The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 53: Hundred Years Of Demon War

Ding Ding: The demonization of the blue star is one of the protagonist's plans to conquer the heavens, and it is the incubation base for the protagonist's army from all over the world. The demon forces on the blue star will not be involuntary, and wars will only happen on the battlefield of the heavens.

For the endless and countless worlds of the heavens, the planet life continent, the blue star is too small, so in the demonized blue star space-time world, every dust is the future warrior of the heavens, and the blue star is the future warrior of the heavens. Heaven exists supremely.

That billions of trillions of dust is the scene where super fighters make the heavens tremble, which is the ultimate realm pursued by the heavens. The protagonist's strength will quickly improve after getting rid of this demon body talent, so don't worry.


In the ocean of sister country, Daokeng is really beautiful standing in the ocean.

He widened his eyes made up of two huge lakes that were clear to the bottom, and opened his lips made up of two bright red cherry blossom mountains. In the lips, there was an underground dark mountain. His tongue was dull and stiff, and he was dumbfounded after watching what happened in the outer space of Blue Star. A fierce battle.

Suddenly trembling all over, I don't know how many miles long Qianqian's hands, exhaled and covered the key parts of the body, swallowed the saliva to transmit the sound to Wang Yin's spiritual consciousness.

"Shangshen, Shangshen, Zhenmei is yours now, you can't let Master Long beat Zhenmei again, otherwise Zhenmei will really die."

The shameless Wang Yin who is really beautiful in Dao Keng doesn't look sideways. This bitch is a god when he needs him, and ignores people when he doesn't need him. Silently looking towards the direction of the battle between Lord Dragon God and Bird Wuwu.

There are many questions in my heart who is Lord Dragon God, and why Niao Wuwu shows that he knows Dragon God.

This kind of understanding is not simply the understanding after awakening, but the kind of understanding that has other reasons.

In this way, it is estimated that the giant spirit of the bird country is not a simple bird Wuwu, and there must be reasons that he does not know.

I was suddenly very depressed. Is he the protagonist or you giant land monsters are the protagonist? Why do you feel that one or both have a background? It seems that the island pit is really beautiful and the background is more transparent. It is the incarnation of the island after the innate red worm passed away .

And what is Lanxing Tiandao who is hiding behind the scenes trying to do? Now he doesn't believe that Lanxing's demonization was caused by him. He dared to say that there was no Lanxing Tiandao behind to fuel the flames.

No wonder Zha Jing had to hide when he didn't reach the star life. The blue star's water is so deep that he can't be provoked. It's better for him to leave the center of right and wrong, and first evolve to the star life.

Turned around and flew back to Daokeng Zhenmei Apple Mountain. This place is still comfortable to live in. I glanced at Daokeng Zhenmei who followed behind me attentively. Sure enough, the bitch can't give too much face, she will kick her nose in the face.

Different from Wang Yin's comfort and comfort, he hides and devours the blue star during the evolution period. All countries are stimulated by the outer space war between the giant dragon and the birdman, which stimulates them to crazily mature the demon spirits of their own country.

After the giant dragon and the birdman, countries such as the giant bear country and Hei Bu Liu Diu have sprung up their own giant spirits. The giant bear country is a man like a huge bear, with muscles all over his body condensed and roaring to the sky.

Heibuliuguo is a dark witch-like, huge black woman who is not known how many miles tall, hot-blooded, hot and charming.

There is also the Monkey Kingdom, the Elephant Kingdom and other giant spirits are different, and some are creatures with the same name as their own countries. For example, the Elephant Kingdom is a huge giant elephant, and the Monkey Kingdom is a really huge monkey.

Some are real human images. The Kimchi Country is a beautiful woman as huge as the country, and the Romance Country is also a handsome man as huge as the Romance Country.

The only thing in common is that the skin on their bodies is condensed from the mountains and rivers of their own country, some hair is composed of countless streams and small rivers flowing, and some have a thin and continental turban on their heads.

With the gradual emergence of land giants, various needs that were suppressed before burst out.

Originally, when everyone's country could not be moved, they could still live in one place in peace.

