The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 8 The Devil's Nest

At the bottom of the cave, Mr. Wu, Jiang Zhonghao, and Yang Tian woke up one after another.

The three of them huddled back to back, looking pale at the long snakes around them, some of which were obviously highly poisonous, big and small.

In the darkness deep in the corner, a few giant pythons coiled into a ball spit out snake letters and stared at them quietly.

Yang Tian's face was pale, and his teeth chattered coldly. He was very afraid of snakes. He just saw a snake in the woods, and he fell into a snake den in a blink of an eye, playing with people.

He stammered and asked, "What kind of place is this, and why did we appear here?"

After all, Mr. Wu was older and calmed down a little, and replied calmly.

"This must be the place where the Demon Fly Immortal lives. Calm down. Looking at the movements of these poisonous snakes, it should be that they have received instructions from the Immortal not to harm us, otherwise they would have come here earlier."

He completely forgot what he said to Jiang Zhonghao when he was in the middle of the mountain. There is nothing magical in this world.

Yang Tian couldn't understand: "What kind of immortal."

Immediately after reacting, his face turned pale and he asked, "We have met the Demon Fly Immortal."

Jiang Zhonghao looked at the poisonous snakes all over the ground and felt cold all over, tremblingly said: "It's the magic fly fairy, don't talk, so as not to offend these long insects."

Yang Tian's face became even paler after hearing this. The devil's cave is full of poisonous snakes and poisons. Are these the subordinates of the devil fly? Will they be eaten? He sniffed and smelled the smell in the air: "Why is there a smell of corpses? Do you smell the smell of corpses?" taste."

Elder Wu and Jiang Zhonghao were taken aback for a moment, they just paid attention to the poisonous snake at the bottom of the cave, and didn't pay attention to observe the environment. Now Yang Tianyi said that they really smelled a corpse smell mixed with the strong smell of snakes.

If it wasn't for Yang Tian to say it, covered by so many snake smells, it would be easy to ignore it, turn around and search around, but Yang Tian exclaimed again, and squeezed in the direction of Wu Lao and Jiang Zhonghao desperately.

"Man, man, there are dead people over there."

Mr. Wu couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, this unlucky child, he was the first to see everything.

Jiang Zhonghao's heart was even colder when he heard the sound, and he was sweating profusely. The fact that there were dead people showed that this was not a good place, which meant that the Demon Fly Immortal was a demon that could really harm people.

The two reluctantly turned around and looked towards Yang Tian's pointing direction. A dead man with half of his face rotten, emitting a stench, and bared horrified white teeth was lying not far from the three of them.

Vomit, Jiang Zhonghao couldn't bear it first, and spit out a mouthful of sour water.

He is calmer than Yang Tian in study, more motivated and studious, and more courageous than Yang Tian, ​​but he is the most vulnerable one in the face of the truly horrible and disgusting corpse. Yang Tian followed closely and vomited together with Jiang Zhonghao Mess.

On the contrary, Mr. Wu is well-informed. Although he is equally disgusting and terrifying, he can hold on without collapsing. Now he is most worried about how this monster will deal with them.

At this time, there was a piercing horrific laughter in the sky above the cave. In an instant, demons danced wildly in the cave, and countless flying poisonous insects soared into the sky, squirming together with the group of snakes. Many of them crossed the barriers of communication between different races. Study evolutionary events.

There are also blowflies like black clouds covering the top, flying out of the caves everywhere. The size of sea bowls can be found everywhere, and there are countless ones the size of fists.

A fearful voice sounded: "Ah......."

With the help of the strong light from the entrance of the cave, they were shocked to see the black cloud of fist-sized flies boiling in the cave, and the three poisonous snakes and insects were all stunned.

"Lily, it's Lily."

Mr. Wu was so excited that his jaw was trembling. He was the one who was most worried and sad about Wu Lili's disappearance. He only had two grandchildren, and he loved them very much.

"Lily, is that you, Lily?"

Yang Tian shouted excitedly, besides his disproportionate personality with his strong body, he also sincerely likes Wu Lili, now hearing Wu Lili's terrified and tender voice, he was very anxious.

Mr. Wu followed and shouted: "Lily, is that you, Lily? Do you agree?"

Above the cave, Wu Lili did not respond, but the same voice as Wu Lili came from time to time.

"Ah, don't...youkai...youkai, ah, ah,"

"Go away, go away and don't come near me, don't..."

