The Heavens Come

Chapter 728: The operator forbids him to start and kill the boss

Ye Ting manipulated some of the original rules, which is equivalent to obtaining part of the management rights of this game world. He opened a full map for his teammates, but did not expect that the enemy's mysterious man would have learned something like that, and followed him to open up After the whole picture, Ye Xu was so annoyed that he quickly condensed golden charms in front of himself.

【what are you doing? 】

The little fox asked.

"Complain to Tiandao that he cheated!"

Ye Yechu said bluntly.


Here Ye Chui released the condensed spell, but did not get any response. Ye Chui couldn't help but sigh. The heavenly word in his mouth refers to the consciousness of the God King. He believes that the God King must be watching in some state now. Here.

Although I don't know what the true purpose of the **** king is, he should be happy to see him complete the egg test left by the **** king and get a reward.

He can be said to be the game operator. Although he is open, the operator should be facing him, right?

He is like who in the real world is the same as who ...

It's a pity that God King seems to be happy to see an absolutely fair environment. Since he and the mysterious man have opened up their own affairs, God King will not interfere at all.

Seeing this, Ye Ting gave up his intention to complain.

But his body suddenly shrouded in a layer of golden light, and he took a step forward, and the body drew into the void, and the next moment his figure appeared above the Mordor region-the world of the ring is a magical world, science fiction Vehicles are forbidden to use here. The fastest means of transportation is the dragon. The magician's teleportation will also be greatly suppressed, but Ye Ting can use the origin to carry out long-distance shuttles.

[What are you doing? 】

The little fox was shocked.

"I'll try to kill him in advance," Ye Xing said in his mouth.

The tartar has entered the state of the divine body, and his hands begin to gather the glory of the magic.

He thought about the egg test in the past two days. Sauron, the incarnation of a mysterious man, is an extremely dangerous old antique. He is in charge of the book of life and death, and he goes deeper in the realm of artifacts.

If it is simpler than Kaihang, Ye Chui may not be his opponent, but Ye Chui still has a huge advantage. That is, the mysterious man is in a very poor state now. He was detained by the king of God and turned into a sauronic body in the Lord of the Rings world. There was only one eyeball left.

He has a realm of the Xeon, and does not have enough power to exert the power of the realm.

If you fight alone, Ye Ting may not be worse than him!

First try to kill the enemy BOSS, this is one of Ye Ting's plans.

The sky in Mordo is very dark, and the sun is dim, giving people a feeling of magic. With Ye Xing performing the magic, the sky seems to have a new round of bright and dazzling sun. Those who are rushing out The half-orc army at the dark gates showed a terrible expression of chaos. Even those unknown black armor soldiers felt the threat of terror.

There was a sudden roar above the black tower of the evil eyes, and the layer of black gas permeated by the layers of black gas permeated into a dark curtain that swept into the sky.

Jinguang and shady eyes are about to collide.

The next moment, a cold light flashed across the sky, and the sound of the golden light was forcibly transferred back to Shire, and the black gas diffused by the evil eye black tower was also pressed back onto the black tower.

"Hoo ..." was forcibly sent back to Xie Yexue, his body shook, his body returned to its normal form, and looked up at the sky with an upset expression.

[It seems your plan doesn't work ...]

The little fox quietly lowered his consciousness.

"God King is really watching here." Ye Cui sighed.

Although unhappy, I was not surprised at this result.

His task of forging the Lord of the Rings required him to go to Mordor step by step and retake the path of Gandalf in the movie. Until then, it was the time to officially fight with Sauron, the incarnation of the mysterious man.

"Since it is the means left by the King of God, of course it won't let you pass through so simple." Xiaolong interjected, he was in a white robe, his face was cold, his hair fluttered, and he shook his head habitually when talking. Let a flowing long hair dance with the wind, showing a chic and uninhibited expression, like a peerless hero, he continued to say, "We should remake the road of the Lord of the Rings, which should be similar to the experience of the Tang monk."

"Ye Xing, what just happened?" A lightning fell, and Tessa, wearing the armor of Odin, appeared next to Ye Ting with a storm axe.

"I did an experiment," Ye Ting simply said.

Tessa continued: "Is it about teleporting? I just tried it. The ring world doesn't seem to be able to teleport. Dumbledore in the weird town said that the rules of this world limit teleportation."

"To get to Mordor, we can only walk over little by little." Ye Ting nodded, without telling Tessa that he had just forcibly teleported to Mordor, and was planning to kill BOSS first, but was blocked by the operator.

He glanced around, manipulated the information panel in front of him, and did something: "What about Remi and Irene?"

她们 "They will be here soon," said Tessa, receiving Ye Chui's application for joining the team, and quickly chose to join.

To re-forge the Lord of the Rings task, Ye Ting can organize his own squad. The maximum team is nine people. Ye Ting has already made a choice. He, Xiaomei, Meow, Xiaolong, Tessa, Rimi, Erin, Crow Dia, Hatch, it is exactly nine people (anomalous creatures).

Among them, Xiaomei, Xiaolong, Claudia, and Hatch belong to the spirit or weapons owned by Ye Chui. They do not have the qualifications of survivors. They could not originally enter the oasis world with their own consciousness, but the rules in the world of the Lord of the Rings Unlike the outside world, they can also join Ye Tzu's team as a team member.

It is worth mentioning that in the original book of the Lord of the Rings, the guard ring team also has nine people.

Because King Elron of the Ravendale Mountain Elves is a "compulsive disorder", there were nine ring spirits under the demon Sauron at that time, so he thought that there should be nine people in the guard ring team. Just nine people. King Elon then formally decided the members of the guard ring team ...

At the same time, this world is a virtual world created by using the Lord of the Rings as a template. It is almost true in the game of God King. In this world, the roles of Lord of the Rings such as Gandalf and Frodo will also exist. Later, the members of the team were equivalent to replacing these people. Ye Cui's team had enough nine people, and the nine people who had originally guarded the ring team would disappear.

If Ye Ting's squad does not reach nine people, the rules of the game will force members of the original play into Ye Ting's squad, such as the elven prince Legolas, and the dwarf warrior Jin Cha will become Ye Ting's teammate.

Although Elf Prince and Dwarf Warrior are Ye Chui's favorite characters, considering the current situation, these people will only become cumbersome in time, so Ye Chui will try to get enough members of the ring team.

Join Ye Ting's Guard Ring Squad, and they will replace the characters they have replaced to complete the corresponding side missions.

For example, Xiao Mei, joining Ye Ting's Ring Guard Team to replace the position of Gandalf the Lord of the Rings, then she must defeat the flames when passing the Moria mine!

Uh ...

Other players entering this world quickly gathered around Ye Ting ~ ~ All players will be divided into three parts.

Part of them were awarded to the Ye Xing Dragons, and they will form the Dragon Clan. They are elite troops, and they will go to Gondor, Rohan and other places first, and fight against the orc army.

存在 The existence of the dragon will make them have strong mobility, can move quickly and support everywhere.

At the same time, if other players have flying mounts, they can also join the dragon team. After all, the oasis virtual world is accommodating everything. Although the movie shows more various technological creations, it still has a lot of magic elements. Many local players have Flying mount.

Some of the survivors of alien players have not been awarded dragons, but also have flying mounts, such as Lan Yinger. After she entered the game of God King, she got a Namei star dragon in the developed area.

The next part is called the Expeditionary Force, which will go to Mordor more slowly. This part will be the main force, including most local and foreign players.

The last part is the relatively weak players. They will form a backup field force, mainly in the rear, while cleaning up the scattered dark forces in the Lord of the Rings world-ogres, small-scale orcs, and Various magic monsters and more.

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