The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 268 Her Smell

The potential guardian soul replied: "That's right, you have lost your purity, and you are not qualified to live in the main soul's consciousness orifice, so we naturally have to choose a pure main soul that can replace you.

You just lost your purity, your whole family lost their purity, Wang Yin was speechless, couldn’t speak, don’t speak, he was like a woman in this king, and he wouldn’t think it was a loss of chastity.

Hehe sneered and looked at the two-star congenital bloodfly in the first opening of the world, his eyes were cold, and he shrunk his neck when he saw the two-star innate bloodfly, hid behind the sub-soul of the latent guardian and waved his paws.

"Master main soul, don't look at me, I was also brought by it, you are looking for trouble ~ please find it.

Wang Yin rolled his eyes, this part of the soul has his taste, is it really his part of the soul, so even if it takes over the position of the main soul and absorbs the memory of the human body in his inner space, it is not unacceptable.

Besides, after absorbing his human memory, it is not certain who is in charge of the soul consciousness.

His human soul consciousness has been nourished by Yin Wu, a sage of heaven, so there is no reason why he can't suppress other souls.

The main consciousness after the sub-soul absorbs him is likely to be his own consciousness, and he looks at Erxing Xiantian Bloodfly Dao with great interest.

"So this two-star split soul is the split card that this king once recovered and refined during the chaotic seven-star period.

The sub-soul of the potential guard smiled mysteriously, and the simulated smile on the fly's face looked awkward.

"No, this is when the seven-star strength of our chaotic body, the main soul, you recovered the innate blood flies, each parallel time and space, the one left behind has the greatest potential. The original blood flies paralleled the souls, not our own souls."

The two-star congenital blood fly has question marks all over its head, what do you mean, why didn't it understand, the original blood fly is parallel to split souls, it's not us split souls or something, aren't we just us, why restore some congenital blood flies.

Wang Yin's eyes widened, and he coughed: "Ahem, tell me, this is the original one, parallel speed."

The two-star congenital bloodfly did not understand, because the two-star congenital bloodfly thought that this main soul was the purely parallel main soul of the congenital bloodfly in their chaotic blood sea. They did not expect that this main soul was the main soul that was taken away by a human being and reborn .

But Wang Yin understood, the meaning of submerged soul division, is this two-star blood fly, which was when he was the chaotic body, the ancestor blood fly's seven-star realm, and recovered the parallel time and space division souls of the innate blood fly.

Because of inexperience, one of the original bloodfly parallel souls was left behind.

That is to say, this two-star congenital blood fly has nothing to do with his soul consciousness at all. It's not that he recovered and refined it, and the chaotic body splits its soul in parallel, but when he didn't seize the body, "the real original blood fly parallel splits its soul.

The potential guard sub-soul smiled coldly: "That's right, it's the sub-soul you thought, we are one after all, it's up to you to find it and bring it to you.

The two-star innate bloodfly's intuition feels wrong, how to divide the soul guard, and the content of the dialogue with this supreme chaotic main soul makes it inexplicably terrified, and he is annoyed at the potential guard's soul division.

"Soul Separation Guard, do you have something to hide from me? Forget about this main soul competition and I will choose to quit."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left. If he stayed in this place for a second longer, he would feel that his life was a little more threatened.

Wang Yin laughed loudly: "It's too late to go now, return all your soul memory to the main soul, hehehe."

While laughing, the mouth quickly opened wide, turning into a black hole of destruction, turned around and prepared to run away, and swallowed the soul of the two-star innate blood fly into his stomach.

With the will of the main soul wiped out, the heaven and earth first opened the two-star congenital bloodfly to separate the soul, and all the knowledge and memory were fully integrated into the will of the main soul.

Followed by the sub-hunting sub-souls who came to the space of the main soul, the two-star congenital sub-souls at the beginning of heaven and earth opened up time and space, and before they could utter a scream, they were swallowed up and refined by Wang Yin's human body and the will of the main soul.

There was only a voice of unwilling cursing in the leftover consciousness of the refined two-star innate blood fly and soul.

