The Heavens Come

Chapter 679: 4-character name sounds awesome

All-knowing Almighty Anok disappeared, flat ground disappeared, and returned to sea level. Ye Ting hugged Meow and quickly rushed across the sea to the pier, while he continued to communicate with the little fox.

[This is how the horror cruiser escape ... looks like it's complicated. 】

The little fox, the incarnation of God, subconsciously said.

"The movie horror cruise is even more complicated. It is already very simple here. There are only two me on the cruise ship. There are always three heroines on the cruise ship in the movie. The cycle is still the mode of big ring and small ring. There is only one time cycle going through, and it is already very simple. "Ye Chui sighed.

[I can't view the information of this second egg test. You passed the test, but the way is a bit strange, and other players will definitely not be able to pass the test in this way. 】

Little Fox continued.

"This test should have passed in other ways, but I didn't take the ordinary way." Ye Ting said, after all, not everyone took advantage of a bunch of legendary items, abilities, and intimate meows in his hands. In response.

"Meow ~" turned into a little girl, a meow meow being held in his arms by a leaf, and a soft cry came out of his mouth.

[When you were trapped, Xiaolong and I were worried about death. Even Xiaomei became more and more irritable. The unknown person did not know what was going on, and knew where you are in the real world ontology, so Send someone to search there. Some of them have legendary objects similar to the mirrors of the spirit. They seem to be able to sense the existence of the world in the mirror. I almost found you. Xiaomei found the pan and patted them all. It was the first time I saw her get so angry. 】

Said the little fox hissingly.

Here is the oasis world. Similar to the network world, Ye Ting's body is still in the real world. During this time, Xiao Mei was responsible for taking care of it. The place where the body is is located in an old factory in the eastern district, and the mirror world created by the spirit mirror.

The legendary object of the miracle mirror was originally obtained from the unknown, and it is not unusual for the unknown to have other people perceive the existence of the world in the mirror.

Speaking of it, Ye Ting was involved in the cycle of time in the oasis world and lost for more than a month. Although his body is strong, even if he does not eat or drink for a month, it will not be a problem, but after all, he will be a little weak. Ye Ting now escapes from the cycle of time. But there is no feeling of weakness. This is also due to Xiao Mei's always taking care of his body. Ye Ting is also like leaving the oasis world immediately to meet her own zombie maid.

However, he is now in the vacation planet area and cannot return to the ontology offline.

—Similarly, in the previous time cycle, the leaf lobes could not be taken offline.

"In the past month, what happened in the real world, please tell me in detail." Ye Ting then said to the little fox.

好 [Okay, although it's only been a month, but it feels like it's been a long time ...]

The little fox recounted.

Before Ye Ting entered the cycle of time, he assembled almost all the survivors, formed a survivor alliance, the Iron Throne and Hellfire united, and many small groups came to join, but there were many two or five in this power, such as Hex in the future, Claus in the magic party and others, they are all subject to the iron throne and obey Ye Ting's order, so they all want to get rid of the iron throne's control.

Xie Yechu lost her way, and her life and death were unknown. This group of people immediately started to perform small movements, while the unknown person was staring at it.

The remaining two leaders of the unknown, Crodi, and the mechanical emperor Asimov were aware of this. They attacked the survivor base and destroyed the iron throne. As they expected, they lost the iron throne. The **** immediately split the power of the Survivors' Union.

赫 Hex, which originally belonged to the future society, together with some members of the future society, split up to form a new organization. They called themselves "the dark order."

赫 The leader of the Dark Order is Hucks. This survivor who likes to wear military uniforms uses his unique "warlord will" special ability to build the Dark Order into a brutal and obedient army.

There is also a powerful survivor named Snooker in this organization. Although this person has no legendary items, according to the judgment of the little fox, he has a strong blood of the Jedi, and I am afraid that the pure strength is no less than the leader of the future club, Master Yoda. .

The members of Hagi originally belonged to the ghost moon club were split into two.

的 Some of them formed an organization called "Suzano". The leader of this organization was the one that Ye Ting paid close attention to, the Big Dipper who has the special ability of parasitic beasts.

At the same time, according to the information that the little fox observed from God ’s perspective, Beidou City seems to be still alas, and there is still a person standing behind him.

