The Heavens Come

Chapter 730: I punched him along the camera

Ye Chui's dragon team set off from Shire, and an expeditionary force composed of the vast majority of local players and survivors also began to dispatch. After leaving Shire, they would take the "North-South Road" and then pass the "Sarn Pass" and "Swan Marsh". "And so on, and finally arrived in Isinger, below the Misty Mountains, to Rohan.

The last part of the team responsible for supporting the jungle will set off at the end, clearing the scattered ogres, half-orcs, etc. around Middle-earth.

Watching the mighty expedition, various imagery of the expeditionary forces set off, Ye Ting's side of the ring team also left Shire, they did not follow the same route with the expeditionary forces, but chose the Oriental Avenue above, Ye Ting sat on the back of Su Da, a dragon took the lead, soared into the sky, and flew into the distance, followed by the other seven dragons.

I heard the wind blowing in my ears, Ye Xing sitting cross-legged on the back of the dragon, looking around, looking at the beautiful scenery of the Middle-earth magic world.

Xiaomei, Tessa, Rimi, Xiaolong, and Claudia are all the first to try the taste of flying on a dragon and feel inexplicable novelty, and Irene is a pet in a grotesque town, although she has not been able to The dragon hatched, but it is no stranger to the dragon knight. Lying on the back of Emilia is much calmer. As for meow, as early as when the ice and fire escaped, she had a wealth of The experience of driving a dragon or even a dragon mother is even more interesting.

Meow Meow still maintains her ancestral form. Not long after departure, she rides her legs on her back and lays down, leaning on the back of the dragon dragon, holding a dry fish in her mouth, her eyes are already He was stunned, with the cat's laziness, already a little sleepy.

At this moment, something suddenly appeared in the hazy meow's vision.

It was an eyeball with a vertical pupil, as if a dark figure was boarding in the eyeball!

Sauron's magic eye!

He is watching Meow Meow in some way.

魅 A whisper full of charm suddenly sounded in Meow's ears.

Suddenly, the sound layered, as if holding out a pair of claws in Hell's Abyss, grabbing Meow's body and dragging her down.

低 The whisper in the darkness is tempting her to fall!

The sleepy Meow Meow frowned slightly, showing a little struggling expression.

The layers of sound wrapped around her, as if countless people were talking to her around her.

Her consciousness is sinking, sinking, sinking ...

Then everything stopped suddenly, the temptation from the abyss could no longer seduce her, and the consciousness of meow came out: "What are you talking about, can't hear meow!"


The temptation stopped suddenly.

The melancholy consciousness, or the perceived Sauron's magic eye, then began to shine, and the dark figure in the vertical pupil of the eye seemed to be approaching the meow, the hoarse, cold but clear voice, slowly It sounded in Meow's consciousness.

"Fell, as long as you make this choice, I will want you to show your power and return to the dark, and you will be omnipotent ... Come on, come into my arms, enter the darkness, jump into the abyss, and avoid the gods. Watching ... you will become extremely powerful, come on, don't resist my guidance, I will make you from what is called powerful ... come on, come on ... "

"Don't!" Meow Meow's consciousness refused decisively, "I'm not interested in Meow!"

She broke away from the **** of the abyss, her eyelids moved slightly, and she was about to wake up from her deep sleep.

"... You have no interest in power at all?" The voice seemed somewhat unexpected.

In the film Lord of the Rings, the devil Sauron has a strong temptation power. The white-robed wizard Saruman, who is even higher than Gandalf, accidentally contacted Sauron through the eye of truth and saw Sauron. The power of the dark power was tempted to fall, and became the accomplice of the demon Sauron.

Now in this game world, the mysterious man is transformed into Sauron, and he is prepared according to law to prepare to seduce the general next to Ye Ting, but the result is completely useless!

Hmm ... after all, people in the real world are different from people in the movie world. It seems that the way to seduce is wrong.

"Power, wealth, infinite glory ..." Sauron, transformed by a mysterious man, then changed his mind and seduced Meow with other things. "I can make you the king of the world, regardless of this illusory Middle-earth continent. The city outside, that is the earth of the real world, I can make you a king ... and endless wealth, jewelry, gold and silver, any precious things will become your collection, and you will receive thousands of people Respect and enjoy the eternal offering ... "

"Meow?" Meow Meow suddenly became a little angry. She is now in a state of being deceived, falling asleep uncontrollably, already faintly aware that the situation is a bit wrong, and her internal resistance is increasing, and she feedbacks to that consciousness. What do I want these things to do! "


Isn't that right?

Sauron, a mysterious person, was a little frustrated for the first time. He encountered this situation for the first time and couldn't help asking: "What do you want?"

As long as they are intelligent creatures, they will definitely seek something!

"Will you give me anything I want?" Meow Meow seemed to be attracted.

"Yes, surrender to me, I will give you everything ..."

Meow Meow interrupted him: "I want the little fish to meow!"

