The Heavens Come

Chapter 774: How can my head be thrown casually, and it's smashed into flowers ...

The wolf orc created by the mysterious man itself uses part of the blood of Anubis descendants and werewolf warrior, so the wolf orc has a trace of the blood of the Egyptian **** of death.

Now the mysterious man forcibly fuses the blood of death in all the wolf orcs, which is equivalent to a disguised blood sacrifice, so that the death comes.

This is not the true Anubis, but in a short time it will have the power of true Anubis!

It is extremely powerful, but it did not attack Ye Ting at the moment of the summoning, because the mysterious person knew that even if the real Egyptian **** of death appeared, it might not be the current opponent of Ye Ting and summoned Anubis for his purpose. It was the others around Ye Chui-the weaker Tessa, Remi and Irene.

Under the anger of the mysterious man, the death was summoned, and the goal was to kill Tessa and other three people, because the three of them replaced the three of Aragon, Jincha and the elven prince. Without them, the On the battlefield, there may be a disastrous defeat.

In the movie, each character has an important role. Aragorn, Dwarven Goldspear, and Elf Prince participated in the second battle of the Helm Valley. Without them, the defenders of the Helm Valley may not have waited at all. The reinforcements brought by Gandalf, humanity will be defeated.

In the end, the three of them summoned the undead army and reversed the final battle.

The mysterious people kill the three here, then you can put an end to the next duel, Ye Chui uses the plot of the three of them to exert their power.

Seeing the real Egyptian **** of death appeared, the dragon immediately controlled the Queen's Phantom and attacked Anubis. However, as soon as the three Queen's Phantoms rushed to Anubis, they were shot by Anubis with a claw. Now, the Queen's Phantom has not had much influence on it.

Seeing this, Xiaolong immediately retracted his hair and stretched out his hands. Both Sword of Sword and Sword of Sword appeared in his hands.

Ye Ting ’s plan to replace Hatch with a mechanical emperor is very secret. No one except the little fox said anything, but Xiao Long was very clever and guessed. He knew that Ye Ting had everything in mind. The wolf orc also had a very casual attitude when fighting, and now he saw Anubis being summoned before he finally took it seriously.

"Is the Egyptian **** of death ... such an opponent is qualified to let me go all out." He thought secretly, seeing Anubis rushing to Tessa and three others, his body turned into a flash of lightning, quickly Stopped in front of Anubis.

He fluttered with long hair, full of spirits, and yelled in his mouth, "come to battle--"

But just when Xiaolong shouted this sentence, the huge figure of Anubis suddenly came to a halt, and with a bang, his right arm suddenly collapsed into a scattered sand, dissipating invisible, which made Anubi Si made a loud roar.

Xiaolong in a pose: "???"

Tessa, Irene, Remi and even Xiaomei and Hatch: "???"

Their eyes fell on the leaf hanging behind them.

In front of Ye Ting, a book full of ancient temperament was floating.

The look of the book fell into Rimi's eyes, and she could not help but stunned: "This is ..."

The page of the book floated in front of Ye Xing, the page opened, and a line of handwriting on the white page was slowly emerging. Ye Xing said in a not too loud voice:

"I judge you, why are you shouting so loudly? You have committed the noise!"

After Ye Ting's words were finished, there was another boom, Anubis' right arm collapsed and became loose sand.

"I judge you, why do you look so ugly and have committed crimes that affect Shirong!"

Bang, this time Anubis's wolf's head suddenly collapsed and turned into a ball of dirt and fell to the grass next to him. His huge body was stunned, and the body was rolling with sand, as if trying to reunite the body, Can't do it.

Ye Ting glanced at the place where the earth ball of Anubis wolf rolled down and the trembling grunt behind the big rock next to him, and continued:

"I judge you, how can your head be thrown casually, and what to do if you hit the flowers and plants? Even if you can't smash the flowers and plants into the grunt, it's not good, you have committed the crime of killing!

boom! This time Anubis' body completely collapsed, completely transformed into loose sand, and completely dissipated.

Everyone looked at Ye Ting: "..."

Ye Xing closed the book in his hand and looked up at the sky with satisfaction.

The dark clouds rolling in the sky seemed to indicate the anger of the mysterious man now.

But soon, the dark clouds were completely dispersed, revealing a clear sky.

"This, that's over?" Xiaolong felt a little stunned and put away his swords.

"This is the Book of the Death of the Emperor?" Li Mei walked to Ye Ting with surprise, and she fought with the unknown Emperor in the Ogre Woodland. She was very familiar with the Book of the Death.

"Yes, I just spent ten thousand gold coins to exchange it." Ye Ting nodded ~ ~ This is indeed the book of the death of the Emperor. At that time, he encountered the name of the Emperor. At that time, although Ye Ting was very weak, he still easily tore him once and recorded his breath. After the Emperor was killed by Remi, Ye Ting could exchange this legendary item with a soul gem.

And because he previously modified the rules in the game, he only needs to spend a small amount of 10,000 gold coins to own it throughout the game.

This book of death can judge sin.

And what is sin is different in different countries, different regions, and even different people's eyes. The book of death will be convicted according to the eyes of the user-this is why the Pluto will be peeped at the body because of Remi. Convicted of chastity, because the Hades is an ancient man.

In Ye Chui's hands, looking ugly, tossing his head, and yelling are all actions that Ye Chui dislikes very much, so he can be convicted.

"Anubis was killed like this?" Tessa said a little shocked, feeling a bit unreal. Just now the wolf orcs were so difficult to entangle. Now hundreds of wolf orcs fused to form Anubis. solved!

"Anubis is the **** of death in Egypt, and the book of death in my hand is the item of the Egyptian Hades." Ye Cui explained, "The Hades rules the underworld. The death is only to control death. In Egyptian mythology, the Hades is Anabi. Biss has a higher rank. "

The history of this world is now incorporated into Egyptian mythology, which has also strengthened the power items of the Egyptian mythology system. This is a cheating behavior of the mysterious man who controls the origin. However, he did not expect Ye Xing to have a soul gem. Just record it The breath of the unknown, even survivors can use these revived Egyptian mythological powers!

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