The Heavens Come

Chapter 710: This group of magicians is too cautious, right?

Ye Ting went to the base of the unknown, but now only half an hour has passed.

Survivors such as Ao Xing, Mi Ya, Tessa, Remi and others are very confident in Ye Ting's strength, but they still came to the team and wanted to meet Ye Ting at any time, they all saw from the 101 building The news came out, everyone looked at it intently, and then Ye Xing suddenly returned to their side.

"Ye ..." Tessa looked at Ye Ting, who appeared suddenly, with a look of concern. "Did you just fight the nameless purgatory? It doesn't seem to be intense."

The previous battles with the Eight Divine Demon Gods, Snooker, and Nicholas were almost all sky-breaking levels. The eastern suburbs have now been completely destroyed. However, after Ye Ting entered the base of the unknown, in addition to the flashing out The fire was shining, and it didn't seem to cause much movement, so Tessa asked that.

"Hit a fight." Ye Ting nodded, still thinking about the task of the Lord of the Rings.

"What's the result?" Ao Xing asked, and he turned to look at the direction of Building 101 again. "No unknown person chased him out, did you win?"

"It's a win." Ye Cui thought, and he saw that everyone was still alert. Chang Ting has become a pixel form, holding a sword and guarding the direction of the building, he said to Chang Ting, " Do n’t be nervous, there is no threat. ”

"No threat?" Chang Ting's pair of pixel eyes looked at Ye Xing.

Ye Tingyan gave a glance, turned his head slightly and looked at the 101 building, then turned around: "All the unknown people are gone."

After saying this, his figure took Hatch, and he disappeared with a whisper.

The scene was quiet.

Are all the unknowns gone?

Is this ...

Dora, Tessa took out the Storm Tomahawk and summoned the Rainbow Bridge. Her tall and heroic figure disappeared under the package of the Rainbow Bridge instantly, rushed into the building for inspection, and soon she re-under the package of the Rainbow Bridge. Back to the crowd, her face was shocked at the moment: "All ... the nameless people have disappeared, and no root hair has been left ..."

Having said that, even though she already knew a lot about Ye Ting and knew that Ye Ting would never hurt her, she still couldn't help but tremble.

Everyone else trembled.

Too cruel, but thousands of unknown people!

Within a month of Ye Cui's disappearance, the survivors and unknowns who participated in the game of the God King had gone through a series of brutal battles, but the total number of deaths was only ninety-one, the unknown was only eight ... and Ye Chui returned and arrived It is only a few hours now. I am afraid that nearly 2,000 people have died on both sides of the survivor and the unknown, and the unknown has disappeared all over!

Let's just say how cruel Ye Xing is!


[They thought it was you who solved all the unknowns ... you did it on purpose, so that they thought it was you. 】

The little fox vomited.

Ye Ting took Hatch back to the dilapidated East District, and met Xiaomei, Meow, and Irene who stayed here. Hearing the words of the little fox, Ye Ting smiled: "Whatever they think, also Lest let me find a way to explain to them what happened. "

Here in the East District, it's already broken and there is a scene of doomsday everywhere, but the dilapidated factory that Ye Ting originally used as a base is miraculously preserved. Now the spiritual mirror that Ye Ting got from the Terror Giant is still stored in the factory. Here, when Ye Ting is focused on the task of forging the Lord of the Rings, this place can continue to hide.

"Brother Ye Chui, the mayor just wrote back to me. They promised to come out of the hiding place, but only if you would pick them up in person. They would see you before they would be relieved ..." Erin's voice was weak Said to Ye Ting.

Ye Ting: "..."

This group of magicians is too cautious, right?

Seeing Ye Ting's speechless expression, Irene hurriedly continued, "The town mayor has been hiding for a while and has been studying some advanced spells. They have made some breakthroughs, maybe you will like it. "

"Breakthrough?" Ye Ting shook her head with a bitter smile, and said nothing to Erin, "Where are they? Take me there."

While Irene agreed happily, he communicated with the little fox in his heart: "What is the task of forging the Lord of the Rings specifically? The Lord of the Rings world is a magical world, and these magicians may have important uses."

[You're right, I just studied the task of forging the Lord of the Rings. This task may require the help of others, not only to form a ring guard team, but also to build your own army to fight Sauron's Army of Darkness. 】

The little fox explained in detail.

Now the middle-earth continent of the oasis world is covered by darkness. All human cities and villages have been occupied by strong orcs. The unknown person is controlled by Sauron and becomes a boss of the middle-earth world. Players enter the middle-earth continent through the portal. Later, it will appear directly in "Char". Ye Chui's heavy forged ring task also needs to set out from here to the doomsday volcano.

And Sauron and his minions can feel the breath of the Lord of the Rings, and they will send troops to attack Ye Xing madly, strong orcs, half-orcs, and other dark troops under Sauron. Their number is almost unlimited, even if Ye Chui can Hit, but the enemy can not but continuous attack.

So he needs other survivors to enter the game together to contain most of the dark army.

The stealth ability of the Lord of the Rings does not apply here, because Sauron, as the original owner of the Lord of the Rings, can more quickly and accurately feel Ye Xing's information when Ye Xing is invisible.

Ye Chui has taken on the task of forging the Lord of the Rings. He can build his own team. In addition, other players can also take other quests to enter the Middle-earth world.

Middle-earth is a magical world. There will be some restrictions in this world. For example, some high-destructive technology weapons are banned, and flying equipment will be banned. At the same time, some sci-fi weapons such as guns, lightsabers, etc. You can use it here ~ ~ Then ... Next, the Middle-earth chaos may usher in a world-wide chaos.

Communicating with the little fox, Ye Tzu and Xiaomei, Meow (teaching the ancestral form), Dabao and Hatch led by Irene to a seemingly ordinary community in the real world. The whole city that has become the real world has been shaken for a long time, but the God King game itself has a wonderful balance. This community is still calm and normal, and pedestrians come and go as usual.

"The town mayor is in this community. This community has been cast with a daring loyalty spell. Unless I bring you here, no one else will be able to find it. According to the mayor's estimate, even if the entire city is leveled, it will remain safe "Eileen explained to Ye Ting, she took out her wand and waved it gently in front of her, as if a layer of streamer flashed, as if a veil had been lifted.

The next moment, a sudden roar of dragons passed into Ye Xing's ears.

In his vision, he saw several dragons flying above the community ...

"The dragons in the dragon ranch? They summoned them to this world!" Ye Chui suddenly felt suddenly.

This is the breakthrough of the weird town!

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