The Heavens Come

Chapter 737: Ancient egyptian god

The giant dragon Su Da carried Ye Tzu and Li Mei, and took the other seven dragons to fly through the air.

Ye Xing is injured now, although he is now so powerful to other survivors that he is unimaginable. Even himself, he doesn't quite understand what he can do now, but he is still injured.

Because this is the plot arrangement.

He has now replaced Frodo in the Lord of the Rings, and is experiencing everything Frodo has encountered.

From the top of Fengyun to the Ravendale of the Mountain Elves, Ye Xing will become very weak along the way.

Sauron, the incarnation of the mysterious man, will definitely set ambush on this road in order to defeat Ye Ting.

Those unknown black knights are the first wave of attacks. They are all magicians and have very powerful black magic power. There is a powerful magic formation set up there that gathers a large amount of dark energy and wants to use it to attack the Dragon flying through the sky.

Xie Keye waved out his palm, and slaped them all out.

其实 He didn't actually lie. Now that he is injured and under a strong curse, only 10% of his power can be exerted.

He's really too weak now.

It's just that even if weak, it's stronger than others think.

But those dark magicians are just the first wave. Ye Ting knows that there are still many stronger unknowns waiting for him, and there is no shortage of legendary unknowns like that mummy.

[The legends in Anonymous Purgatory are unknown, most of them have lost their power, but I do n’t know what the mysterious people did. In the few hours after the game started, they let some of them return to the peak. Related to capacity. 】

The little fox knows the situation of Ye Xing best, and some worries lower his consciousness.

"Where are these people?" Ye Ting asked in his heart.

[They didn't stop the Dragon Team and the Expeditionary Force, they all gathered on the route that the Guard Ring team must go through. The target seems to be you only. 】

The little fox replied.

For the world of survivors, legendary survivors are the supreme existence, but now there are no more than ten people who have legendary items and power in the entire survivor.

There are nearly a hundred legends who are ignorant of purgatory.

Of course, most of them come from the era of legends, and the power comes from myths and legends. In this era, the legends are forgotten and misinterpreted, which has greatly affected their power and has not restored the power of the original.

The only seven leaders of the unnamed purgatory, only the sword sage Confucius and the great magician Merlin came from the legendary era. Others belong to the current film and television era. This does not mean that the unknown in the film and television era is far more powerful than the legendary era, just because of legend. The power of the unknown in this era has faded in this era.

After Ye Ting killed the unnamed purgatory puppet master, he found the trace of the mysterious man, and then the mysterious man was arranged by the **** king to open the third egg test of Ye Ting, and he controlled the life and death book and controlled the lives of all the unknown , Forcibly dragged these unknown people into the Easter Egg test, which is the task of the Lord of the Rings to re-forge the Lord of the Rings.

Before the game began, Ye Chui wasn't worried about how these unknown people would affect him, because he knew that killing seven leaders, and the other unknown people did not pose a threat.

But now the mysterious people do not know what method was used to return many legends to the top.

Fortunately, these legendary names that have returned to the top are used to deal with Ye Xing, which will not have much impact on other battlefields in the Lord of the Rings world.

It was already afternoon, and the dragon was flying in the air, and suddenly a dark cloud appeared in front of it.

I was leaning comfortably against Ye Xing in the beautiful arms of Ghost Island, and suddenly felt something, looking at the dark clouds ahead.

The dark clouds rolled, suddenly turned into a huge palm, stretched out and caught several dragons.

"Go ahead," Ye Ting said immediately.

There was a beautiful look on Ghost Island, holding the dragon's reins in one hand and pulling out the katana from the waist, but before she could stimulate the power of the black phoenix in her body, a loud roar with infinite majesty suddenly sounded Go through it.

道 A **** sword spirit full of endless killing ideas, broke through the air, and chopped the palm of that dark cloud into pieces.

This is the power of Sword of Slaying.

Xiao Xiaolong was standing on the back of his fierce dragon, with long hair dancing, and his left-handed Sword of Swords stretched forward randomly.

He finally got a chance to shoot.

Limei realized that Ye Ting ’s protection was actually what I said to Xiaolong, which made her feel a little depressed. Until now, she did n’t know what the reason why Ye Ting insisted on letting her protect ... Is it because of her chest? Is it big

The dark clouds condensed the palms to disperse, but the dark clouds still diffused and quickly condensed into new things. That is a taller and terrible demon-the upper body is a human, the lower body is a snake, and the sky is circling. What I just caught was just one of its palms. .

"Nuwa?" Ye Ting saw the image for a moment.

[No, this is ... the image of an ancient Egyptian god, a legendary nameless summoned with power. 】

The little fox explained subconsciously.

In Chinese mythology and Egyptian mythology, there are ancient **** images of snake heads. The devil in front of me is not a son-in-law but an ancient Egyptian god.

After all, the little fox is a **** ambassador and belongs to the customer service in the game. Although she knows nothing about this, she has the ability to read relevant information.

"It's the power from ancient Egyptian myths again ..." Ye Ting tilted her head slightly, thinking of the previous mummy nameless strongman.

In the wilderness below, an old man wearing a gorgeous ancient Egyptian-style robe with gray hair and a messy beard is holding a scepter ~ ~ chanting a spell.

He was summoned by the head of the snake in the sky.

There are four other unknown people beside this old man. They have different forms and are staring coldly at the dragon flying in the sky.

They are ready to go all out.

He condensed in the image of the ancient **** more than a hundred meters above the sky. The huge snake body suddenly hovered and fluttered and stirred the sky, so a terrible wind came suddenly.

Myths and legends, especially in those ancient legends, the divine residence comes from the purest awe of people for nature, so these divine residences control the purest power of nature.

After several dragons were just juveniles, they trembled in the wind, screaming in horror, and falling down from the mouth one after another, Ye Xie's friends quickly took measures to land on the ground.

However, Ye Xing was too weak, and fell to the ground with the beauty of Ghost Island.

"Are you okay?" Ghost Island was so worried that she couldn't get up and asked Ye Ting, who was in her arms in an emergency.

Hagi leaves dangling from the beauty of Ghost Island Rimi: "It's okay, you protect me very well." I just barely felt the impact of falling from height!

Rimi Island Satomi: "..."

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