The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 309: Giant Beast Kunpeng

As Wang Yin reminisces, the main soul of Neiyu shares the memory, whale little bit by bit.

While circling around him, Yingying called out to the big killer whale and said.

"Speak human words to change your appearance, or this king will leave immediately."

Jing Xiaoxiao shivered in fright, and quickly transformed into a girl with red lips and bright teeth.

Under the black and white short skirt suit, Wang Yin couldn't move his eyes from his undulating white body.

Turning quickly in a circle on the spot, Jing Xiaoxiao said triumphantly.

"Brother Wang, do I look good now? Does it conform to your aesthetics?

Wang Yin looked at this curiously, and gave birth to many children and looked like a girlish monster.

"Didn't you call me Brother Wang Ying? Why did you become Big Brother Wang?"

Jing Xiaoxiao pursed her mouth: "You are now the Lord Demon King, calling you brother Wang Ying will be praised by grandpa."

Taking Whale Xiaoxiao with him, Wang Yin turned around and went back to the space-time channel of Jianshan Village.

While walking, he said seriously: "You come to find me, but I'm not the one you met back then, brother Wang Ying.

"I'm just your elder brother Wang Ying, the original human being in this time and space."

Jing Xiaoxiao happily leaned forward, hugged Wang Yin's arm and shook it, and replied crisply.

"I know, I am also an eight-star life now, and I have already experienced the parallel soul division."

"Whether it's Brother Wang Fly or you, Big Brother Wang, you are the same brother I met.

"Grandpa said that I must follow you, otherwise I can't go back to the Jingkun clan."

Wang Yin couldn't laugh or cry: "In this case, why did your grandfather let you have a baby." 04

"I know that after I left, you gave birth to many children."

Jing Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Yin in disbelief, and asked back very strangely.

"Is it wrong for Xiaoxiao to have children? Xiaoxiao is a thousand years old. It is normal to have children."

Ouch, Wang Yin touched his chest and felt very congested. With these monster races, he really can't use the human's view of emotions.

The monsters follow the law of evolution of nature, they want to follow you, but they will not defend themselves like jade for you.

If you are not around during the reproduction period, whoever is the strongest suitor around you will reproduce with him.

Therefore, those people who fall in love with demons in the legend have green laws all over their heads.

Jianshan No. 1, he doesn't want this big and small Ruyijue, is it possible?

Back to Jianshan Village, come to Wang Yin's yard to drink spirit fruit and melon juice.

Immediately, he smelled the demonic aura on Jing Xiaoxiao's body, and quickly shrank his head and flew away to play.

Whale Xiaoxiao looked curiously at the various facilities in Wang Yin's courtyard, and practiced shouting together with the Godfly team in the distance.

Unexpectedly, he jumped in front of Wang Yin and said: "Brother Dawang, I have already transformed into a human being, when did you favor me, the grandfather said what the God Lord said, and I still have the mission to teach you.

Wang Yin staggered and was almost tripped by these words, and quickly jumped into the room to face the little master of the whale.

"Go and play on your own first, let me, Brother Wang, think about this matter first."

Seeing that Wang Yin was scared away, Jing Xiaoxiao murmured to find him, and just flew away twenty feet away to play with the godfly.

"Brother Wang Fly is still the same, he used to be small and timid now."

Hearing her muttering, Wang Yin almost had a brain congestion, and ran out to let her know what a man is.

Looking through the memory, I saw that Ai said he was young, and now he still says he is young.

Whale little man can say small, you albino this pair of pure skin.

Don't think it's great to have a small name and become Kunpeng.

But this guy is really big, if she doesn't shrink her body, it will be very difficult to get her as big as she wants.

Do you want to get the size Ruyi Jue while she is now transforming into a human and shrinking the height of a normal human.

Still not good, Wang Yin, a dignified man from the Dragon Kingdom, how could he have such bad thoughts towards strange girls.

Although this girl is the big monster Kunpeng, but the transformed human form is a little girl.

I still gave birth to many children, little girls, and the more I think about it, the more awkward it is.

Lie down on the bed for a while, refining the Jianshan Village Godfly team, which he devoured these days, let's talk about the energy of the hell machine soul.

Jianshan No. 1 posed this difficult problem, which made him admire himself after time travel.

The bloodfly, the ancestor of the rebirth, is almost a match for all races, and the phagocytosis evolution technique of the fly clan is directly a must-have technique for scumbags.

He is such an honest man, he was reborn as the ancestor bloodfly, he was devoured by the ancestor bloodfly evolution technique, and assimilated into the son-in-law of the dual cultivation of all races, you are not very powerful.

The twenty-foot Godfly saw Whale Xiaoxiao approaching, jumped twice in fright, and quickly got into the Lanxing space-time channel.

