The Heavens Come

Chapter 700: From today, he is a siberian husky who only writes round eyes!

"This spell is not simple." Ye Ting looked at the direction in which the paper plane disappeared, and his feeling told him that the paper plane had not disappeared, it was just a force to remove it from the senses of others, but even knowing that, Ye Xing still had trouble grasping the direction of the paper plane's flight.

This is already a hidden power at the rule level.

"In the HP world, there is no way to redeem this spell, but magicians can create this spell through theory. Of course, it requires a strong understanding of magic theory." Erin explained, "Since the original weird town was destroyed Later, the mayor of Dumbledore and Uncle Green have been working **** the study of this spell. There has been no progress at all, but after the God King game started, they succeeded the next day under strong pressure. "

Everyone: "..."

This group of magicians is indeed a group of people who live from the heart ... In the face of complex situations, when survivors and unknown people face different dangers, they are also fighting from the heart, and resolutely developed this This is the equivalent of a legendary hiding spell, a miracle!

"Brother, I did not expect that once you return, you will completely smooth out the chaos in the survivor world, but there are still problems in the alliance now." Ao Xing said, the alliance's deputy leader Smith, while Ye Tzu left, imprisoned The chief Gandalf and some members who are loyal to Gandalf, such as Lan Yinger, etc., this matter should also be resolved.

After Ye Chui's return, his first opponent was Smith. The battle with hundreds of Smiths was a warm-up for Ye Chui at best. Although he defeated hundreds of Smiths, he did not actually kill him completely.

"Can you find where they are?" Ye Chui asked the little fox, he had a good sense of Gandalf, and Lan Yinger was the first person he knew after becoming a survivor.

[They are located in a certain space world, which should be the different space created by Smith ’s Zion base ability, but they are now in a coma, their consciousness ... seems to be sealed into a virtual world. 】

"Like the Matrix?" Ye Ting was a little strange.

[Killing Smith directly can't wake them up, their consciousness will be lost forever. If you want to rescue them, you can only let Smith release them, or ...]

"Or go into that virtual world and rescue them." Ye Ting followed in his heart the words of the little fox.

[Yes. 】

Ye Chui and the little fox communicated through their hearts, and then said to Ao Xing, "Let ’s talk about the alliance later, it is more troublesome. I have to solve other problems first."

"Other issues?" Ao Xing said for a moment.

Ye Ting turned his head to look at the distant sky. The drone controlled by the Unknown Robot Emperor was hanging high in the air. From the beginning of the war to now, the drone has been monitoring all movements on the battlefield.


"He's coming here!"

In the base of the unknown person, when they saw Ye Xing's line of sight on the screen, the mechanical emperor exclaimed immediately.

At the same time, this building from the number one player world 101 company immediately entered a state of full armed alert, a black technology sniper gun on the top of the building immediately began to operate, and a family of specially modified combat robots poured from the building. Come out.

The 101 building was originally protected by the special abilities of the Arkham Asylum of the Mad Clown. When the Mad Clown died, the legendary item of the Arkham Asylum naturally disappeared, so the mechanical emperor Asimov used his ability to create Some mechanical defenses work together to defend against danger.

It's just that these fortifications obviously have no effect on Ye Xing.

In the picture taken by the drone on the screen, Ye Ting's figure suddenly disappeared. The next moment, there was a clamor. The huge floor-to-ceiling window in the room on the top floor of the building burst and shattered. In front of all the unknown.

"Come here fast!" Cried an unknown man.

There are a total of twenty-three unknown people in this room. They belong to the high-level in the unknown purgatory, and each of them has a legendary item, which belongs to the legendary unknown.

"Join him together!" Said another unknown man, his hands quickly starting to release some weird black mist, which was about to completely wrap him.

But almost at the same moment, he only heard a howl whine, four cold lights flashed behind the unknown man, his body fell out of the black mist in the scream, and black blood sprayed on his body and fell to the ground.


"This stupid dog!"

In the scolding of the unknown man, Hatch, who suddenly launched an attack, quickly jumped to Ye Ting and hid behind Ye Ting's body. The dog's eyes swept at others with ridicule, but I didn't expect it, in fact, I was undercover!

"Hatch ..." The mechanical emperor seemed to be hit hard, and his body was shaking. He quickly reached out and supported the wall next to him. The moment his robotic palm touched the wall, the golden lines were like a circuit. It quickly spread out of his palm, and instantly spread throughout the room. There were many high-tech items in this room. Now these items seem to have come alive and turned into a weird mechanical beast.

At the same time, Hatch hiding behind Ye Ting suddenly opened his mouth and bite on Ye Ting's thigh, and a claw caught on Ye Ting's waist.

"... There is a problem, do you think I don't know?" The Robot Emperor continued, and he deliberately pretended to be hit. "My three laws of robots cannot infect Hatch, this has never happened before. You seem to have given it legendary strength ... but the problem with its style of work is so big that fools can't see the problem. During the time you left, I have completely controlled it with nanoviruses. This Even if it doesn't find it by itself. "

The special ability of Emperor Mechanical's "Three Laws of Robots" is invalid for Hatch, but he realized the problem and quietly released the nanovirus to Hatch ~ ~ This is a miniature robot that is hard to find with the naked eye. Lurking inside Hatch.

The time is ripe to instantly isolate Hatch's own consciousness and allow the mechanical emperor to completely take over Hatch's body.

The soul gem in Hatch can only protect Hatch's consciousness from infection, which is equivalent to creating a safe virtual system area in the computer. The nano virus can directly control the hardware host. This is not a soul gem that can be defended.

"..." Ye Xing lowered her head, just to see Hatch's dog head biting on his leg. His eyes had turned red. Ye Xing raised a hand and hovered slowly on Hatch's dog's head. An orange light flickered, and Ye Ting's voice rang again. "Why don't you know that you already know that Hatch has a problem?"

With Ye Ting's words finished, the redness in Hatch's eyes suddenly disappeared. In those eyes almost the same as the real dog eyes, the pupils showed strange symbols, three waterdrop-shaped patterns ...

That's the pattern of Hachijo Gouji.

The evil spirit of the Eight Different Kinds is lying in front of Ye Ting's face, which is enough for Ye Ting to record his breath with a soul gem, and then exchange the annihilated Bachi Qiong Gouyu.

The power of Bachi Qiu Gouyu is the seal!

Ye Ting gave Hachi to Hachi, who sealed the abnormality in her body and restored it to normal.

And now the picture of the rotating eight-foot Qiong Gouyu appearing in his eyes is very similar to the picture of the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu appearing in the eyes of the eight snakeheads of the Eight Gods. Of course, this picture is more like ...

The most important thing is that Hatch, who has the ability of psychic gems, really has a mental ability that is very similar to that of writing chakras.

From today, he is a husky who only writes round eyes!

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