The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Six: The Unlucky Five

Wang Yin hid in the canopy not far away, watching the old man of the five-person group take out a gas mask and a big net, he felt a little funny, did he bring these to catch him, did he look down on him or something.

But it also reminded him to be more careful in the future. After all, there are everyone in human society, and it is easy to be caught when the strength is not strong.

What needs to be done now is to drive these people out and prevent outsiders from entering the mountain at will.

Qinglong Mountain is a good place with beautiful scenery and sparsely populated. Usually, few people would come to climb the mountain. The recent abnormal changes in the cave at the top of the mountain made him feel that Qinglong Mountain is very suitable for base camp.

He has begun to give up his plan to enter human society, and besides, his body is still in the cave, and he doesn't want to be disturbed by outsiders.

After the evolution becomes stronger in the future, see if I can restore my human body and continue to live in the human world.

The group of five put on their masks and climbed up to the middle of the mountain carefully. Only Wu Lili thought it was fun, chatting all the way, seeing everything fresh.

"Jiang Zhonghao, come, come, there is a stone here that looks like you."

Among the five, Xiao Jiang rolled his eyes: "You are like a rock, and your whole family is like a rock."

After speaking, he looked at Mr. Wu with a guilty conscience. Fortunately, Mr. Wu was concentrating on observing the surrounding environment and ignored the young people's fights.

Xiao Yang looked at Wu Lili, who deliberately teased Jiang Zhonghao, and felt jealous in his heart. He enthusiastically went to see the stone Wu Lili was talking about, but Wu Lili didn't pay much attention to him. Seeing him come to him, he turned around and ran to find other new things to play with.

Yang Tian returned to the crowd bored, and provocatively said to Jiang Zhonghao: "The stone is really ugly, Lily disgusted you on purpose, when did you offend her?"

Professor Wen watched the three young people making noise all the way, and he knew it well.

Both Lili and Yang Tian are emotionally involved, but Jiang Zhonghao is a bit stupid and doesn't understand Lili's mind, but this is better, it is not suitable for young people to fall in love too early.

But Yang Tian's physical fitness is really good, looking at Yang Tian's inadvertently revealed abdominal muscles, Wen Juan is also impressive, Lily is a young girl who can't choose, and doesn't understand the benefits of a strong body.

At this time, Wu Lili just ran to a corner, and suddenly exclaimed: "Ah..."

The remaining four people were shocked when they heard the sound, Yang Tian reacted the fastest, rushed to Wu Lili to protect Wu Lili in a few strides, Mr. Wu, Professor Wen and others followed, and saw two stray wild dogs in the bushes around the corner. Without saying a word, he bit his mouth and devoured something weirdly.

Seeing Yang Tian chasing after her, Wu Lili rolled her eyes, turned around and ran to Professor Wen.

"What are Aunt Wen's two dogs doing? It's so strange."

Wenjuan didn't know how to answer. These two wild dogs bit each other's mouth like smoking cigarettes, showing a cheerful mood of devouring. Seeing this strange feeling, she felt chills in her heart.

On the other hand, Jiang Zhonghao was relatively calm, squatting down to observe carefully: "Even the wild dogs in this mountain are abnormal, how could this happen?"

After all, Wenjuan is the mentor of the three, and she analyzed calmly.

"It should be related to that mutated fly. It grows so big that it may have evolved hallucinogenic toxins that affect other creatures."

Elder Wu looked at Yang Tian: "Little Yang, you are strong, put on your protective gear and take some spittle samples from these two wild dogs."

Yang Tian was dumbfounded: "Me?".

You always stand and talk without pain in your back, how do you take it, you will be bitten, before hesitating how to evade it, Jiang Zhonghao has already put on the leather sheath, took out the sampling test strip and said to Yang Tian.

"You fix that one, I'll get it."

Wu Lili saw Jiang Zhonghao act swiftly, her eyes flashed a strange look, but she shouted: "Jiang Zhonghao, what are you pretending to be a hero, I will kill you."

Hearing Wu Lili's voice, Yang Tian didn't want to be compared to Jiang Zhonghao, so he smiled embarrassingly: "Okay."