Jing Xiaoxiao's face was red and angry, and he chased after the Godfly fluctuating along the passage.

Hey, you little demon without form, if Princess Jingkun doesn't take the initiative to meet her, you dare to run away.

This princess caught you and pulled out your wings.

Huh, that's not right, the princess is now a princess, okay? Grandpa conferred the title of Princess Kunpeng.

Outer universe blue star ZO time and space, the moon star orbits outside the blue star.

A team of godflies from Jianshan Village secretly hunted and killed the edge hell machine soul.

There are too many hell machine souls, so many that they dare not make a sound.

Otherwise, they will pile up on the body like locusts, and they will suffocate them to death.

Chen Hu'er, the grandson of the old village head, swallowed saliva all the time. With the help of God Fly's voice transmission, he asked many why.

Chen Hu'er: "Is this the Hell Machine Soul? It's so scary, how many of them are here is too spectacular.

Other villagers: "Hehe, ten trillion yuan, don't you know, spectacular fart, when they kill the blue star, you will know how cruel they are."

"How did ten trillion yuan come out? It doesn't sound like much. Many international companies have capitals of trillions."

"It's not too much, you're showing off your brain, this is a monster, you used funds to convince you."

"Let me tell you, their average length and weight are at least a hundred times that of our ordinary people."

"Ten trillion ordinary people stand on blue stars, including the ocean area can be filled with more than 20 blue stars.

"A hundred times the size of twenty blue stars, that's more than two thousand blue stars.

"That is to say, if these ten trillion hell machine souls stand on the blue stars in a row, they can fill up more than two thousand blue stars."

"You don't say much, I think you are pampered at home."

Fan Bin's voice sounded: "Forget it, what are you talking about, brother Xiaohu only joined our team, and he doesn't understand anything about this, so don't laugh at him,"

"Yes, don't laugh at Xiaohu. When we first saw Godfly and Hell Machine Soul, we were not as stupid as Xiaohu."

"The godfly vision mainly used by the little tiger. The godfly is the supreme god's master and messenger. The visual dimension is different from that of us humans. It is normal to see that ten trillion is not much."

"It's strange that these hell machine souls are going to surround the Shenwu eggshell, why don't they surround it and only drill one place now.

"You think they are stupid, Shenwu eggshells enclose the blue star, the moon and the stars together, and the moon and stars orbit the blue star inside.

"Ten trillion hell machine souls sounds like a lot, but if you want to completely surround the blue star moon and cover the orbit of the moon star, it will be very laborious, okay?"

"So they simply concentrate on one side and focus on one point to attack, as long as they open the Shenwu eggshell.

"It has been opened a little bit, and it was repaired by the God Lord in time. At least hundreds of hell machine souls slipped in. 337"

"Hundreds of them are not too many to solve, just for General Ye Wen and Xu Jianfeng's official space-time fly team to practice."

"It depends on whether there is a second-level or third-level in it. If there is a fourth-level, they can't handle it at all. 17

"Hehe, we can't handle the fourth level, we need the team leader to do it."

"The ones that don't are estimated to be all at the first level. There are seven trillion soldiers at the first level. If there are only a hundred or so, the probability of encountering second-level soldiers is very small, and the probability of meeting third-level and fourth-level soldiers is even lower.

Suddenly, the vibration of time and space next to him broke the opening, and the old village head flew out with a 20-foot-long godfly, followed by a yelling girl.

Chen Hu'er saw the twenty elders and cheered: "It's my grandfather's Lord Fly, why is Master Fly hiding from that girl? Is that girl from our village? She's so pretty.

Fan Bin quickly covered his mouth, carefully looked at the girl who passed through the space-time channel and came to the universe starry sky.

Those who face the pressure of time and space with their physical bodies are not simple characters.

"Don't talk nonsense, we all have to rely on Lord Godfly's protection to pass through the space-time tunnel."

"This senior girl doesn't need the protection of God Fly at all, and even scares your grandfather Fly to turn around and run away. You can't offend her."

As soon as he finished speaking, the girl exclaimed, "Wow, there are so many monsters, are they all the enemies of Brother Wang, they should be beaten.

The dull wind and thunder in the cosmic starry sky appeared out of thin air, and the girl turned into a giant beast in the starry sky with a wingspan of more than 30,000 meters, like a bird and a fish.

"Baby Chirp"

A strange roar pierced through the starry sky, and the giant beast covered the sky and sun with a wave of its wings at 300,000 meters.

Lightning rushed through the group of ten trillion and hell machine souls.

Ten trillion hell machine souls cried for father and mother for a while, and countless hell machine souls were wiped out by the wings of giant beasts. .

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