The Heavens Come

Chapter 704: Research on all versions

[This is not a rebound attack, but he completely seals off the space around you, so that every direction around you will eventually return to you! 】

The little fox explained that, from the perspective of the angel, although she could not thoroughly observe the master's twisted world, she could perceive some laws of this ability.

It's like a mirror can reflect light and shadow. Space is the carrier of "real existence". Space is distorted, and everything that exists, including attacks that rely on space, will be distorted. However, this kind of reflection attack has great limitations. You can trap Ye Xing completely in the middle of the space folds like this, and surround him with space distortion. You can only do this in the world of a kaleidoscope.

If it is in a normal environment, even if the Master is distorting the space around him, he cannot distort the magical attacks of Ye Xing.

The reflected attack fell on Ye Xing's body, causing Ye Xing's body to shake slightly. Now the space around his body is completely folded.

After thinking for a while, Ye Xing stretched out her hands, and the magical runes quickly condensed under the driving force of divine power. The ability to combat this kind of spatial distortion is only space magic, but Ye Ting quickly released several space spells, but There is no way to have any effect on the surrounding space distortion vision.

The distortion of space seemed to become a cage that trapped Ye Xing.

Twisted Hatch was still running towards Ye Xing, but he couldn't get close to Ye Xing's side.

"It's really interesting ..."

The power of the puppet Crodie was indeed strong enough.

Anonymous Purgatory has hundreds of legendary unknowns, but only seven of them can become leaders, the legendary magician Merlin, the commander of the book of life, the sword priest with the sword forest, the horror giant who controls the magic mirror, the crazy clown who laughs, There are also mechanical emperors who can turn themselves into countless nano-robots.

These people are extraordinary. Even Ye Xie, who is now so strong that he feels too much, has to feel a little tricky about Crotty's ability.

"Perhaps you have become so powerful that we cannot imagine, but your strength is also your weakness. This will make you look down on me when you face me. You had a chance to escape my kaleidoscope, but you let yourself be I'm trapped. "The voice of the sergeant Crody rang from all directions, as if there were countless sages talking at the same time," Trapped in a kaleidoscope, even you can't escape. "

When the mentoring crocodile first exerted the ability of space distortion, Ye Ting had the opportunity to immediately escape the scope of the space distortion, but he stayed in place and allowed the strange space distortion to surround himself. .

"Can't escape?" Ye Crow frowned and looked at the strange and strange twisted picture around him, and suddenly laughed, as if trying to understand something, the glory of his body suddenly disappeared.

Returned to the normal state from the divine state.

Although the divine attack will be bounced by the kaleidoscope, it is clear that the Master can also distort the space where the leaf of the **** body is located.

And when Ye Xing returned to a normal state, the twist that wrapped his body swept away instantly, swallowing Ye Xing, and the last piece of normal space in the kaleidoscope began to twist, and Ye Xing's figure was also stretched and twisted. Become abstract.

In Ye Ting's senses, he is in an abstract world. Everything in the field of vision has no normal form. A twisted thing flew to Ye Ting. It took Ye Ting a long time to distinguish that it was abstract. Hatch.

This abstract world will not cause harm to people, the space is distorted, and the objects that are attached to the space are also distorted, but the essence will not change.

"I know what you're thinking, you find that my kaleidoscope cannot contain your **** body, so you enter the kaleidoscope in disguise, and then open the **** body, destroying the kaleidoscope." Master Shi's voice came from all directions, each figure was distorted The weird puppeteer constantly swims around Ye Ting's side, "I tell you, useless, my kaleidoscope can tolerate your protoss power!"

"Who said that I was ready to enter the state of the divine body?" Ye Ting glanced around, but suddenly said, he reached out, grasping the twisted void in front of him, and in the twisted space, he could barely detect the filaments he caught. Out of hand.

That's the reel that manipulates warped space!

The ability to distort space is indeed very unsolvable, but Ye Ting is actively trapped into this kaleidoscope-like twisted space. It is not to enter the twisted space to open the **** body and destroy it, but to find the source of all this. Anything done in the space may be meaningless, and the space is freely manipulated by the master.

But there is only one thing, it cannot be distorted.

That is what caused the twisted filigree!

Although everything in the field of vision becomes abstract and the senses are affected, Ye Xing is still able to distinguish the existence of the silk.


Yan Shi exclaimed.

The next moment, like the last time, Ye Ting turned his arm into a state of the gods, restrained the filigree and pulled it hard, distorting the weird space as if it was a flattened bed sheet, quickly returning to its original state, and the countless figures of the masters quickly re-established. Fusion turned into one and appeared in front of Ye Xing.

Ye Ting drew the silk in one hand and shook the fist in one hand ~ ~ Jinguang Dasheng, with a loud blast, the fierce radiance like the sun burst out suddenly, the thin and old figure of Yanshi shattered directly in the air and turned into nothing.

But with the last experience, Ye Ting's eyes still looked around with vigilance.

The figure of the prince Crody reappeared again without warning, not far from Ye Ting, and he was resurrected again.

This time Ye Xing saw some ways.

"You can manipulate space ... or you can manipulate life and death?" Ye Ting asked.

"You found it ..." Master Ye looked a little tired, and his mouth gasped slightly. He sneered, "Yes, I can control not only space, but also the fate of life and death. This is the most terrible place of Master. I Use my power to control my life and death. I can be resurrected as many times as you kill me ... "

"Really? Then why are you so tired?" Ye Chui asked with a smile, manipulating the fate of life and death, as if it were very mysterious, but this ability will definitely cause huge consumption, and he cannot use it a few times- Ye Ting has studied all versions of Jiaminggou.

"Because ... I just introduced you into the kaleidoscope just now." Crody said with a smile.

He suddenly raised his right hand, as if holding something in his hand-not visible to the naked eye, but Ye Ting could perceive that it was a reel, one end of that reel ... connected to Ye Ting's body!

"Everyone has their own line of destiny ... I trap you in the kaleidoscope. The real purpose is to find your line of destiny." Master Crody gave a dry laugh, "Although this will Take some risks ... But I succeeded, I was caught by your destiny line, then no matter how strong you are, life and death will be in my control ... "

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