The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 51: Dragon Battle (For Collection)

When Empress Qinglong joined hands with the female fly.

Blue Star Bird Country, Giant Bear Country, Hei Bu Liu Diu Country, Romantic Country, more than a hundred countries, large and small, successively released a message to subvert the world, demanding that their mountains, rivers and rivers stop being demonized, and that all the resources of the country's demon mist energy should be given priority to the country's demons The spirit refines the national body.

The only thing that has released different news from these countries is the Dragon Kingdom. The Dragon Kingdom has declared that its dragon spirit has become a dragon god and no longer needs to be demonized. At that time, it will be the blue star supreme dragon, welcome all the demon spirits of mountains, rivers and rivers in the land, and become demons as soon as possible to serve Lord Dragon God.

Half a month later, at noon when the sun and the moon were shining together, there was an earth-shattering dragon cry from the great solar system. The mighty dragon swept across the blue star, and the sound waves layered upon layer, like a river and a tsunami flying into the sky, roaring towards the great sun in the sky.

The coercion of the sound waves caused a cloud of dust to be thrown up on the moon and star at a distance of 380,000 kilometers, which alarmed some of the guards who were on a mission to guard the blue star and flew out of the moon star to look at the blue star.

Among them, a beautiful female guard with a height of 100 meters: "What should I do, the change of Blue Star is getting more and more exaggerated, do you want to report to the patriarch."

Another guardian warrior with a height of more than 100 meters: "Didn't you hear that the patriarch's message was very clear last time? From the day of the message, never interfere with the Blue Star's mutation. This is the general trend of heaven. My family can't disobey it. We all clamp our tails Hide yourself well, and report to the Hui family in a few days."

The 100-meter-tall, beautiful female guard held back her mouth: "As far as the patriarch's plucking character is concerned, the energy to make him give up the Blue Star Ranch is not small."

The guard warrior, who was more than 100 meters tall, laughed straight: "Maybe you will die if you don't give up, if it's your choice."

After Blue Star roared along with the earth-shattering dragon song of the Dragon Kingdom, the bird country followed closely with the song of birds resounding all over the world.

Hearing the sound of birdsong, the movement of moving mountains and seas up and down the land of the Dragon Kingdom is instantaneous, rivers and rivers move across mountains and rivers, and the world is broken. Among them, you can't see the head in front and the tail in the back, and the diameter of the huge dragon head alone is thousands of kilometers.

"Ang Hung..."

There was another dragon's cry, and all the mountains and rivers in Blue Star trembled under the pressure of the giant dragon. The only thing was the unwilling bird's song from the direction of Bird Country.

"Choo Choo Choo...."

The annoyance contained in the singing of the birds shows that it is unintentional. I hate why the dragon of the Dragon Kingdom can merge with the national body one step ahead of it, and become a higher-level god body than her demon body. I hate the will of the creatures in myself, why there is no will of the creatures in the dragon. .

If the will power of the creatures in his body is unified, he can also achieve the god body by devouring the spirit of the monster mist, instead of just becoming the same monster body as everyone else.

The dragon has a diameter of hundreds of kilometers. The majestic dragon glanced at the direction of the bird country, and there was a hot female bird with wings on her back, trying to stand up.

A deep dragon cry sounded: "Don't worry, Master Long is different from you. Master Long will not act behind your back, and will not bully you when you can't move. Take your time."

Under the strong pressure of the giant dragon, finally there was a magnificent bird song that pierced the world, and the land of the bird country began to move mountains and rivers, and a huge female bird with an unknown height and two wings on her back slowly stood up.

She had a fat waist, fat buttocks and sharp eyes, and nine pairs of huge transparent light wings stretched for an unknown number of miles, swaying and dancing behind her, raising her hands to the sky and screaming.

"I, after the supreme emperor... the winged god envoy, the highest bird god, bird Wuwu finally came back to life, giggling."

The voice spreads up and down the blue star, and returns to the skies of all countries, causing the leaders of all the countries in the blue star to send a series of messages, urging the people of their own countries to work overtime to evolve, and to contribute their energy to the country.

Use the fastest speed to promote the giant spirit of your own country, merge and wake up, and stand up quickly.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. Blue Star has already stood up the giant spirits in three countries, and there is even a dragon god who is higher than the giant spirits in the Dragon Kingdom. They don't want their country to have no giant spirits, and the dangerous wall will become history.