Then he put on a jacket to cooperate with Jiang Zhonghao. Fortunately, he planned to catch the mutated fly this time, and prepared enough tools. After taking samples of two stray wild dogs, the five of them continued to climb towards the middle of the mountain while the two wild dogs panicked and howled. .

The plan is to climb to the top of the mountain first, and observe where the most rancid and dark places on the mountain are. Flies like places with rancid smell. This mutant fly is so big, there must be a hidden rancid area in the mountain.

This time Wu Lili didn't go to the front. After encountering the strange situation of the two stray dogs, she was afraid of encountering any strange things when she went to the front.

Wu Lili walked while playing, taking out her mobile phone to take pictures everywhere. This Qinglong Mountain is indeed a good place with four seasons of Changchun. Today is sunny and beautiful.

When there were gloomy forest trails on both sides of the path, Wu Lili couldn't see the four of them, and was about to rush a few steps to catch up with the front, when there was a strange hissing sound above her head.

Looking up curiously, a huge blowfly was lying on the branch of a tree, holding a twisted and wriggling long worm in its ferocious and sharp front claws, and its two big green eyes were fixed on her.

At the same time, a strange voice sounded like rubbing the bottom of a pot: "Human, are you looking for me again?"

Wu Lili: "Ah, ah...."

He exclaimed twice in fright, rolled his eyes and passed out.

The four Mr. Wu who were walking in front vaguely heard something, stopped and looked back, Mr. Wu: "Why hasn't Lily followed, this girl loves to play too much."

Annoyed, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't let this girl follow me, so I don't worry at all.

When Yang Tian saw the opportunity presented by the flower hunter, he volunteered: "Grandpa Wu, I'll call Lili."

Old Wu nodded: "I'm sorry, Xiao Yang, tell that girl to hurry up."


Yang Tian rushed back to look for it. Lily was still behind when he passed the forest trail just now. He must have found something interesting in the forest trail and walked slowly.

"Lily, Lily."

In the gloomy forest path, Yang Tian called out loudly, wondering where he could go with such a short distance, Wu Lili is not such an unreliable person, it is impossible to go too far alone, this is why he volunteered to look back,

If Wu Lili is unreliable, he won't like it either.

"Hiss... hiss...."

There was a strange movement above his head, Yang Tian looked up, and saw a long green worm was hanging down less than a foot above his head, and the snake letter licked his eyes in hesitation.

"Ah... go away... go away...."

The man's heart-piercing fear spread throughout the mountains and forests, startling a flock of birds.

Mr. Wu was shocked: "Oops", and quickly turned around and rushed.

Wenjuan and Jiang Zhonghao followed closely behind Mr. Wu, and hurried back the way they came.

In the gloomy forest path, Wu Lili was nowhere to be found, and Yang Tian fainted on the path, with a big gash on his head, and it looked like he was knocked by a stone next to him when he fell.

Wen Juan checked Yang Tian's situation with a gloomy face, and looked at the stench under Yang Tian's feet: "I stepped on dog shit and slipped."

Jiang Zhonghao was full of doubts: "I didn't see shit just now. I have been observing the environment all the way. When I passed this trail, it was too dark and I checked it specially. This kind of dark place is the easiest place to find clues of mutated flies."

Old Wu said with a serious face, "You're right, the shit came later."

Not to mention that everyone was watching, he had been carefully checking every place he passed when he entered the mountain forest. He took out his mobile phone and called Wu Lili but there was no response. Several people searched back and forth many times but could not find Wu Lili.

Mr. Wu was very anxious, but he didn't show it on the surface, and said to Wenjuan.

"Xiaowen's matter is more serious. You call to report to the authorities for help, and we will stand still and wait for help."

Within an hour of entering the mountain, one person was missing and the other was in a coma.

Although Mr. Wu and Wenjuan are rich in knowledge, they have never experienced such emergencies in peaceful years, and they dare not move around for a while.

Fortunately, we are not at a loss. What we have to do now is not to go there, and wait for the rescue after reporting to the police, and fully cooperate with the official search for Wu Lili.

Wenjuan also knew the seriousness of the situation, so she promised to take out her mobile phone and make a call.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound like rubbing the bottom of a pot above his head.

"You... want to seek foreign aid? It's useless."

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