"Okay, it turns out that you are a human being, and you were reborn to take away my main soul's will, so don't be too happy, sooner or later, my main soul's blood fly will will return as king.

Taking back an innate bloodfly parallel soul, Wang Yin was satisfied and praised the potential protection soul.

"Not bad, not bad, as expected of the main soul guards that this king deployed at the beginning, the consciousness has improved."

"When I return to the main soul consciousness aperture, I will definitely elevate your status to be equal to the heavens, demons and heavens in the inner universe, so that the overlord can divide the soul.

Unmoved by the ghost guard, he looked at Wang Yin coldly.

"Master soul, you are already a half-corpse, and you are about to lose your qualification to rule us, so you should pay more attention to how to get rid of and pollute your abnormal blood.

"I brought this world's first opening, two-star strength congenital blood fly soul, to the main soul will space, not purely for you [we are all human beings in Jianshan Village, reborn without blood fly soul soul."

"Keep the original bloodfly soul, and sooner or later it will threaten everyone."

Yin Wu took the guard of the sub-soul guard from the sky, and asked angrily in his hands: "What do you mean that this sub-soul always encourages the god master to drive away the strange blood of this empress? Is this empress so disliked by you?"

The sub-soul of the potential guard calmly said to Yin Wu: "Is this guard wrong? You are a heretic with different blood, and you actually want to rely on the main soul to become a normal person. Go ahead and dream."

With a bang, the green fly shattered in Yin Wu's palm without any effort, and continued to turn into light spots and fly out of the sky.

"If you want to catch this guard, you're a bit too young, a blood heretic."

0...asking for flowers...

"This incident of the will of the main soul is just to remind you. After all, we are reborn and seized the innate blood flies and evolved to break the universe, not Jianshan Village.

"If it appears among the hidden guards, the original body's innate blood fly consciousness will wake up our human original body soul in Jianshan Village, go to the world of gods and demons first, all parallel time and space avatar souls, and the Tai family will all be finished."

Yin Wu escaped from the palm of the green fly and stomped her feet angrily. She is the supreme sage of the inner universe, and she never thought that she could not even catch the master of chaos and the guard of the subconscious soul.

"You soul-dividing guards are very powerful, and you don't pay attention to me."

Wang Yin looked at her a few times: "Do you know who you are? In layman's terms, you are the dead body cells in my chaotic ontology, and the hidden guards are healthy cells, or the healthiest recovery cells.


"Seeing that you don't kill you, it means that your strength has grown, and they have nothing to do with you.

"But it's impossible for you to catch them. You can catch them all, which means that my supreme chaotic body is already terminally ill and hopelessly ill."

The same is true when Yin Wu thinks about it, and begins to get carried away, stretching out her hand to pinch the soft flesh on Wang Yin's body.

"That's not to look at who the empress is, sooner or later, your chaotic body is all empress.

Wang Yin was pinched so hard that he gritted his teeth and gasped. He was a human being from the heavens in the universe, and his comprehensive strength was far behind. Yin Wu pinched his soft flesh. That was what really made him feel that when he was still an ordinary person, he was It feels like pinching the soft flesh.

Quickly dodge Yin Wuyu's claws, talk about him from left to right, and ask a question that he is very concerned about.

"My lord, the devil and the heavenly dao, want to fly, when will you let her out?"

"She represents part of the desire of the supreme chaos. Without her, we control the primordial bloodfly chaos body, and some aspects of flexibility are very lacking.

Yin Wu stopped his movements and waved his hands to capture Wang Yin in front of his eyes. His watery eyes were wide open, and he focused on observing the expression on Wang Yin's face.

"God Lord, do you really want to release her later to help us control the chaotic body, or do you want to release her later to help you get rid of the will of this empress."

"Or do you want to relive her taste after getting tired of this book?"

Wang Yin touched his chest to calm his mind, knowing that he couldn't explain the truth to women, and they would bring out inexplicable doubts about anything that came to their mouths.

"You don't want to let her go, anyway, if you wipe her out, this king will just give up the inner universe and the human body.

"At worst, I will lose this, the primordial bloodfly's chaotic body, and this king still has a demon body, what do I want to do?",

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