The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 44: What A Big Pit

Looking at Zhang Miaomiao Wang Yin, who is extremely obedient, he is satisfied.

This time Liwei not only knows how powerful his attack power is, but also completely regained Zhang Miaomiao, the most important thing is that his blood has returned.

Jie Jie Jie, my king is smart.

He secretly made up his mind that if he made such a low-level mistake that was inexplicably taken down next time, he would go to the stone pit.

After a thorough inspection of the physical body, I am satisfied that there is no injury on the whole body.

The evolution of the demon body is really amazing. I'm afraid Zhang Miaomiao would not be able to hurt him if he swallowed it in his stomach. He could just dig through her body and get out.

But thinking about how disgusting that scene was, forget it, he is a monster who doesn't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Taking Zhang Miaomiao soaring into the sky while bragging, he is going to return to his sister's country, Apple Mountain, to see how his masterpiece is.

Just after flying over the sister country, a sweet voice called out overwhelmingly, the voice trembling in panic.

"Shangshen...shangshen... I don't know where the little demon offended theshangshen,shangshen, please bypass the little demon."

Wang Yin wondered: "What sound, Miaomiao, did you hear it?"

Zhang Miaomiao pointed down casually: "I heard it, it's the big guy down there."

Wang Yin wondered why I didn't see any big guy, looking down at the island of caterpillars under his feet, he didn't see any life calling to him.

"Your Majesty, don't just look at your feet. You need to use your spiritual sense. You can see the whole sister country together."

Knowing that it was flying too low, and not having as much experience as Zhang Miaomiao, he flew into the clouds at an altitude of 10,000 meters with a whimper, and looked down with his spiritual consciousness covered.

This time I finally saw it clearly. My first reaction was that there was such a big hole, and my second reaction was what kind of things would I need to fill such a big hole.

On the entire island continent of the sister country, a layer of enchanting aura floated, showing an island-sized, seductive woman in a mist and light veil, trying to shout to him through the demon consciousness.

Wang Yin's jaw was so shocked that his jaw would drop.

"This is the demon spirit of the island of the sister country."

He knew that there would be an uncontrollable mutation in the blue star. After all, Qinglong Mountain had become a monster, but he didn't expect the mutation to be so fast.

The island of the sister country was the first to become a demon after Qinglong Mountain. Isn't it so easy to become a demon for such a large island? Shouldn't these big mountains and lakes become demons first?

Zhang Miaomiao beside her is also full of shock, the world is getting more and more outrageous, I can't understand it.

Wang Yin looked at the demon spirit on the island of the sister country who was wearing a fog veil, and asked in the language of the demon clan covered with divine consciousness.

"Demon spirit below, are you talking to me? Why are you becoming a demon?"

The island demon replied respectfully: "I learned from God that the little demon was nourished by the whole island's spirit to produce spiritual wisdom. Because the time is short, the little demon has not yet condensed into the real body, and now it is only the shadow of the demon soul."

After speaking, he crawled down tremblingly, as if he was afraid of Wang Yin.

Wang Yin carefully looked at the body of the island demon, and it turned out to be the island demon of the younger sister country. It turned out that the body was born with the younger sister body, and a group of men from the younger sister country lived on the younger sister's body. It is understandable to study the export of special products. .

"Oh, is that so, then why did you ask the king to spare you, and what's your name?"

"The little demon has not yet been given a name. The little demon has just been condensed into a fragile form. Please don't attack the little demon's body. The attack by the God just now caused serious damage to the chest of the little demon. As long as the God does not Hurting the little demon's body, the little demon will only serve as a slave and a servant."

Wang Yin was dumbfounded: "Why do you think I just attacked your place?"

Looking up at Apple Mountain... Hehehe understands that this is the case, this is a bit embarrassing, this king doesn't know if you are a demon or a banshee.

Quickly changed the subject and said: "Since you haven't named me yet, the king will help you get one, from now on you will be called Daokeng Zhenmei."

Daokeng Zhenmei, who got the name, agreed with excitement: "Hey, I would like to follow God's command. From now on, the little demon will be called Daokeng Zhenmei."

Then he said very shyly: "The fire dragon gushing out from Shangshen Mountain is the vitality and blood in the little demon's chest cavity. The little demon can't heal his wounds on his own. Can I ask Shangshen to help the little demon recover."

She is an island demon spirit of a country with natural intelligence. Of course, she knows what is wrong with Wang Yin's name, but because of Wang Yin's mighty power from the sky, she dare not resist and can only obey obediently, and take the opportunity to show her respect and beg Wang Yin Yin helped her heal her wounds, thus getting closer to Wang Yin.

Moreover, the name of the demon spirit conforms to the protection of the demon way in the dark, and it cannot be changed once it falls. From the first time Daokeng Zhenmei promised, this name is the real name of her self that is deeply rooted in her soul.

" are knowledgeable and interesting, this king appreciates you."

Wang Yin landed on Apple Mountain and watched him create a spectacular fire dragon: "However, this king once made a great wish not to intervene in worldly affairs, so there is nothing he can do to recover from your injuries. Otherwise, you should bear it and wait for the fire dragon to blow out." Be quiet when you're done."

Zhang Miaomiao rolled her eyes when she heard that, scum, can you be more shameless, you can treat it with your own hands, but meddle in the world of mortals, and talking nonsense with your eyes open is a compliment to you.

Daokeng Zhenmei didn't dare to say anything: "Thank God for your trouble, the little demon will take care of it by himself, so I won't bother God."

Zhang Miaomiao saw that Wang Yin and Daokeng were so beautiful, and the two demons had a happy and inexplicably irritated chat. She was most annoyed by the hypocritical communication between humans. She didn't expect that even demons could communicate like this now. Turning around, stomping on the apple hills hard and mumbling.

"No matter how big you are, what's the use of you, if you were hit by a volcano and erupted."

"Hey, that island pit is so beautiful, are you a caterpillar? Why does this monster see that your body looks like a caterpillar?"

The island pit is so beautiful, and she could smell Zhang Miaomiao's breath as soon as she saw it. This monster often possessed humans and came to her island to hang out. Although she hadn't developed wisdom at that time, she has now.

For the monster race or human beings who have been to her body, as long as she sees the person or monster again, she can find out who it is with a little memory, which is more convenient than the sky spying system of the human country.

She is not afraid of Zhang Miaomiao, a big monster, not to mention Zhang Miaomiao has become a little monster.

But this big monster is a monster who follows Shangshen's side after all, and she doesn't want to offend him if she has to deal with it in the future.

The ultimate source of her monster power is Wang Yin. Wang Yin is like the ancestor of monsters extending from Qinglong Mountain. The coercion and blood are inherently high. Although Wang Yin didn't tell her why, she never saw Wang Yin. At the first glance, a natural obedience and reverence appeared from the bottom of her heart, and she bowed to Wang Yin because of the whispers of many monsters on her body, not because she was really afraid of being hit by Wang Yin.

Daokeng Zhenmei Yaohun's shadow slightly saluted Zhang Miaomiao as a younger sister, and replied regardless of whether Zhang Miaomiao saw it or not.

"It's good to teach senior Shangyao to know that the island of Zhenmei's body was indeed a congenital red worm in ancient times. Later, due to the great change of the world, the Dao leader and the demon were destroyed, and the congenital red worm passed away in this sea area and turned into this island."

"That's why people also call Zhenmei's body Caterpillar Island."

Zhang Miaomiao was speechless, well, in ancient times, he was originally a congenital red worm who attained the Tao, and then passed away and transformed into the current island. It is normal to be like a caterpillar.

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