and everything you see is quickly posted on the Internet, instantly causing global frying pan.

"There is news of gods and demons in Fangzhong County, have you seen it?"

"I saw it, I saw it, such a big event has already frightened netizens all over the world."

"It's not the news of gods and demons appearing in Fangzhong County, it's the images of gods and demons appearing in the sky above Fangzhong County, the scene is wonderful and very realistic.

"What is very realistic, it is directly true, and the momentum can overwhelm people."

"Yes, gods and demons are here, and the world is about to change drastically."

The false master's soul consciousness aperture controls the platform, and Yin Wu pulls Wang Yin's hand, turning it into a halo of consciousness, carefully touching and feeling to control the heavens and worlds, and the world of innate gods and demons outside, and the body of the ancestor bloodfly in the chaotic blood sea.

At this time, they feel that they are not only the heavens and worlds in the inner universe, but also the ancestor blood flies in the chaotic blood sea.

Yin Wu: "Isn't the console you forged is the neural network in our modern society and medicine? y

Wang Yin: "No, you are not a human being, you are a zombie. A zombie knows no, I am a human being."

Wang Yin: "The body of chaos is originally a great life, and it is normal for the main soul consciousness to resemble nerve veins.

Yin Wu: "Hehe my lord, you are still worrying about my identity as a different blood race. My dear, you are already a half-corpse, and you can't go back no matter how much you care about it. You should study your false sense orifice control platform. This platform can really control the supreme chaos. Body?"

Wang Yin: "I don't know either, generally speaking, it's fine."

Yin Wu: "That's not normal, there is a problem."

Wang Yin: "Yes, if there is an accident, it will naturally be a problem.

Yin Wu: "You man, you can't even control your own body, so it's not reliable at all`". "

Wang Yin: "The bitch dares to say this about me, it's all because of you...Look at the sword, if you don't get rid of you, I won't be able to leave, my word for king is written backwards."

In the chaotic sea of ​​blood outside the world of innate gods and demons, the Pan clan dragged the ancestor blood fly away quickly. One thigh of the blood fly had been cut off, and was carried by two Pan clan giants, and it was almost gone without a shadow.

As if the three souls and seven souls returned to their original positions, Wang Yin felt that he had entered an incomparably huge body, which was indescribably huge and contained endless space and time.

Then these spaces and times shrunk rapidly, and his spirit and will expanded infinitely without bounds.

The blood-red light suddenly entered the eyes, turned the pupils and opened the eyes to see, already in the middle of the chaotic blood sea in the world of innate gods and demons, the ancestor blood fly Wang Yin woke up.

Is this his rebirth and rebirth of the chaotic body? He is the first to reach the physical body of breaking the universe and transcending the realm.

Feeling the discomfort of having her thigh chopped off, Wang Yin shook her legs and raised her head, screaming, but what she emitted was humming and hissing.

I still don't have the habit of being a fly. I am used to opening my mouth to talk in a daze, screaming in depression, and so on. Using these movements with flies, I have to simulate the appearance of my mouth to cooperate.

A group of Pan clan giants, ugly volcanoes and fat fat deer stared blankly, and they were dripping with cold sweat. Just now they seemed to feel that the bloodfly, the ancestor of the ancestors, moved, and they didn't dare to match it.

The coercion of the bloodfly, the ancestor of the universe-shattering realm, came from around them, and it seemed to hit them hard like a mountain, oppressing them so that they could not move.

A giantess with a graceful figure and a height of ten feet, was even more scared to pee by this momentum. No wonder some people in Fangzhong County shouted "Longtan Tiger's Den".

When these giants of the Pan clan entered the consciousness orifice of the supreme chaotic master soul with Wang Yin carrying Yin Wu, the flow rate of the inner universe and the outer world immediately returned to normal.

During Wang Yin's intrusion into the main soul consciousness aperture and imitation of the fake consciousness aperture to control the platform, a group of pan clan giants pulled the body of his ancestor blood fly, left the core area of ​​the chaotic blood sea, and reached the periphery of the blood sea, regaining his height The body of a terrifying giant.