Now everyone's land has become a demon, and the restless land has started to make all kinds of troubles.

The first provocateur was the giant monkey in the Monkey Kingdom, who wanted to forcefully devour the innate source of the demon-bodied woman in the Kimchi Kingdom.

After the monkey heard about the outer space battle between the giant dragon and the giant bird, the huge monkey who had been coveting the beautiful woman in the Kimchi Country finally couldn't hold back his restless monkey heart, and bypassed several powerful national spirits from the ocean. , When he came to the giant woman in the Kimchi Country, he would forcefully devour and occupy the woman in the Kimchi Country.

Unexpectedly, its every move was discovered by the giant national spirit of the romantic country who loves the fragrance and jade, and loves romantic love. At the critical moment when the giant monkey is about to overthrow the beautiful national spirit woman of the kimchi country.

The huge and handsome national spirit of the Romantic Kingdom was furious, and a few strides rushed to the hero to save the beauty.

However, the romantic national spirit who has been through the wind and moon has long been hollowed out. Where is the opponent of the giant monkey national spirit?

Finally, the giant sleeping dragon couldn't see it. One paw swept the meddling romantic giant spirit back to its original position, and another paw swept the annoying and clamoring monkey giant until he vomited three liters of blood, and fled back to the monkey kingdom in disgrace. with.

The giant spirit of the Monkey Kingdom didn't dare to say anything to the giant dragon, so it sent its anger to the surrounding small kingdom spirits, the Frog Kingdom and the Sunflower Kingdom.

Slowly, some giant national spirits such as the Elephant Kingdom and the Hei Bu Liu Diu Kingdom also participated in it, and then the scuffle became uncontrollable and spread to the entire Blue Star National Spirit. From then on, the entire Blue Star National Spirit and Demon War began, and it took a hundred years to subside .

For an unknown number of years in the Blue Star demon calendar, the World Demon War is in full swing.

In the town of Hei Bu Liu Diu, which is made up of gray rocks, Ramudin panicked and ran forward at a speed of 50 meters per second. A thousand meters behind him, a group of rotting corpses showed their mouths full of fangs. , roaring and chasing after.

Among them, the leader of the strong white-skinned zombies roared loudly, and the hoarse and harsh sound of the hacksaw pulling the stone sounded.

"Ramdin, Ramdin, I didn't expect that I would be resurrected, hehehe, you can't run away."

"Master Guoling is fighting with the Giant Elephant Kingdom. There is no time to return to the original place. Everyone is in outer space and cannot contact other lands. If you run fast, you will not be able to escape from the black country. You should stand obediently and let us tear it up. Break it."

Next to the white-skinned zombie, a black corpse roared hoarsely.

"Boss Bruning, if I catch Ramudin, I will eat his flesh. The scum who betrayed us should not live in this world, hehehe."

Ramdin ran into a rocky canyon surrounded by mountains on three sides. He had nowhere to go and was followed by pursuers. He looked up at a quiet rocky canyon, hesitated for a while and gritted his teeth: "Fak."

With both feet kicked hard to the ground, with the help of a bounce, defying gravity, he quickly ran to the top of the cliff in the canyon.

The white-skinned zombies and the black-skinned zombies finally chased down the cliff with a group of younger zombies. They all roared to the sky and rushed towards the cliff one by one but couldn't step on it.

If they were chasing on the ground, this group of zombies was slightly faster than Ramdin, but when they encountered a cliff, they could not climb due to the innate stiffness of their limbs and joints.

Fortunately, the two leading zombie leaders have shown wisdom. They roared to greet a group of zombie boys, one after another climbed on top of each other's shoulders, stuck their stiff arms straight into the cliff, and climbed towards the top of the cliff like a ladder.

Ramudin had already ignored the gravity of the blue star at this time, quickly bounced and ran to the middle of the cliff, looked at the zombie ladder below and grinned, he was not afraid of this human ladder, a single zombie did not pose a threat to him, only two or more Create a threat.

With a hand as hard as steel, he slammed into the rocks of the cliff and shouted downwards.

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