The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 55: The Mysterious Banshee

After Bruning heard Ram Eva's words, he retreated to the side with a green face, but when he heard Wang Yin's words, his corpse's face turned ruddy and excited, and he ran forward and nodded and bowed to compliment Wang Yin.

"Shangshen is wise, Shangshen is wise."

Wang Yin kicked him into a fight: "You too, don't think that this king doesn't know what you're thinking. The little zombie dares to resist this king's decision. If you are in a hurry, this king doesn't have to swallow the Xiantian Yuanye!" , just to kill your Ram Eva because of you."

After being reprimanded by Wang Yin, Ram Eva stepped back dejectedly, and when she heard this, her eyes glowed red again and she agreed excitedly.

"The gods come to hate, the gods come to hate, Eva is willing to be beaten to death by the gods, and Bruning is green."

Wang Yin patted his forehead, turned and left speechless, too lazy to pay attention to this pair of strange zombies.

Seeing Wang Yin turn around and leave, Bruning strode towards Ram Eva, his face was glowing green, and he yelled at Ram Eva fiercely.

"Ram Eva, you dare to betray me."

Ram Eva turned around and walked towards the group of zombies in disdain: "Why don't you dare, you are not Ram Eva or something, if the benefits outweigh the benefits, Ram Eva dares."

Bruning roared angrily, but there was nothing he could do. Ram Eva's strength was the same as his. This group of zombies were basically male corpses that relied on Ram Eva to gather them. They would only help Ram Eva fight against him. He really couldn't do anything about it. Pack Ram Eva.

Not long after Wang Yin walked, a giggling sound came from a distance.

"I didn't expect the King of Qinglong Mountain to come to Hei Bu Liu Diu. Is he very interested in Hei Bu Liu Diu's woman? How much did you hate him?"

Shocked: "Who?"

Who is this, he didn't even notice when he came to him, and he knew his identity.

He raised his eyes and looked under the unique round-leaf demon tree in front of him. Amidst the shimmering waves, a woman in a snow-white dress walked out. She was graceful, round, white and tender, as beautiful as a fairy.

Wang Yin's heart was full of alarm bells. This woman's demonic aura was completely concealed. It was hard to tell whether she was a human or a demon. The most important thing was that she knew the invisibility technique. If she had something wrong with him, it would be difficult to find out. No wonder she only heard the voice and did not see the woman.

With a humming sound from both wings, the four vortexes emitted a dazzling red light, and they were about to fly away if they were not careful. This person or monster who knew his identity and dared to appear in front of him in a mysterious way, he would know himself even when he closed his eyes. Can't do it.

The woman's coquettish voice continued to sound: "Hey... the existence that caused the demon battle in the Blue Star World and caused the Quartet Plate to start demonizing. Are you so afraid of the little girl?"

Wang Yin couldn't stand it, and put on the demon king's air: "This king will be afraid of you, just kidding, tell me who you are."

The stars in the sky are shining and surging, why are there no white clouds, oh yes, this is outer space, the black witch giant is fighting with the elephant country giant elephant.

It has to be said that this witch's demon power is profound, such a big battle has not affected the creatures living on her at all, what should all living beings do or continue to do, or the witch's skills are good.

In the obscenity, it seems to see a picture of a giant elephant attacking a witch. It can't be thought that the scene is too shocking.

Eyes moved: "By the way, senior beauty, you just said what happened to Sifang Plate becoming a demon."

"Does it matter who our family is?"

The woman's coquettish voice sounded, but she answered the previous question. I didn't answer when I asked you, but I asked you later, did you do it on purpose? It's crazy to answer the wrong question.

I just finished complaining in my heart and heard the woman say again: "It seems that the king has been traveling around the Blue Star these years, enjoying the fun of the flowers, and he is really indifferent to the big things of the Blue Star."

"It's just that all the countries and territories of Blue Star, under the influence of the king, gave birth to spiritual wisdom and turned into giant monsters of the land, which triggered a chain reaction and led to a raging war. The four plates are not in harmony with each other, and there is a high possibility of a plate war.”

"Now the world is divided into five parts, one dragon dominates, bears and elephants are divided into two parts, birds and islands are afraid of witches, and witches fight like bears."

Wang Yin dug his ears and finally answered in a normal way: "Please be straightforward, don't use words that I don't understand."

The woman seemed to know that he would ask such a question, without showing an expression of impatience or surprise, she lightly lifted her white skirt while Wang Yin's eyes were full of alertness, and walked gracefully to Wang Yin's side with a scent of fragrance.

Ignoring Wang Yin's wary eyes, he whispered Rulan into his ear.

"It means that the Dragon God family is the only one now, and the Giant Elephant, because it dares to hate everything, has soared in strength and tied for second place with the giant bear country monster. The younger sister, Guodao Keng Zhenmei, and the bird country, bird man and queen, are in third place, so it is Bird Island. Fear of witches."

"The reason why Bird Island is afraid of witches is because the witches of Hei Bu Liu Diu came from behind. They have not yet won the challenge against giant elephants. It seems that there is no difference in strength, so the two giant spirits ranked third are not as good as There are no ranked witches."

"Speaking of which, Daokeng Zhenmei can be tied with the queen of the bird-man god. It is the king's credit. The king patronized that bitch so many times that her strength greatly increased, and she went straight to catch up with the bird-man queen who was greatly weakened after being taught by the dragon god. The Queen of the Birds and Ban Dao Keng are really beautiful, and they grow up to be the opponents of the Queen of the Birds."

Wang Yin asked again with piercing eyes: "Who the hell are you, and why are you so clear about my affairs?"

The woman in the white dress giggled, and waved a hazy veil covering the sky with her hands, hiding her and Wang Yin in it, and leaned against Wang Yin's chest, caressing Wang Yin's cheek with her delicate hands.

"Why is your lord nervous? Your lord uses the devouring technique as the basis for evolution and promotion. Now a high-quality three-star life monster is sent to your door to devour it. Don't you dare to devour it, my lord?"

Wang Yin was shocked, the three-star life monster, the woman in front of her was actually a three-star life monster.

What level is that, compared to cultivating immortals, ordinary immortals, immortals, and heavenly immortals, this is a great power at the level of immortals.

Fuck, this king is scared to death, why does Blue Star somehow come out with a three-star monster life that is comparable to a fairy level.

Even if it is the strong strength of the land monsters of the Blue Star, they have not yet been promoted to star life monsters. The reason why the giant monsters are stronger than the stars is the innate huge land capital and monster power.

Using the power of a country to gather a demon body, the strength will naturally surpass that of ordinary mortals and one star life.

Calming down, Wang Yin quietly swallowed the dry saliva in his mouth, at first he didn't expect that this monster was a three-star life.

He thought that with his own speed, even the star life could not catch up with him, and in his heart he couldn't catch up with his star life. In fact, he was just a newcomer to the star, at most a two-star, and now the three-star monster is in trouble.

If his own speed is deployed, he is actually not afraid of the opponent even if he is a three-star monster. The problem is that he has not yet deployed his own speed, so he stays so close to the opponent so stupidly that it is too late to escape.

Why the hell did I make this kind of low-level mistake again? Didn’t I make up my mind to make this kind of mistake again before and just hate mud? Is it a rock or a mud? I forgot, forget it, forget it, it seems not This king did not fulfill his promise, he really forgot.

Haha, the king really won't make a slip of the tongue. By the way, Niba suddenly felt that the big monster in front of him was very familiar.

"Senior, don't play tricks on Xiao Wang. Who are you? If you want to ask Xiao Wang, just tell me."

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