The body of the ancestor bloodfly is even bigger, almost one hundred thousand feet in size. It lives in the sea of ​​blood and breaks the universe, but it can be infinitely large or infinitely small.

The fierce face of the ugly giant volcano is trembling with the face of the fat giant fat deer.

"Don't...don't talk, I seem to hear that the bloodfly ancestor has woken up."

"Brother Volcano seems to be awake, I saw him kicking his legs."

"Then run, run, it wakes up and we will die if we don't run.

"Brother, you are stupid, we are suppressed by its momentum, we can't run."

There was a delicate and thunderous sound next to it, but it was one of the three female giants among the giants of the Pan clan, who took advantage of the situation to insert words.

"This is the bloodfly, the ancestor of the ancestors. I heard that it still exists beyond the boundary of the universe. After waking up, us Pan clans, it is worse than insects in its eyes."

"If you touch us, we will die. Everyone, please wait quietly for death."

The ugly giant turned his eyes and looked at the interjecting giantess. His hot figure made his eyes shine, and swallowed his saliva to close his eyes. This giantess is a woman his brother fancy, and he dare not blaspheme at will.

"Peony... If you die, we don't want to die. If you don't believe it dares to kill us, we are the descendants of the ancient ancestors."

As soon as he finished speaking, a sharp black fly leg pierced through the chest of the ugly giant volcano, firmly pinning him in the sea.

On the fly's legs, there are different sizes of bloody mouths, which are terrifying and abnormal. With a few mouthfuls, the ugly giant's whole body is sucked clean.

The ugly giant Huo Huo looked incredulously through his chest, devouring his essence, blood, and soul. He grunted twice in his throat, and only had time to let out a half-cry, before his body fell into the sea of ​​blood, and his soul was scattered.

He is only a third-level galaxy god and demon life, how can he stop the old ancestor who broke the universe and transcended the great freedom from sucking.

In the countless parallel time and space in the world of innate gods and demons, his countless parallel souls were also sucked by the bloody mouth of the ancestor's blood fly, and they were all sucked into the time and space of the main body, devoured and never reborn.

Even if Wang Yin's ancestor bloodfly body was awakened after death, it was not something these Pan clan boys could resist.

If it wasn't for his nirvana and re-cultivation, all the soul and will would have invaded the inner heavens, and the Pan Clan kid wouldn't even be able to get close to it, let alone cut off his thigh.

Fat Giant Fat Deer's face was livid, watching the ugly giant being swallowed up by blood flies in front of his eyes, and a sharp claw piercing his chest, he was unwilling to curse before his death

*`~ Volcanic pig teammates pit me too, didn’t you say that the blood flies, the ancestors of the ancestors, dare not kill us. "

It's a pity that Giant Volcano (Zhao's) can no longer answer.

Wang Yin felt that he was controlling the body of the ancestor bloodfly, and he was very satisfied. Although there was an accident in the restoration of Nirvana, which caused him to become a half-corpse now, but with the assistance of the first generation of blood saint queen, the strength of the chaos body did not drop much after waking up. .

These pan clan garbage, oppressed by his aura, could not move, so he could only let him devour them one by one.

The ancestor bloodfly originally had no mouthparts, only suckers, but after evolving to star life, it was too easy to turn the suckers into terrifying mouthparts.

Swallowed up a group of Pan clan giants, leaving only two of the three female giants.

One is to be frightened by his aura, the graceful giantess, but he is a clean fly, and he will never devour the soul with urine, MSG, blood [but it has nothing to do with the beautiful figure of the hostess.

The other is the giantess Peony, whose face was so frightened that her face turned pale with fright, the woman that the ugly giant's great brother likes.

Well, Wang Yin admits that he is a good-looking dog, and he left behind two giantesses, all of whom are hot, graceful and extremely beautiful. Sure enough, beauties are popular everywhere. .

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