The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 72: Gu Yanger's Dream Realm

Gu Sijia was lying on the sofa at home, sweating profusely, covering her face with her hands in embarrassment. How could this be a strange dream? When she raised her eyes, the protagonist in the dream had disappeared.

If it wasn't for waking up and still lying on the sofa, Gu Sijia would have wondered if she was schizophrenic.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know was that what she thought was waking up on the sofa was also a dream.

What about Young Master Wang, oh yes, Young Master Wang went back after eating, I'd better sleep for a while, Gu Sijia who woke up in the dream fell asleep again in the dream.

At this time, Wang Yin was stunned in Gu Yanger's dream world. What's the situation? This time, not only did he enter his consciousness, but his real body also entered.

This dream world is no longer the emptiness and darkness of Zhang Xifeng, but a rose-red world with a hint of light.

In the twilight, petal-like monsters floated around, and some rose-red life energy balls appeared in the space below from time to time, and the petal monsters would swim over and gently wrap up the energy balls to absorb them. These monsters were so gentle even when eating.

After several experiments, it was confirmed that only he can enter this world, and other people can't bring it into this world. Could it be that everyone has their own dream world, but everyone doesn't know that they have this world.

At this time, the whole rose red world was suddenly shaken, all kinds of monsters flew around in panic, and there were thunderous sounds from the depths of the world. What happened, Wang Yin was shocked and quickly exited the rose red shimmering world.

In Gu Yang'er's room in reality, this little girl is closing her eyes and screaming in the dream Wang Yin made up for her.

"Wang Yin, you bloody hooligan... Come out, you pervert, I'm going to tear you apart."

"Wang Yin, you rubbish, do you dare to do it or not?"

"Why are you hiding, don't think that this is a dream and I will obey you, woo woo woo'..."

In the dream, Gu Yanger was heartbroken. Why did I have this kind of dream, why why... why did this happen, why did I dream of Wang Yin, a perverted and wretched man.

Brother Jing Tian, ​​where are you?

Wang Yin looked at Gu Yang'er who was crying so hard in front of him, a smirk pulled out from the corner of his mouth, this is still a little pepper.

Not bad, among so many people in such a long time, this chick was the first to wake up by herself in the dream he made up.

Although she fell asleep in a dream, she didn't know it was a dream, and it was equivalent to falling asleep directly. As a result, she now knew that she was dreaming.

Could it be because of her physique, her mental willpower is more focused, so she wakes up quickly, and when she sees Gu Yanger again, her eyes are different, and it turns out that Gu Yanger's physique actually has a strong cool air.

Director Jingtian, you are not good enough. You can't blame him, Mr. Wang, for not getting a girlfriend for so long.

Looking at the wide open door and the open window in the bedroom, she finally understood how she knew she was dreaming. She must have run out after waking up and found something abnormal in the room.

Except for dreaming, whose house will be like a cradle, shaking and shaking in the starry sky.

Well, since I found it, I'll let you discover it, and try to see if I can bring you into your world.

Gu Yang'er was crying so hard that she suddenly opened her eyes again in a trance. Why did I open my eyes again? How many times have I opened my eyes?

"Ah...why are you bastard again."

"Ahh...what is this place."

"Is this heaven? It's so beautiful."

Exclamations sounded in the rose red world, if this is a happy paradise, then I am willing to accept the happiness of this bastard.

"Wuuuuu...Brother Sedum, Yang'er is sorry for you, Yang'er betrayed you."

"This dream world is so beautiful, Yanger's heart can't go back."

At a certain construction site, Liu Jingtian, the chief executive who was yelling to direct the workers to be busy, suddenly became dizzy and squatted on the ground covering his chest. What's wrong with my heart...It hurts so bad.

In the rose-red world, Gu Yanger obsessively watched everything in this world, like a dream.

Thinking of everything that is illegal, like a dream, like dew or electricity, I am sorry, I don’t think so.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, what is's all petals, so many beautiful petals, wow, it can move, and the eyes are so cute."

"I want to live here, so I won't go there."

"What kind of place is this bumpkin? Did you give it to me? If so, I will forgive you..."

Gu Yang'er happily ran, danced and laughed in the rose red world.

Maybe it's because of her own world, the whole world is brightened up because of her laughter.

In the infinitely high ethereal place, at the bottom of the endless and deep void, groups of monsters with beautiful petals floated towards her, dancing around her...

Countless small, beautiful, and happy petal elves fell on her hair and body, and in the hands of crystal clear jade, they made a light and sweet voice, singing and admiring her, and kissing her whole body.

Wang Yin was also deeply attracted by the scenery in front of him. No one in the world can see such a magnificent scenery of heaven and earth rejoicing together.

Perhaps this is the reason why life must control its own world. Only when life controls its own world, will its own world revolve around itself. If others control the world of life, life will be like a walking dead.

Zhang Qifeng's world is nothingness and darkness. It may be because she has experienced marriage setbacks, and her thinking world has gradually lost its color after life has been tempered. Her world has evolved into nothingness and darkness. There are endless monsters inside. The external manifestation is that she has gradually lost her kindness and started Use scheming means.

Based on such reasoning, the world of those more vicious and vicious people is probably even more terrifying and mysterious.

On the contrary, the more beautiful and pure the soul is, the more beautiful, pure and beautiful her or his world will be.

I don't know if my mental power reaches a certain level, can I enter the world of others without resorting to physical contact.

If possible, bring the army of human-shaped worlds with you, imagine the human souls in the heavens and other worlds in your mind, cross the void and suddenly enter those great universes, and then release the monsters in the human-shaped world. One person is the combat power of a world , Stepping on the heavens and spouting thousands of people, it's so cool.

Don't worry about not being able to see people, first visualize the human images in the myths and legends of the whole blue star, and when you arrive in that world, you can naturally observe more human appearances in the world from the powerful spirit in that world.

Wang Yin, who was in the fantasy, suddenly had a dull expression. Looking at the demon king series in his mind, he suddenly realized that the guy with long wings who claimed to be Wang Yin was also playing with this idea.

It seems that he has discovered the truth. He brought all the lives of Lan Xing's father into demons and broke into the life universe of that planet. Could it be that he wanted to conquer the planet life in that universe, take all the planet life in that universe as a mount, and let Lan Xing The human monster on Papa Xing is in control, let's go and sweep the heavens.

Startled by the thoughts in his mind, Wang Yin patted his chest and took a deep breath. If this is really the style of his little king next door, now he begins to believe that the shameless demon king in his mind is really himself.

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