The whole cave suddenly grotesque, horrific and weird laughter endlessly, countless poisonous insects, birds and beasts fluttering, snakes dancing and hissing, magic flies and black clouds buzzing and boiling.

After a while, Wu Lili's frightened screams disappeared, and Wen Juan's frightened screams joined in.

"Don't...ah, let go of Lily, you monster, you have the ability to bite me."

Half an hour later, Wenjuan resigned herself to her voice: "No, no, no, Lily is not auntie who won't help you, this monster even sucks auntie's blood, auntie can't protect herself, let's fight the enemy together."

The three people at the bottom of the cave listened blankly to Wenjuan, Wu Lili and Wu Lili were helpless in their encounter, and they knew what happened to them no matter how dull they were.

Contacting the ten miles and eight townships near Qinglong Mountain, it was rumored that Mr. Wu and Jiang Zhonghao sat on the ground silently, not talking.

Only Yang Tian beat the ground heartbreakingly: "Why, why, Lily, my poor Lily..."

The cold wind is blowing, and the snow is fluttering in the north. Lily, you have worked hard to block the demons for us.

On the half-wall platform of the cave, Wang Yin is posing in a monster-specific pose, happily devouring the essence liquid of the two women. In human terms, it is vitality.

To be a monster is to look like a monster, he can't create a horror and bloody scene, a group of demons dancing in the devil's cave is okay, there are also fly demons among the monsters, even if they don't exist today, Jie Jie Jie...

I'm not Wang Yin, I'm not a fly demon, I just want to devour and evolve, and devour and evolve until the end of time.

I'm not Wang Yin, I'm not a fly demon, don't scold me, if you scold me, you'll devour me until I grow old.

A palm-sized, black cloud-like blowfly tornado hovered in the air, and the source of the tornado revolved around a giant blowfly on the cave platform that was bigger than a giant dog. Next to the giant blowfly were two beauties with their own characteristics.

The setting sun is slanting, and the painting style is strange.

Looking at the black blowflies circling in mid-air, and a washbasin-sized fly landing on his back, Wang Yin couldn't help but smile knowingly. He didn't expect that this group of blowflies in the cave would survive.

And the number of surviving is still very large, and the evolution is rapid and spiritual,

After he went out to evolve for two months, he came back to check the decay of the human body, and found that the fly population had changed, so he decided to use Qinglong Mountain as the base camp.

The biggest one is the female fly of this fly, which is already as big as a washbasin.

The ones that survived were all the blowflies in the hole that were affected by the sucking experiment after he discovered the secret of evolution at the beginning, and then these blowflies gave birth to offspring, and the offspring of the female fly. This evolutionary memory continued in the gene, and after birth, the instinct began to devour and suck evolution, and grew up rapidly.

So as long as the fly is given a chance to open up, it will firmly grasp it.

God gave them talents, but did not allow them to be enlightened. The short life is the reason why they cannot evolve.

The same batch of sister flies born by the mother fly also survived, while the other ordinary flies have all ended their short lives long ago.

What this race lacks is a little fuel stimulus. It seems that the meaning of his falling into this cave is to ignite the evolutionary flame of this race.

All the flies born in the hole after his experiment were born with the ability to suck and devour energy, and the life span of the causal cycle increased a lot, and they successfully embarked on the evolutionary path of devouring and sucking.

There is also the use of breeding and sucking methods that the blue is better than the blue, which is the main reason for the rapid growth.

But he can't learn how to reproduce and suck.

Because the female fly is the mother of his body, the blood connection has been tested the most times, and the soul has more influence and evolves the fastest.

After he left, the other flies in the cave frequently sucked energy and evolved rapidly, and now they have evolved into the leader of this group of flies and the creatures in the mountain, directly a group of monsters.

Watching the female fly circling around him, Wang Yin stretched out his forelimbs to soothe its huge head, and made a low-frequency buzzing sound that flies only understand.

"Don't worry, these people are not enemies, your task is to evolve quickly, go."

He knew it could understand, and now a blowfly no bigger than a fist could vaguely comprehend his mental instructions.

After leaving the cave before, this female fly was also getting more and more spiritually intelligent, coupled with the invincible power of the cave, and took the initiative to protect her body in the cave, so that the body would not be continuously damaged by other flies, snakes, rats and ants.

Although the female fly does not know who the human body is, after awakening its spirituality, it can feel the strong and familiar soul breath on that body.

Flies flutter in the cave, Wang Yin is pained and happy.

He brought out a group of fly devils, but he really wasn't a fly devil.

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