Seeing that Niao Wuwu had finished putting on her fork, the Dragon God laughed out loud.

"Birdman, you still have a name. Master Long, I don't need a name. One word for Master Long is enough."

Bird Wuwu looked at the dragon angrily, she didn't like dragons by nature, and said sarcastically: "I want you to take care of the evil dragon."

The Dragon God was furious: "Hey, you woman doesn't know how to flatter you. Do you think that if you ruin Master Long's reputation in front of thousands of creatures, Master Long will spare you? Let's see."

Raised his head and let out a thundering dragon cry, the giant dragon suddenly soared into the sky, its huge body pierced into the void of the universe, and it hooked the dragon's fingers charmingly at the bird.

"The bird woman wants to fight, don't harm the living beings in Blue Star, and see how Master Long will deal with you today."

Bird Wuwu flew into the sky and stood in front of the dragon, sarcastically: "Come and hit me, you dare not do it."

There are countless human monsters of the Dragon Kingdom on the Dragon God, and before he recovered from the shock of his own land becoming the Dragon God, he saw the Dragon God rushing into space, and the Dragon Kingdom government wiped their foreheads with cold sweat and shouted urgently.

"Dragon Lord, Long Da, don't hurt the people when you fight."

A majestic dragon roared from the giant dragon: "Don't worry, this dragon has divine power to protect the whole territory, and the people on this dragon will not be hurt."

Countless human monsters in the Dragon Kingdom collectively patted their chests.

"That's good, that's good, you keep going, Master Long, come on, and your people will cheer for you."

The giant dragon who got the support of the people was overjoyed, and pointed at the bird Wuwu with his dragon claw.

"Hey girl birdman, look at my dragon's claws."

A pair of huge dragon claws covering the sky and covering the sun ruthlessly grabbed Niao Wuwu. Niao Wuwu couldn't dodge in time to be caught, and the bird's hair was messy, and the feathers of the bird's wings were flying.

Crashed and angry: "You bad dragon is unreasonable, the god is not ready yet, you have to stand and let the god fight."

When Lan Xing heard Bird Wuwu's words, all the monsters collectively poohed: "Pah, the birdman's rule is that she is the only one who can hit people, and if others stand and let her hit people, they can't fight back. Otherwise, it's someone else's fault. How shameless!" .”

The giant dragon doesn't care, shameless is the character of this bird person. Although she has been sleeping and has not dealt with her before, the dragon can sense many of her thoughts in her sleep.

Majestic circled the outer space and spoke to Niao Wuwu: "Okay this time you strike first, but Master Long said first that Master Long will fight back. Master Long will not bully others too much, but he will not stand up and be beaten by you."

Bird Wuwu was overjoyed when she heard that she was the first to do it this time, but she didn't hear what the dragon said behind, so she rushed to the dragon with a chirping sound that pierced through the blue star.

I don't know when there was an extra spear in my hand, and it emitted a dazzling white light. I don't know how many miles long a giant spear, and stabbed fiercely at the dragon's heart.

"Dragon, you go to die."

Seeing that the giant spear stabbed in front of him in an instant, the dragon god was furious, and the birdman used the weapon secretly again, so viciously, he swung the giant claws that supported the sky and grabbed the giant spear, and the dragon roared angrily.

"Bitch, if you dare to use a giant spear in front of Master Long, Master Long will teach you what a giant spear is today."

After speaking, one giant claw grabbed the bird Wuwu's giant spear, and the other giant claw slapped the bird Wuwu with a few big ear scrapes, and the crisp sound resounded through the big Japanese.

"Bitch, bitch, bitch."

The last ear scrape was changed to a fan, and with a pricking sound, Niao Wuwu's body transformed into an unknown number of miles of spiritual yarn, which shattered into countless light spots and swayed into outer space, spreading all over the Japanese system.

In the light rain, the giant dragon's divine power shattered the giant spear in his hand, and his claws grabbed Niaowuwu's long hair, which is an unknown number of miles long. He pulled it hard... Niaowuwu pulled her head high with a cry of pain , the solar system made a loud noise, and the blue star world was quiet.

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