The Heavens Come

Chapter 702: What is liquefaction, he can gasify!

The mechanical emperor transforms into liquid form, and the body melts to avoid Ye Di Xing's flame magic attack.

But when Ye Xing looked at the molten metal that he melted, those liquid bodies suddenly disappeared like "gasification".

Ye Ting's senses can sense his presence, but this sense is not useful.

Because in his senses, the existence of the mechanical emperor seems to be divided into countless parts, scattered throughout this room.

[He seems to be ubiquitous now, is this breaking down himself into nano robots? 】

The little fox was also surprised to be subconscious.

The T-1000 robot in the Terminator can be liquefied. In fact, the robot body is constructed by nano-robots, which can be combined and disassembled at will. However, it has many restrictions and cannot be achieved like now. At the same time, the nano-robots that constitute themselves are separated from each other, and each nano-robot that cannot be seen by the naked eye carries his ability.

Liquid has a trace after all, but he can separate the elements that make up liquid, like ... gasification?

That's the difference between water and water vapor!

"Is this the ability of his three laws of robots?" Ye Cui quickly understood how the mechanical emperor did it.

The mechanical emperor has a mechanical body. For the mechanical body, you can upgrade yourself through exchanges and upgrades. To use the terminator as an analogy, when you originally converted the mechanical body, it was like the original T-800 and T-850. The model only has a mechanical body, but with the upgrade, the body can get stronger performance, such as the T-1000 that can liquefy, the TX that can create its own weapons, and the T-3000 that can ionize itself.

The mechanical body of the mechanical emperor is a type that can be liquefied. At the same time, he also has a legendary ability: "Three Laws of Robots".

His body can be said to be constructed of nano-robots. Under normal circumstances, although these nano-robots can change their bodies at will, they must be integrated in order to operate normally. The separated parts have only a small amount of action.

This was how the mechanical emperor controlled Hatch before.

But the Emperor's Three Laws of Robot can infect the nano robots that make up it, so that each nano robot can act independently, and is completely under his control. It can be said that every nano robot is him, which allows His liquefaction became a higher level of gasification, so invisible to the naked eye, it became ubiquitous in the senses of Ye Xing and the little fox.

Just when Ye Ting understood this, a nameless person suddenly appeared behind Ye Ting, and raised a huge beheaded sword with both hands.

This nameless person possesses the blood of some legendary era. The beheaded sword has a length of two meters, looks extremely huge, and is cut off instantly.

Ye Xing stretched out a hand and caught the sharp blade of this large knife with bare hands.

With a bang, the beheading knife was instantly broken into pieces.

The unknown man also thundered and flew backward, hitting the wall.

And taking advantage of this moment, Ye Ting's feeling suddenly caught a powerful energy response.

A strangely shaped firearm condensed in the air behind him.

That firearm seems to have some dark technology attributes, from the heavenly world on some technology sides.

The blue light flashed in an instant, and a terrible laser attack erupted, blasting towards Ye Ting's head.

The holy light on Ye Ting's body burned like a flame, blocking this attack.

But when Ye Ting stretched his hand towards the strange suspending firearm in the air, the firearm suddenly disappeared again.

"He can quickly condense into various weapons, and then break down again." Ye Chui secretly said.

He glanced around.

Hatch is still flashing his golden dog eyes, trying to brainwash other unknown people. These unknown people belong to the legendary namelessness, but most of them come from the legendary era. In this era, the strength is greatly reduced, and many people have recruited. The rest were still trying to attack Hach.

The unknown people in this room are just a part of the unknown Purgatory, and more unknown people are rushing here quickly. You don't need the little fox to remind Ye Xing to feel the movement of them.

"Let's have a big wave then!" Ye Ye said in his heart.

He opened his arms, and the holy light on his body burned like a flame instantly, accompanied by Ye Xing's arms falling, and the sound of flames spread around him with the power of Ebara.

Since the Mechanical Emperor is everywhere, destroy everything around you in one breath!

Anyway, Ye Ting now has enough divine power reserves to withstand burning!

Under that holy golden flame, everything in the room burns instantly. That kind of burning is not a burning in the chemical sense, but a burning that occurs on the "being" itself, which belongs to the magical attack.

Under his attack was enough to annihilate everything.

It's like deleting the existing objects directly on the map editor of the game, not even the ashes!

Many unnamed people have been brainwashed by Hatch's tadpole dogs and have lost their ability to move. They have disappeared one after another under the golden flame. UU Reading Books

When the flames extinguished, there was nothing in the room—it was really empty. All the furniture and debris from the battle were swept away, and even the air here completely disappeared, forming some kind of A degree of vacuum environment!

The air dropped below the freezing point for a while, "cramming", under the oppression and oppression, several tempered floor-to-ceiling windows on the side of the room were shattered, and the outside air poured in wildly. Hatch quickly inserted his claws into the floor to avoid himself. Was directly taken off.

This is the power of Huaxia Protoss!

"Did you get rid of him?" Ye Ting sensed all around, because he released the divine power, he recovered from the state of the divine body to the normal state briefly. Looking around, he seemed to be unaware of the existence of the mechanical emperor.

But then he suddenly felt a slight stiffness in his body, and invisible threads emerged from the void and tangled in him.

That's the reeling of Master Crody!

Just now the clergyman, Crotty, has disappeared and disappeared, using his own power to fall into the void, even the little fox's **** makes vision, he can't determine where he hid, and he releases this big while Ye Xing When the range of divine attacks was weak, he suddenly shot and entangled Ye Xing with reeling!

Those reelings have powerful control ability, whether it is the spirit or the flesh, as long as they are entangled, they will never be able to get rid of them and become Crotty's puppets!

This is the legendary ability of Yanshi!

However, the puppet master hiding in the void didn't wait for the secret joy to be successful, and saw Ye Ting's hand suddenly wave, grabbing the pieces of silk in his hands.

His arm had entered the state of the divine body, turned golden, and shone with holy light.

"Catch you!"

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