The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 84 Preparations For Attack

After coming out of Huanyu Great World, Wang Yin went to several other worlds to appreciate the customs. Things that he couldn’t do when he was incapable, now he can do them all at once.

In particular, a protagonist has become a world of heaven and earth, and the heroine named Xiao Qiqi is the most suitable for Wang Yin's appetite.

This heroine can be transformed into tens of millions, and Wang Yin's cooperation with the real blood avatar is flawless. The battle with Wang Yin covers the world from ancient times to the present, heaven and earth.

There is no way that the protagonist is incompetent in heaven, even worse than his own father. His own father gave birth to a younger sister after he cultivated, and he did not marry the heroine until he practiced in heaven. It is better to use the heroine to help him temper evolutionary energy.

By the way, he harvested all kinds of furnaces around him to absorb energy, and in the end, the protagonist Tiandao was so angry that his realm disappeared, his memory was dismissed and he returned to the campus, vowing to be an ordinary person honestly from now on.

Consciousness Entering the Dream Soul Realm: The Great Dream Scripture

Host: Wang Yin (The soul is bound by foreigners and cannot be seized. If you take it by force, you will destroy the soul. Therefore, when the host is weak, please protect yourself).

Realm: Dreaming out of the world of mortals (cultivation is perfect and free).

Skills: Great and Desolate Kung Fu, Yin and Yang Battle Kung Fu, Green and Green Kung Fu, Big and Small Ruyi Jue, True Blood Indestructible Sutra (Thousands of Thousands of Hammers are full of self-overflow, True Blood Clone

This day has been optimized and upgraded to Dzogchen, and now it is the true blood is not destroyed).

Combat power: three-star (one-star destroys thousands of kilometers of stars, two-star destroys thousands of kilometers of stars...the strength of the galaxy-level host has not yet arrived, and it will not be opened later).

Consciousness: Three-star (you can enter the dream soul of the three-star life, after the nine-star life is the galaxy level...the host's strength has not yet arrived, and it will not be opened later).

Dream Slave: 158 good, 270 evil (the host helps the subject to break the dream world of his body, and the subject can practice on his own, from good to evil, from vice to evil, like yin and yang, good and evil circles, black and white are inside Yu Genji).

Nunu: 10,064.51 million (Congratulations to the host for pioneering the addition of slave options. Nunu is the open continuation of Mengnu. All servants after Mengnu are slaves. The host is the collective name of the ancestor regardless of how many generations).

Inner Astral: None

Inner Universe: None

Breaking the Universe: None

The final warning: The Damengtianjing breaks the universe and stays freely, and all information hosts cannot be leaked. Leakage will lead to the destruction of the soul.

After reading the latest information of the Great Dream Scripture, Wang Yin called out how enjoyable it really is, with three-star combat strength and three-star spiritual consciousness, and the realm dreaming out of the world of mortals. The world where Tiandao was spit out blood made the greatest contribution. Even Tiandao was spit out blood by Qi, and the realm fell and returned to the campus. Naturally, the energy absorbed is not comparable to that of ordinary worlds.

What is the concept of three-star combat power, that is, one blow can destroy a planet with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers. This is no longer an attack that mortals can do. Nothing threatening.

Just kidding that the blue star is only more than 10,000 kilometers in diameter, which means that his current blow can blow up several blue stars, and if he threatens, he will buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

Defense grows at the same time, just like an adult who weighs 100 jin punches another adult who weighs 100 jin with a punch. As long as you don't attack vulnerable parts and don't use weapons, you can naturally withstand several ordinary attacks, not to mention counterattack.

This Great Dream Scripture is really considerate, and it comes with its own optimization service. The true blood avatar skills found in Huanyu World have been directly optimized and upgraded to the True Blood Indestructible Scripture. His real body, the subject consciousness can be changed at will, and the visual, auditory and sensory experience can also be popularized, just like a computer mainframe networked with several extensions.

As long as he still has a trace of true blood breath, his soul can be immortal in the real heavens and worlds, and he can be reborn with blood through the combination of qi and blood.

