The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 70: The Big Boss Behind The Company

Coming out of Zhang Qifeng's dream, Wang Yin didn't eat any food while he was stunned, and hurried back to the rental house with the strange ball in his hand.

This is an amazing thing, I never expected to encounter such a thing in the dream weaved for Zhang Qifeng, let alone this thing could be brought out of the world by him.

No, this is not something in the dream that I wove for Zhang Xifeng, it is something that directly belongs to Zhang Xifeng's real dream.

When I came out, I found that I was still holding this guy in my hand, so I tried it on the spot, and I could not only take it out but also bring it back.

As a result, this guy can only be as fast as lightning in his dreams. In reality, his speed is not as fast as ordinary people walking, but the sharp, ear-piercing, hissing sound has not changed. At that time, there were all such things in the void and darkness, densely packed with open mouths and screaming. Coming like lightning.

Can't afford to be offended, let's go back to the real world first, and then gradually increase in strength until the skin can't be pierced.

The most important thing at present is to figure out what this is and why it can bring out the real world. Could it be a nightmare, but is this what a nightmare looks like?

Is it only in Zhang Xifeng's dream, or is it in everyone's dream? Why didn't I find it before? Is it necessary to actually contact the collection object to discover it.

Thinking back to when I used to suffer from insomnia, I would see all kinds of strange monsters in the dark when I closed my eyes, it couldn't be this kind of thing.

In the rental house, Wang Yin squeezed the dick in his hand and said with a smile: "It looks like a ball, you will be a dream ball in the future."

Looking at the dream ball in my hand, it has a bulging body with a diameter of one meter, a thin and long sharp mouth, and it feels strange to hold it like a large round hammer. It is hard and soft.

After testing the hardness, the alloy hammer at home can be easily smashed to pieces, and it can be smashed with a finger. If you use this guy to smash people, you must smash them flat, and drink in your mouth.

"Dream ball sledgehammer, lightning attack."

A row of sharp nails on the ground were all shattered, and a loud roar came from the next door: "What are you doing at 403, demolition of the building, you."

The dream ball in his hand was squeezed into his mouth and whimpered. The speed at which the balloon floated couldn't get rid of the big devil in front of him. Wang Yin smiled awkwardly and threw it in the corner.

I don't know if this thing can bite or not, but even if I can bear the sharp hissing of piercing eardrums, the residents of the community can't bear it, but it's impossible to send it back. Such a fun guy, save it for fighting Hitting the head is pretty good.

First solve this guy's sharp voice, and then find a steel wire from the debris pile, and tie it around the mouth of Mengqiu in circles, which can just be tied into a handle that is easy to hold and easy to hold.

I couldn't open my mouth to see how you screamed, and after I tied it up, I threw it in the house and floated, pinching here and there to study.

Mengqiu rolled his eyes and began to accept his fate. Anyway, he couldn't escape after coming to this devil's world.

Surrender is impossible, we dream world beings are only responsible to the master.

Wang Yin tried to communicate with his consciousness and check his memory information, but he didn't expect it to be really useful....

After a while, he slapped him to the corner of the wall, useful but useless, this guy has very little information about the world of consciousness, only knows that the world of nothingness and darkness is a dream world, the space is so big, so much food, so many companions, the rest is just No, this is a foodie ball.

As for what is delicious, after the investigation, it is all life energy that will suddenly enter the void and dark world. This kind of energy is everywhere in the memory of the dream ball. After devouring it, I am very happy. Lure the ball to drool.

In addition, the void and dark world is the dream world in the dream ball consciousness, and there are many other dream monsters, some are big, some are small, some are at the level of soldiers, and some are at the level of commanders. The highest commander is the monster royal family.

The dream ball is a low-level dream monster that belongs to the marching level. Like fish schools, it fills the void and darkness, and it will fight and devour each other with other groups.

It turns out that this is just a little guy. It seems that you have to catch a high-level monster to know what the dream world is, but the life energy that breaks into the void and dark world is a clue. Are they all consciousnesses that can enter the dream world like yourself?

Impossible, if anyone can enter the dream world and make wool, then Goldfinger is a big commodity.

The pink beam of light in the consciousness world has shrunk by one-third. It seems that the pink beam of light is the key energy to enter these worlds. Now only the function of the red beam of light has not been figured out yet.

Lying on the bed, the consciousness was connected to Zhang Qifeng's dream again. Sure enough, the dream was still the same as before. It was not a world of nothingness and darkness with monsters. If you want to enter that world, you still need to get in touch with the collection object himself.

This day, Wang Yin used Mengqiu's sharp mouth to poke his body hard a few times, but fortunately, there was not even a trace of skin marks.

I'm afraid it is already comparable to the indestructible body of King Kong, but this golden finger is still powerful, and the cultivation project is not hard at all.

I went to the suburban parking lot to try it out, lifted a three-ton pickup truck easily with one hand, and punched down a two-meter-diameter boulder as if it had been bombarded and shattered.

The jumping ability easily jumped up a ten-meter-high tree. Just as he was about to be proud, he suddenly saw the demon king in his mind, the kind of flying beyond the speed of light.

I changed my clothes and walked out of the community. I was going to the company today. I was absent from work for a month. The company manager called and told me to go back and settle my salary and leave.

But it's a good idea, it's so easy to ask him to leave, to turn all of you into subordinates, and now we still need money.

When he came to the branch of Hailiang Industrial Group in Yangyun City, Wang Yin sat on the office chair in the staff hall with peace of mind in the eyes of his colleagues, waiting for the manager of the company's engineering department to call.

Looking at everything in the company again, the mentality has changed. This is a very powerful group company. The boss has a strong background and specializes in the tooling projects of various large real estates.

Wang Yin is a handyman in the engineering department of a branch company. His daily job is to be called around by the supervisor of the engineering department, but this humble life has been far away since then.

My fate is up to me. Ordinary people will never be able to turn the sky without golden fingers.

Close your eyes and rest your mind, your mental consciousness instantly communicates with the dream of the company's big boss and the dream of the general manager of the branch. Ten minutes later, the general manager of the branch trotted out of the general manager's office with a file bag in his hand, sweating profusely.

Nodding and bowing, he said to Wang Yin sitting on the small swivel chair at his desk:

"Wang Shao, this is the company's financial statement. After you review this year's revenue, it will be transferred to you in a short while. Last year's profit has already been handed over to the head office. I don't know if you came to the company to experience life. No wonder. "

Turning around and shouting angrily: "Gu Sijia, get out."

In the manager's office of the engineering department, Gu Sijia, the superior of Wang Yin's superior supervisor, is still a charming middle-aged lady. She is leaning on the office chair and drinking tea leisurely. After hearing the boss's roar, she doesn't know what happened and runs away out.

The general manager of the branch looked at the middle-aged woman who trotted out. After all, she was her sweetheart for many years.

Heart softened: "Little Gu, this is Young Master Wang, the real big boss behind our company, he came to the company to experience life."

"How can you fire Young Master Wang casually? Apologize to Young Master Wang quickly."

The space was suddenly quiet, and all the company colleagues who had gloated before were stunned and at a loss by the shocking news.

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