"... ????"

干 Small fish ... what do you ask for, is it just that? The mysterious man did not know whether it was shock or anger, and he was silent for a few seconds: "Okay, fallen into darkness, I will give you dried fish that I can never eat ..."

The demon king seduces others with dried fish ... he doesn't know what the seduced person feels, anyway he feels a little ashamed.

"Meow meow, it's not an ordinary little fish." Meow meow's resistance to darkness has become weaker and weaker, but she is still not obediently pulled back into the darkness. In that communication of consciousness, she took the mysterious people very seriously. He said, "I want Sister Xiaomei's special dried fish. I choose the best quality fish, cook it carefully in three steps, apply Sister Xiaomei's special sauce, and then most importantly marinate with catnip. Then And ... "


Suddenly the terrible eyeballs that appeared in the meow's field of vision suddenly made an angry roar, and then suddenly disappeared.

Meow Meow woke up from her drowsiness and opened her hazy eyes. She rubbed her eyes curiously: "Meow?"

"Meow meow, are you okay?" Ye Ting's voice of concern passed into Meow Meow's consciousness. He rode Su Da to the side of the dragon dragon and was watching Meow Meow.

Just now the mysterious man tried to seduce meow, Ye Ting failed to notice the first time—the original ring in Ye Ting ’s hand had strong spiritual defense ability. Meow was his ring spirit, and beside him, some people thought To seduce Meow, he should have noticed it the first time, but Sauron transformed by the mysterious person is a little different.

At first, Ye Ting forced the mysterious man to be bound by the Lord of the Rings. In order to fight the power of the Lord of the Rings, the mysterious man used his own power to make himself the original owner of the Lord of the Rings. The journey of casting the Lord of the Rings, but the mysterious man is still imprisoned by the ability of the Lord of the Rings. He now belongs to Ye Xie's ring spirit, but he is not completely controlled by Ye Xing.

At the same time, as powerful as a mysterious person, she can even shield some of the power of the Lord of the Rings, silently seducing Meow Meow to fall, but fortunately Meow Meow is not an ordinary person, ordinary temptation is invalid for her, and eventually she is detected by Ye Ting.

"What happened to Meow?" Meow Meow said doubtfully, "I just dreamed about a lot of dried fish ..."

"..." Ye Ting was a little sweaty, and suddenly thought of the village head of Yangcun in a weird town ... Let's say, ordinary temptation is completely invalid for Meow Meow!

He said to Meow: "Give me the evil eye crystal in your body."

Meow Meow has been pretending to teach her ancestors these days, so Ye Chui gave her the evil eye crystal.

"Oh." Meow Meow agreed.

She is now an ancestral form, her body is attached to the tool man, and the evil eye crystal is swallowed into her belly. According to Ye Xing's order, a bulge appears on her shoulders, like a mouth, and becomes glass. The bead-sized black crystal ball was spit out.

The crystal ball floated into Ye Chui's hand.

The evil eye crystal is a powerful tool used by Ye Ting to spread the dark faith. It originated from the original Battle of the Holy Helm Valley. It is derived from the true knowledge crystal that Saruman seduced and fallen in the ring!

The meow meow will be seduced by the mysterious person, probably because the evil eye crystal was dropped by the leaf on the meow meow.

"Hehe ..." Ye Ting stared at the evil eye crystal, "Dare to peep with a camera!"

The glass bead-sized evil eye crystal returns to the normal coconut size in Ye Ting's hands. It appears black. If you touch the crystal, you can see the evil eye of Sauron, and you will be seduced by the darkness from the abyss. If it is an ordinary person, When he touches the evil eye crystal, he will fall into Sauron's puppet.

However, its effect on leaf droop is minimal.

Yuan Ye drew his eyes closer to the crystal ball and looked at the evil eye of Sauron on the other side.


A blazing light burst out suddenly ~ ~ It was the light of divine magic, followed by the evil eye crystal directly above the eye of Sauron on the Mordor Black Tower, and turned into a fist and directly hit it. That eyeball.

The eyeballs floating on the black tower suddenly trembled violently, wrapped in black mist, as if closing eyes tightly, the angry roar rang through the world.

Momodo's sky seemed darker in an instant.

The faint image of the evil eye disappeared from the evil eye crystal in the weeping leaves.

"Turn off the camera?" Ye Ting snorted coldly, and then threw the evil eye crystal into Meow Meow's hands. "If he dares to continue to connect, tell me the first time, 妲 水 儿, you pay attention!

【it is good. 】

The little fox lowered his consciousness.

知道 "Know meow!" Meow Meow also replied, swallowing the evil eye crystal again.

The evil eye crystal is similar to a wireless camera. This thing has a great relationship with Sauron. The mysterious person incarnation Sauron can connect with the evil eye crystal to seduce and meow.

However, since you are on guard, you are not afraid that Sauron will continue to seduce Meow, and dare to continue to follow the camera to pass him!

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