The Heavens Come

Chapter 715: The quantity doesn't make any sense in the face of absolute power!

The Smiths rushed to Ye Xing immediately.

Ye Chui did not use the blood of the Protoss, nor did he have the ability to cast spells. He just fully exerted his fighting skills and constantly fought against Smith.

This is not a grand but absolutely fierce battle continues.

A famous Smith rushed to Ye Ting and was blown out by Ye Ting's fists. They fell to the ground and should have suffered an extremely serious injury, but seemed to get up again from the ground without any influence and bite. The teeth continued to rush towards the leaf drop.

Some Smiths were thrown into the air by Ye vertical throws and fell to the ground again.

In the end, it seemed that accidentally, Ye Ting was thrown to the ground by a Smith, and then other Smiths kept throwing up and quickly turned into a pile of people ... It is like a scene similar to that once, Ye Ting was covered with Smith. Squeezed at the bottom, I couldn't help sighing, not long ago these Smiths used this trick against him.

And Ye Xing, who was pressed by countless Smiths, suddenly felt that something had entered his body—that was, Smith's virion.

This scene is the same as in the Matrix, Agent Smith infects other agents and hackers after gaining viral capabilities after dying, and infects the other person completely by inserting his palm into the chest of the other person.

"Become me, be me ..." countless Smith's voice rang in Ye Ting's ear.

A black pattern emerged from Ye Ting's body. Originally wearing ordinary jeans and shirts, he began to quickly transform into the shape of a black suit. In his consciousness, Ye Ting seems to be seeing that his spiritual world is being quickly transformed into numbers. , Green characters wrapped his consciousness.

His spirit is being digitized, formatted, and replaced by Smith.

Ye Ting's spiritual world was almost completely occupied by the green characters, but just before the last blank was about to be occupied by the green characters, the radiant spiritual brilliance suddenly burst out.

In this light, green characters quickly turned into gold.

As if an unstoppable plague, gold quickly spread to every green character in the spiritual world.

The golden character went up, flowing into Smith's body.

Smith wanted to implant the virion into the leaf pituitary, and his viral ability showed green characters, but this ability was forcibly modified by Ye Ting, turned golden, and infected Smith's body.

This viral ability is actually a deformed mental invasion ability, but Ye Xing is an expert in this field.

The Lord of the Rings, the mutant ability of the professor, and the soul gem in Hatch ... There is a bunch of top anti-virus software, Ye Ting, how could he infect him.

He was deliberately overwhelmed by Smith and seduced him to infect him. He wanted to find the place where Smith's seals Gandalf and Lan Ying'er were located.

"what have you done……"

"Get out of my body ..."

"go away……"

Countless Smith growled.

Their bodies began to crack, with golden glow spreading in their eyes, mouth, and nose. With the sound of "Boom" and "Boom", their bodies collapsed and turned into ashes.

Ye Ting got up from the ground, sorted out his shirt neckline, then raised his right hand, and a series of golden magic-driven spell runes quickly condensed in the air and turned into a teleportation magic array. With a light wave, the space was torn through a rift, connecting to another dim, dull world.

He stepped into it.

Appearing in front of Ye Xing was a dim base.

This is the Zion base in the Matrix.

In the Matrix, robots defeated humans, detained all humans, and turned them into batteries to power machinery. Human consciousness was transferred to a virtual matrix world. A few humans could wake up from the matrix world, and they fled and detained in the real world Zion base was established.

(Ps: In fact, the Zion base in the movie may also be a virtual world, which is not discussed here.)

God's game turned the Zion base into a legendary thing (the Smith virus ability is a special application of the "Zion base" thing).

The legend owned by the deputy leader of the alliance is the base of Zion, which is similar to a different space world. It is the base of the original survivor world alliance. It is difficult for outsiders to enter. Here.

Ye Ting's figure just appeared here. Over the dark base, red dots suddenly lighted up. They were the "mechanical squids" that appeared in the movie. They rushed to Ye Ting like a cloud. At the same time, with the sound of "Kaka Kaka" inside the base, armored soldiers armed with heavy weapons also came out and launched a fire attack on Ye Xing.

Mechanical squids and armored warriors, these are the technological creations of the Matrix in the real world. In the game of God, they have become the defense force of Zion base.

(Ps: The mechanical squid and the Zion base are opposites in the movie.)

Ye Ting waved a defensive barrier around him, blocking the attack of these mechanical squids and armor.

He reached out and grabbed a mechanical squid that was walking nearby. The golden light diffused in his hand ~ ~ directly analyzed the internal structure of the mechanical squid.

"I remember that in the movie, the mechanical squid could be rendered incapable of action by releasing electromagnetic pulses ..." Ye Ting thought about it.

He dropped the mechanical squid in his hand, and began to quickly condense the spell with his hands. It was the Thunder Charm. Ye Tzu was driven by divine power to maximize its power.

"I know that you deliberately let me infect you, and then find a way to enter here, but you certainly wouldn't think that the defense inside Zion base is the most terrible. The alliance spent a lot of effort to design the defense system here, a total of There are 100,000 mechanical squid and three hundred armored warriors, and no one can break into it! "

The sound amplified by the loudspeaker is all around.

Inside the base, in the room originally owned by the Alliance Leader, a blond man in ordinary clothes was staring at the screen and speaking into the microphone.

His appearance is exactly the same as that of the virus agent Smith, except that he looks slightly older, his hair is not so neat, and his face is a bit shaved. He is the original deputy leader of the alliance, and later formed the smith leg of the hacker army!

On the screen in front of him, countless mechanical squids rushed to Ye Xing.

The robotic warframe controlled by the robot also started a fire bombardment, and the fire light continued to fall into a line of leaves.

The protective cover under the leaf hanging cloth may collapse at any time.


I saw Ye Xing lifted his right hand and released the charms in his hand. With a bang, the blue electric light was excited in all directions instantly.

The blue electric light passed through, so the mechanical sky squids lost their power and fell down.

Smith's expression suddenly stiffened: "... ????"

The quantity doesn't make any sense in the face of absolute power!

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!


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