The Heavens Come

Chapter 719: A new wave of alien invasions has begun

[The story of Independence Day has been staged in that virtual world. 】

The little fox lowered his thoughts to Ye Xing.

At this point, Ye Ting had returned to the base of the grotesque town, Xiaomei prepared a rich lunch, and Erin also called over the ghost island Rimi, Tessa, Ao Xing, etc., everyone was enjoying in a park in the community lunch.

There are a few tables on the grass of the park in accordance with the Chinese tradition.

享受 While enjoying lunch, he told the mission of the Lord of the Rings world again.

Of course, he did not reveal that he owns the Lord of the Rings, but only said that this was the test of the Easter Egg Quest. The task would give him a Lord of the Rings and let him go to the doomsday volcano to destroy. He needed to form his own team. You can join your own team. At the same time, Ao Xing and Mi Ya must cooperate with the team to launch attacks against strong orcs and faceless people to attract their firepower.

Remy and Tessa immediately agreed to Ye Ting's request. They were companions of the Battle Royale from the beginning, and this task sounded very interesting.

Lu Miya and Ao Xing also expressed their support for Ye Ting to complete this egg test. They will organize the survivors to enter the middle-earth continent of the oasis world to participate in the mission against the demon Sauron.

He Ye smiled, raised his glass, thanked them for his help, and continued to communicate with the little fox in his mind.

"Gandalf and Lan Yinger haven't been killed directly?"

Now the Zion base in Smith has been completely controlled by Ye Ting with his destiny spell. Their body is also under the control of Ye Ting. Although Ye Ting cannot directly release the consciousness of Gandalf and Lan Yinger from the virtual world, but However, it can affect the situation in the virtual world. Using the interference of divine power and the cooperation of the little fox to cause various disasters to the virtual world, the virtual world reaches the load, and then collapses.

The alien invasion is now a means of Ye Xing.

The bodies of Gandalf and Lan Yinger are protected by Ye Ting, and they will not be harmed in any way. They will not die no matter how severe the damage is in the virtual world, but if they are injured by the fire of alien invasion I also feel a lot of pain.

[I quietly hinted at them and brought them together to avoid the fire range of the first wave of alien attacks. 】

The little fox explained subconsciously.

[The master of the virtual world is Smith, and the government is also completely controlled by Smith. Now he is busy organizing the army against alien spaceships. 】

The interference of Ye Xingye in the virtual world is equivalent to releasing the virus, and Smith is working hard to kill the virus to restore the virtual world to normal.

"Smith thinks he is clever and thinks that I can't do anything about hiding in the virtual world. He certainly didn't think we could do this. I would like to see how many times he can escape the destruction!" Ye Chui smiled at the little fox in his heart. Said.

Ye Ting can interfere in the virtual world, and a large part of it also needs the help of the little fox, which Smith never expected. He thought that hiding in the virtual world would make Ye Ting helpless, but actually Instead, he was trapped in the virtual world and caught in captivity.

【After Independence Day, what's the next script? 】

The little fox asked with a smile.

Qi Ye drew a moment of thought: "Then ..."

Smith's virtual world.

流速 The time flow rate in the virtual world is different from the outside world, which is much faster.

Flying around the earth, the aircraft hovering over the major cities were not friendly but came to invade. They launched an attack on the world at the same time. The New York Empire State Building was fired into ashes, and a huge aircraft flew out of it. The small spacecraft on the ground are constantly attacking, the world is in chaos, people are panicking, fleeing everywhere, and people are trembling.

The puppet government also immediately counterattacked, and one fighter jet continued to charge the alien vehicle.

The pilots of these fighters are the incarnations of Smith-there is a lot of virtual life in the virtual world. Smith is like an agent in the Matrix, and he can turn himself into these people at will. Invasion of the stars, all government personnel and the army in the virtual New York city were immediately controlled by Smith, and the most direct resistance was launched.

It's just that the fighters controlled by Smith are totally helpless against the protective cover of the alien aircraft.

The shield is difficult to break through. The nuclear bomb has no effect on it, and humankind is about to usher in the end.

But things soon turned around.

A Smith accidentally captured a small alien spacecraft. Through the research of Smiths, they drove the alien spacecraft into the huge aircraft and paralyzed the aircraft's protective cover by installing a virus.

Human beings took the opportunity to counterattack, killing a huge flying machine in one fell swoop, and human beings ushered in a great victory.

This day, inexplicably, coincided with the Independence Day of the United States. "President Smith" made sensational comments. People left the hidden buildings and began to cheer and celebrate the victory of Independence Day ...

Gandalf and Lan Yinger also came out of the hiding place. They and several other companions who happened to come together saw the sun that hadn't been seen for a long time. Everyone's face was filled with joy.

They heard the message of battle victory through the radio, and also heard what the whole battle process was like: driving an alien spacecraft into the spacecraft, paralyzing the protective cover ...

"Mr. Gandalf, this story seems to me similar." Lan Ying'er couldn't help telling Gandalf after listening to the battle.

Gandalf frowned, thinking: "It seems like the plot of a movie ..."

The two were silent and looked at each other.

"Lan Yinger." Gandalf continued ~ ~ Do you have a feeling ... the world we live in is not real? "

"I, I feel the same way." Lan Yinger said in surprise.

Both are thoughtful.

Little fox and Ye Ting create the illusion of Independence Day, bring disaster to the virtual world, and deliberately let the disaster develop according to the plot of the movie. In this way, people who are lost in this world will feel a similar sense of sight, This will make them slowly wake up.

虽然 Although the alien invasion has been resisted, the city has been severely damaged, and it will take a long time for people to recover from the loss of this invasion.

Lan Yinger and Gandalf and some others decided to act together temporarily.

As soon as they were ready to find a place to settle down first, an ominous tremor on the street suddenly passed down from the ground, and the ground suddenly cracked, as if something was trying to get out from below.

A group of people curiously surrounded the past.

闪电 A lightning struck in the sky, chopped it down, the ground suddenly began to collapse in a loud boom, and a large pit appeared, and the cars followed.

Suddenly, suddenly, a weird giant robot with a triangular head and three scaffolding legs got out of the ground.

一 As soon as it appeared, it began to attack humans in all directions, emitting hot rays of light.

Suddenly the light fell on the human body, and it was instantly transformed into an ashes, fluttering in the wind.

So, just now celebrating the humans that successfully resisted the alien invasion, and once again ushered in a new wave of alien invasion ...

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