The Heavens Come

Chapter 706: It's not practical to grab things.

At the moment when the little fox lowered his thoughts, Ye Ting also noticed the anomaly at the same time.

His line of destiny was previously controlled by the master, and with the death of the master, the line of destiny should also be liberated, but at this moment Ye Ting found that his line of fate was connected to the void, and Ye Ting could feel His fate is still being controlled by others.

He summoned the Eternal Scepter again to release eternal power to protect himself.

But this time, the cocoon of that layer of eternal scepter was broken instantly.

The indescribable regular power instantly fell on Ye Xing's body.

His body began to grow visible to the naked eye, his hair began to pale, his skin began to slacken, and his body began to slacken. For an instant, countless years passed away from Ye Xing's body!

[Sink ... Master Shi is obviously dead, why is it still like this! ? 】

The little fox lowered his incomprehensible thoughts, as if becoming extremely eager.

Because the teacher died, Hachi, who got rid of the "downtime" state, eagerly jumped around Ye Ting, and in his eyes, eight feet of Qiong Gouyu appeared, and the light of the soul gem continued to flash. He wanted to help Ye Ting to stop aging, but everything There is no effect. Among many rules, the rule of time is the most terrible one. Ye Chui's eternal scepter cannot stop the fate of life and death, and the others are even more impossible.

At this time, something emerged in the void, and the line of destiny on Ye Xing's body was connected to that thing.

It was a book that looked yellow and worn, like antiques from ancient China.

It has a black cover with its traditional name-Life and Death Book!

[Life and death book? This legendary item really exists! ? 】

The little fox exclaimed again, thinking that when he participated in the Ice and Fire Battle Royale, because Ye Chui got the soul gem, he had learned the information about the book of life and death from the mouth of the **** (original). (Ps: chapter 399)

The ability of the life and death book is similar to that of the death note, but to be more powerful, the person who writes the name will die, and the name will be resurrected. It is the only item in the game of God that can freely kill others and resurrect it.

(Soul gems can bring back people who have been obliterated by God from the dead world. This resurrection ability is similar to the resurrection ability of the life and death book. It is the only ability to resurrect the obliterated person.)

It is said that the survivor who controlled the book of life and death has died a hundred years ago. He founded an organization called Difu, and then disappeared. Ye Chui suspected that Difu was the predecessor of unknown purgatory, because he was killed and resurrected by life and death. , You will become the unknown.

With Ye Chui's understanding of the power of legendary items more and more, the ability of life and death to control life and death ... isn't it just to control the fate of life and death?

Ye Ting's body was aging rapidly, and it was about to turn into a dead bone, but he wanted to understand a lot of things: the owner of the book of life and death may not have died, but entered some kind of old antiques like Susano and Nicholas. Self-sealing, the ability of the Master can not control the fate of life and death, he just barely can drive part of the power of life and death books.

Now with the death of the master, the real master of the book of life and death wakes up, and his control over the book of life and death is obviously much stronger than the master of the master. He controls Ye Ting's fate of life and death, making Ye Ting's eternal scepter impossible to resist!

Yan Shi's disdainful smile on his face before he died was for this reason.

You killed me, but awakened a more terrible existence!

That book looks like an ancient book, floating in the air, Ye Xing's destiny line connects it. Above the book page, the traditional Chinese word "Ying Xing" is slowly taking shape. When the name is completely The shaped leaf droop will also die completely, and the body will disappear into ashes, which is equivalent to being killed by God!

In the back of the book of life and death, an empty figure slowly outlined, the figure is quite tall, can not see the appearance, only a pair of cold eyes are clearly visible, is staring proudly at the rapidly dying Ye Xing.

The little fox was extremely anxious. She became the **** of the God King game and could see everything, but she did not notice the existence of the book of life and death and that mysterious person at all.

The power of Master Crody is to control others. He has been controlling Nolan since the start of the God King game, but in fact there is still a mysterious character behind him, who is quietly sleeping and controlling his will ...

"Well, it's just like a matryoshka." A voice with a little drama suddenly sounded in the little fox's heart, and the voice's master was Ye Ting.

【what? 】

A hand suddenly appeared in the void, grabbing at the life and death book that was floating in the air.

The owner of the hand is Ye Xing.

Ye Ting's figure appeared next to the old and hanging Ye Ting who was lying on the ground. When he grabbed the book of life and death, Ye Ting, who was in control of his life and death, had completely dried up and disappeared into ashes.

[Ye Xing ... Ye Xing, who was caught by the line of destiny, is your avatar, and your body has always been hiding in hiding? You ... when did you create the avatar ~ ~ I didn't even notice it! 】

The little fox lowered the will of surprise, and it was only Ye Chui's avatar written in the book of life and death.

"Since I first released the magic and destroyed the mechanical emperor." Ye Chui said to the little fox with a smile, and since then he has used his ability to create an avatar, and the deity has hidden it with the Lord of the Rings. Ye Ting's clone has always been fighting!

In the face of the ability of the master, Ye Chui did not dare to enlighten him, and was cautious. This is an old self-cultivation!

The mysterious person behind the book of life and death seemed to be a little surprised, and those cold eyes looked at Ye Tzu's deity.

Ye Ting came into contact with these cold eyes, and smiled chucklingly on his face: "No mating is allowed!"

Mystery man:"……"

Who told me your face?

Ye Chui was clutching the book of life and death, and the light in his hand flashed. He tried to forcibly conquer this powerful legendary item!

The thin book of life and death is suspended in the air. The mysterious man could have easily manipulated it, but now the book is being slowly pulled by Ye Ting and is about to lose control. This gives the mysterious man no time to control the book of life and death to curse and kill Ye Ting. He stretched out an imaginary arm, grabbed the book of life and death, and wanted to take the book of life and death back to him.

But just as his hand was about to grab the book of life and death, a glittering thing appeared like a handcuff on his illusive wrist.

It was actually an enlarged ring.

The ring on Ye Ting's fingers shone brightly, spurring the power of the ring, by grasping the timing of the life and death book at the same time with the hands of the mysterious man, forcibly releasing the power of the ring to him, wanting to transform him into himself Spirituality.

It is impractical to rob a life or death book. It is natural for him to grab a talent directly, and it is naturally his life and death book to become a spiritual ring.

The existence of this mysterious horror is definitely not a loss for one to become a spirit!

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