That is to say, in the future, as long as there is a trace of his aura in the heavens and myriad worlds, he can be resurrected infinitely. He has entered so many different worlds and left behind so many fighting auras. How can the traces of true blood be wiped out? This is a god-defying supernatural power Got the baby.

And this Nunu, is it developed by these Mengnu? Oh my God, why are you so awesome? How long did it take you to give him a large number of Nunu? It’s over a million. Are you Mengnu? Are they all turned on?

He also has millions of dead soldiers and private soldiers now, and they are still the kind who can never resist him.

If so many slaves continue to develop, the day of conquering the heavens will be getting closer and closer.


In the starry sky of the endless universe, Crystal Star is one of the closest planets to Blue Star. The sky above is cloudy, and golden thunderbolts are always shining. On the ground, more than ten hurricanes whizzed past, billowing dust and black clouds all over the sky.

Wang Yin stood on the roof of the Royal Hotel and looked up at the starry sky, his clothes were fluttering and he wanted to ride away in the wind, oh, he said he was going on a swing, and today he was going to Jingxing to clean up those perverts.

Under the cover of the entire star array on the crystal star, there are many Longyang people living on it, and they are also called the Yinyang tribe by the true spirit tribe.

The Longyang tribe is a disgusting race that is all male, with a big nose on the top of the head, but loves to dress up as female.

During the breeding season, by robbing the females of other races to imprison the breeding base, and by forcing the females of other races to change their nature, they bred young Longyang people who are all male.

The plundered females of other races are like machines, continuously producing offspring for the race.

This race shouldn't exist in the world. As a real man, Wang Yin wanted to slap him to death when he saw this cross-dressing female race for the first time. It was so disgusting and embarrassing.

You say that you have a big nose and a long head on top of it, let alone a big nose and a long head on top of your head, everyone understands if you don’t have a long nose.

But if you pretend to be a female, it’s over. As a man with normal three views, in order to protect the three views of future generations, you must exhale this disgusting existence.

Behind Wang Yin, stood respectfully two rows of graceful and graceful figures in black cloaks, and behind them were more densely packed rows of muscular men in black suits.

Most of these people are Mengnu who Wang Yin entered the dream world, and Mengnu's servant Nunu, and some of them are responsible for the operation of the Ocean Consortium and the Mengxian Kingdom.

More than a dozen special helicopters hovered around the building, two of which were marked with national media lights flashing non-stop, and in the clouds above the building, teams of Dragon Kingdom's top fighter jets roared across.

Farther away on the roofs of the surrounding buildings, observers dispatched by various countries hold various telescopes, nervously waiting for Wang Yin to fly into the sky.

Wang Yin knew all these things, and he acquiesced to them. Hao Juanjuan and his wife had already asked him for instructions.

Affected by the last moon-star war, the Blue Star is undercurrents. Everyone knows that the Dream Fairy God Kingdom, which can cultivate and evolve, has appeared in the Dragon Kingdom. Various countries have sent countless high-quality ladies to join the harem of the slave warriors of the Dream Fairy God Kingdom, and even the Dragon Kingdom warriors The harem is also filled with countless.

It's just a pity for all countries that the slave fighters of Mengxian God Kingdom and Dragon Kingdom said that these ladies can join their harem, but they can't go back to their own country, they can only serve them for life, because as national fighters, they can't let these ladies The country, arrange people around at will.

If these ladies want to go back to their country and guide their citizens into the dream world, there is only one way to go.

That is to be stationed near the camps of the slave fighters of the Mengxian God Kingdom or the Dragon Kingdom fighters, and provide warm and daily services for the slave fighters of the Mengxian God Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom warriors for free.

If the warm service is done well, if there is a relationship between the slave warriors of the Kingdom of God and the warriors of the Dragon Kingdom, they will consider guiding those who are destined to enter the dream world of the Kingdom of God as a reward for their service.

Moreover, these countries must provide voluntary women's health certificates, and they cannot harm the Nunu fighters and Dragon Kingdom fighters, otherwise they will be blacklisted and will never help open the kingdom of God.

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