The Heavens Come

Chapter 713: Deserves to be a 9-tailed dragon

The magic circle that summoned the dragon was placed in a community villa. All the furniture in the entire villa was cleaned up, but it didn't look empty because various magical creations filled every corner of it.

The ground and walls are also engraved with runes written in magic ink.

These magic runes are transformed from Latin, and in the magic world they are full of magical mysteries.

Ye Ting now has some knowledge of magic, and is also studying the subtle connection between magic and magic, but after watching those runes, he soon felt dizzy.

It's like a little programmer who just got started with the program, trying to figure out the programming thinking of the big cow-if you are not bald, you can't stand it.

"The connection between magic and magic is not that easy to connect." Ye Ting sighed, rubbing her eyebrows.

While attending the Qatari Battle Royale, Ye Chui lived in the Supreme Sanctuary of Gu Yi Mage, and saw a lot of books about the magic theory and the delicate connection between magic and magic. Gu Yi belonged to the magician. However, her magical practice has the shadow of the inheritance of magical methods. In a certain way, Marvel's mage blood is actually a combination of the power of the two bloodlines of an orthodox magician and a Eastern mage.

Suspended rings replaced the magic wand. When casting a spell, you need to condense the spell first, like magic spells, instead of simply chanting the spell to release it.

However, Ye Chui forced the mandatory ring with the mana of the method, and the effect was still unpredictable.

While Ye Tzu was thinking about these things, the magician in the grotesque town was also busy quickly, opened the summoning magic circle, input the magic power into it, and the magic characters engraved in each corner of the room suddenly lit up one by one.

They flicker constantly, as if forming bright waves in countless strings, extremely gorgeous.

Fantastic magical energy fills every space.

Ye Ting's expression suddenly became somber, he could deeply feel how great the magic circle created by these magicians.

Then, a strange sound suddenly sounded, "Deng Deng Deng Deng", the light of all the magic characters in the room stabilized.

Green's voice aside: "This time it took one minute and thirty-one seconds to turn on, which was lower than the previous ninety percent speed ... It seems that there are many redundant magic rune marks in the magic circle."

A female magician socket said: "I have designed a magic character set to clean up the redundancy these days. It can be added to this magic array. It can perfectly cooperate with the operation of the magic array. It only needs to be activated once to clear all the redundancy instantly. In addition, the use of core magic blocks is greatly reduced. "

"That's great. We will try to install it on the summoning magic circle." The mayor immediately said happily, ‘What is this magic character set? "

"I haven't figured out the name yet." The magician's expression was distressed.

So several other magicians began to struggle with this issue.

Ye Ting: "..."

This magic sequence might be called 360 ... he couldn't help but cough, reminding these magic programmers to stop thinking about naming, and help him summon the dragon first!

The mayor returned to God, smiled sorry for Ye Ting, and then signaled Ye Ting to stand in the center of the magic circle, release his breath, let them sense the dragon in the dragon ranch, and summoned it. .

The first thing Ye Chui must summon is the fox spear of the little fox.

I saw a beam of light suddenly rising from the villa, and the figure of the dragon in the air slowly emerged, turning from fiction to reality.

The members of the weird town who are moving around in this hidden community have turned their heads and looked at them. The dragons that have been summoned seem to feel something. They turn their heads to the direction of attention. Green's SSR-level frosty dragon sends out sharp His roar, flying in the air, landed on the roof of a house not far from the villa, seeming to watch the dragon condensed in the air with some anxiety.


With the roar of the dragon, Fox Spear Ge's figure appeared completely.

It slipped from the air, hovering and dancing gracefully, and finally landed proudly in the open space in front of the villa, glanced around vigilantly.

As one of the first dragons hatched, and its potential to grow into a Smaug-class dragon, it has the largest size of all dragons today, but it is far from Smaug. It is still far from the dragons in the last seasons of Ice and Fire, but it is enough to carry Ye Xing flying into the sky.

Its appearance is also slightly different from other dragons. In fact, dragons will absorb the characteristics of the host after hatching. Most of the appearances will gradually show differences after growth. Some dragons even have bloated bodies. If it is not a scaled head horned owl, At first glance, it looks like a fat worm.

In simple terms, dragons are one of the most amazing magical creatures, and their appearance is very malleable-you can refer to those strange and strange dragon shapes in the master of dragon training ...

Fox spear is very beautiful in appearance, with a slender neck and fiery red, and its head is very small, with two slender ear-like horns, which must be soft and supple, and has a fox-like beauty as a whole.

Ye Ting walked out of the villa and looked up at this handsome dragon.

[Su Da of my family is really different from other dragons. Look at this gorgeous appearance, this proud look, this elegant figure ...]

The little fox came down with a little intoxication.

Other magicians nearby also gathered here ~ ~ Although most people have seen Fox Spears in the Dragon Ranch, because Fox Spears has always only hatched the little dragons with Ye Xing When they were together, they didn't have much opportunity to observe the dragon nearby. At this moment, they were all amazed by the beauty of Fox Spear Ge, and sent out various sighs.

But at this moment, a loud roar of the dragon sounded, and the icy air was blowing on his face.

The white frosty dragon stretched its wings from the sky and landed next to Fox Spear Ge.

It sprayed white frost on his mouth and provoked Fox Spear Ge.

This is the SSR-level dragon hatched by Cahill. In the dragon ranch, Suda is the only UR dragon, and the Frost dragon is the only SSR. The original UR-level deterrence far exceeds SSR, but Fox Spear Ge's character is too docile and indisputable, and the dragon itself is a very aggressive race. As a dragon, Cahill's Frost Dragon has always had the consciousness of the Lord of the Dragons, so look When Fox Spear was summoned, the will to fight was immediately produced.

[What does this Frost Dragon do? It also fights against our Soviet Union! In the dragon farm, it came to Su Da many times, and I was stopped by the trouble. I still come! 】

"The dragons need leaders, so let Fox Spear show its true power." Ye Ting said with a smile, and patted Fox Spear's head, "Go, Fox Spear!"


Fox Spear immediately uttered a majestic roar.

The Frost Dragon shouted an unwilling recklessness immediately, and the cold air permeated many frosts from the nearby plants, which were frozen.


With a slipping noise, Su Dayi hid behind Ye Ting's body. His body was huge and his huge body was exposed. Only one head was hidden behind Ye Ting's body, and he kept shaking.

Everyone: "..."

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