The man is a legendary survivor who has not appeared before, and has three legendary items in his hand: Caojian Sword, Hachijo Gouji, and Hachiko!

Three famous RB artifacts.

[This legendary survivor appears to be in a strange state. He seems to be parasitic in the body of the Big Dipper. I ca n’t view his information. I can only feel his presence. He sealed himself with some kind of sealing ability, so as to let him He temporarily disqualified himself as a survivor, but he did not become an unknown person.

Xiao Xiaolong judged that this guy is most likely the real Suzano in the RB legend.

He may still be the creator of Guiyuesha. He seems to have never died, hiding in the dark. 】

After hearing the explanation from the little fox, Ye Ting raised a bit of interest: "It turned out that this old antique still survives, so I can use him to try my power ... The ghost moon club split into two forces, One of them is Susano, what about the other? "

The other one is called Phoenix Shrine.

After the Iron Throne was destroyed, some members who belonged to the Ghost Moon Club did not like to continue to attach to the Dragon Soul group, and did not want to join the Susano no. So they established their own portals, and Riki Ghost Island became the leader of these people. She owns the Black Phoenix The power of the organization is called the Phoenix Shrine!

In addition to the Ghost Moon Club, members of the Demonic Party have also split up some people, and members of the Blood Council, such as Claus, have formed an organization called the dusk of the gods.

"The gods at dusk?" Ye Ting was a little surprised by the name. "How many Claus vampires are involved with the gods at dusk?"

[You know, there are five members of the Blood Council. They have five abilities: Bloodthirsty Claw, Gluttony Mouth, Immortal Body, Obsessive Soul, and Charismatic Eye. They are similar to the mysterious person of the ghost moon society. These five abilities belong to one person, Count Nicholas, the originator of the vampire, and the five members of the Blood Council can hold a ceremony to summon that person. 】

"An old antique again?" Ye Ting snorted. "I did not expect that there are so many old guys in the survivor world hiding in the dark, but how does Count Nicholas have anything to do with the gods at dusk?"

传说 [It is said that Count Nicholas became a vampire after being cursed by the gods, so he was full of resentment against the western gods. The Greek deities and the Nordic deities are the same ... The gods at dusk probably carried his wish. 】

"..." Ye Xing rolled her eyes and suddenly thought, "What about Tessa?"

[Tessa is still in the Dragon Soul group. She has the power of Odin and is regarded as an enemy by the gods at dusk. 】

"Well ... other than these organizations?" Ye Ting asked.

Little Fox continues to introduce.

Under the leadership of the survivor named Qidi, Equatorial Sky re-independent and created an organization called Pure Faith. The Equatorial Sky Organization originally had the blood of God dancing and gained strength through faith in Equatorial Sky. Equatorial Sky was killed by Ye After the death, the blood of the **** dance was also ended, but during this time they found a way to restore the blood of the **** dance, that is, to believe in themselves.

Through self-belief, let them regain the blood of God dance, so they call themselves God dance belief.

The alliance was completely divided during the period when Ye Chui left. The leader of the alliance, Gandalf, was sealed by the deputy leader, and even some of the leader ’s cronies with Lan Yinger were also sealed. The deputy leader completely took power and completely transformed the alliance.

Now they are no longer called Alliance ~ ~ but they are called ... Hacker Legion.

[The deputy leader of the alliance has also hidden his strength before. His Zion base can not only create combatants, but also infect the combatants into himself like Smith in the Matrix. The so-called hacker legion, in fact, everyone inside is now himself! 】

"This guy's ability is a bit interesting." Ye Ting said, suddenly thinking of the scene of countless Smith besieging Neo in the movie, Ye Ting has a 100% certain foreboding, this scene will definitely repeat.

[He now named himself Smith. 】

"What about Dragon Soul and Hellfire?" Ye Ting continued to ask.

[The two organizations are now merged, and the name has also changed to Hell Dragon Soul. 】

"Hell dragon soul? What's the name!" Ye Ting said a little unwillingly.

[The name was obtained after everyone's consultation. Didn't you find it? Now the four-character name is popular, so Ao Xing proposed the name Hell Dragon Soul, which sounds more powerful. 】


Dark Order, Susano, Shrine of the Phoenix, Dusk of the Gods, Legion of Hackers ... plus Hell Dragon Soul.

I really have four words.

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