The Heavens Come

Chapter 732: Don't panic when you meet half-orcs, send a circle of friends first

A scent of fragrance floated on the top of Howling Clouds.

Ye Yechu, Rimi, Tessa, and Irene enjoyed Xiaomei's cooking food. After the food was eaten, they were not in a hurry to leave immediately, but had to wait for Hatch to chase here.

Earlier, a transmission from Ye Chui flew Hatch to help him take a journey. After that, they drove the dragon and quickly caught up with Hatch and let him catch up. He was not slow, but was too lazy. After all, it was a lot slower, and it would take a while to catch up.

Take advantage of this time, everyone seize the opportunity to rest.

Aileen became very interested in the surrounding wilderness and took out a weird mobile phone to continuously take pictures.

Jain phone is actually a magical creation that can communicate with each other in the magical world. There is one in the grotesque town.

Erin took pictures of the surrounding scenery, and then sent it to other people in the weird town through her mobile phone. From time to time, she pressed her phone to send out a few messages. She seemed to be happy. Capture more beauty.

Seeing her wild travel pie without any sense of urgency, Ye Chui smiled helplessly with Tessa and Remi: "Her heart is really big, there is no danger at all, oh ..." He swipes the cards in his hand and draws two cards to the pile of cards in front of him, "Checkmark!"

Tessa and Remi, who are sitting and playing together with the landlord: "..."

At this time, Erin had come to a large rock hundreds of meters away from the top of Fengyun, and took a mobile phone to take a picture of the grassland in front of her. Suddenly, she saw what was moving in the mobile phone screen, which was one by one. Black spot, she moved the screen, quickly took out her wand, cast a far-sighted magic, and saw what it was: a fierce black wolf!

Each black wolf is also riding an orc with a horrible face!

This is a wolf cavalry of a half-orc!

"咦?" Irene soon also found that in front of these chasing wolf cavalry, there was a white figure moving fast, that was Hatch!

He is running towards Fengyunding here!

"Is he bringing the wolf cavalry?" Erin thought to herself, she turned her head and looked at the direction of Feng Yunding, pondered for a moment, and cancelled her plan to notify Ye Ting, and it seemed that the number of wolf cavalry was not large, She should deal with it by herself. She immediately waved her wand and was ready to cast the curse, but suddenly a question flashed in her mind.

Suck Hatch ... isn't it amazing? How could it be chased by several wolf cavalry?

These wolf cavalry, Hatch should be able to solve it easily.

Hesitantly, Hatch and the wolf cavalry still came close, their figures crossed a hill, and Irene's eyes suddenly narrowed, and her expression suddenly saw that after the wolf cavalry, they still followed closely. Orc!

Almost everywhere!

"How could there be so many orcs here ..." Irene was even more shocked, and quickly checked the small map in the information panel. Sure enough, she saw countless black spots on the map representing the half-orcs, spreading here like a tide. Approaching, "I just have nothing, but where did they come from?"

The sound of crickets suddenly came from one side, and Irene turned to look around, and saw that a nearby open space suddenly collapsed, revealing a dark burrow, one dwarf half-orc, scrambling out of the hole.

这么 There are so many Orcs hidden underground! ?

These newly emerged half-orcs immediately found Irene, screaming and rushing towards Irene, endlessly, irritating her for a while, and Irene's body immediately filled with a layer of black mist ready to leave-this Is an application of Phantom Shift, which can make the magician turn into a rolling black mist and move in the air.

Just before her body was completely black and foggy, she hurriedly took out her mobile phone and took a selfie with her back to the half-orc.

不要 Don't panic when you meet half-orcs, send a circle of friends first ...


The half-orc's arrow flew through the air.

Aileen's figure has completely darkened, flying to the distance, waving his wand, releasing a few spells, and teleporting away before the orcs surrounded them.

Here at Fengyunding, Ye Ting learned the approach of the half-orcs as soon as possible.

[I didn't even find them before, they have been hiding underground ... there are more than 20,000 of these half-orcs! 】

"How did so many orcs come? Can the mysterious people move the orcs of Mordor to here at will?" Ye Ting was surprised.

靠 I rely on, such a heart-wrenching map transmission is open, the God King will care nothing!

[Probably not ... these orcs seem to have lived nearby, but were gathered in some way. 】

Said the little fox.

It's not only Mordor that has half-orcs. The half-orc race is the first black demon king of the Middle-earth continent, "Mogos," which seduces and deceives the elves (also called humans). The evil race that resulted from the fall of Mogose fell behind. The second black demon Sauron became their new master. These evil creatures have their own strongholds and lairs in various places in Middle-earth.

As a Hobbit prequel to the Lord of the Rings, the adventure team encountered a large number of half-orc lairs.

They have also been hunted down by orc wolf cavalry in the wilderness, and finally rescued by the mountain elves.

"Although the number of half-orcs is large, but ... it's just to die." Xiaolong leapt up a broken city wall next to him, his hair fluttering, his voice said coldly.

This is the truth. With their strength, there are not many threats to the killers at the level of Orcs.

"But there may be unknown people lurking nearby." Ye Xing frowned, and he stretched out his right hand, with a golden light flashing in his hands, ready to put a big wave directly to solve these half-orcs and avoid night long dreams.

But at this moment, Claudia suddenly passed by him and stopped in front of him.

"Kokoko, the Queen's Word didn't expect to come into play so soon, master, leave these guys to me." She said proudly with her hips, the book of the blood **** floated in front of her, and the pages of the book burst Flipping ~ ~ stayed on one of the pages.

On the top of that page, I wrote two sentences in crooked Chinese characters.

He Yehui saw these two sentences, and was waiting to identify what it was. Claudia had already read the words out of her mouth.

"Cats are natural enemies.

Dog walking is a faithful slave! "

"Meow?" The meow standing next to him looked upset.

Yan Yexue was sweaty: "This is the holy word you wrote?" What kind of resentment do you have with cats! And dogs ... Ye Ting looked at the wolf cavalry who had rushed close, and understood, "Those are wolves, not dogs!"

"I said dog is dog!" Claudia said firmly.

The Holy Word is just like that.

Alas, a layer of invisible ripples spread from the Book of Blood Gods, fanning over the approaching half-orcs.

The fierce wolf cavalry suddenly stopped, and each giant wolf's eyes slowly turned red, then, they suddenly opened their **** mouths and began to bite and attack the orcs around them!

Dog walking is a faithful slave-the power of this word is to make all dogs within the word obey Claudia's control!

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