The Heavens Come

Chapter 779: Have you seen this net red style magic?

When Claudia heard the words, Claudia turned her head and looked up in disapproval.

The expression on Meow Meow's face was even more resistant and disgusting: "Do you think that Meow is willing to merge with you? But this guy is a bit powerful, and I can only reluctantly borrow your power to fight."

During the talk, Meow waved the trident, summoned the Styx River, and turned the Styx River into a white curtain of water, accompanied by the sound of the flowing water, constantly dancing around, trying to entangle the giant human sphinx monster.

As long as the river is entangled, the monster can lose its power, but although the monster's size is large, the action is very sensitive, constantly avoiding the meow attack.

"Kokoko, it seems you can't do without your queen."

Claudia didn't know what kind of brain circuits had been carried out and made this understanding.

"I can't have general knowledge of mental retardation ..." Meow Meow whispered to himself.

This human sphinx is terrible. According to the rich battle experience of Meow Meow, she will never be able to crush it easily—not to defeat, but to crush, which is the tradition of Ye Ting ’s family, and there is no way to crush the opponent. That's terrible level.

In the face of such opponents, Ye Tzu's method is usually to quickly find a way to open up and improve himself, so as to try to crush the other side.

At this time, the human sphinx that was constantly avoiding suddenly gave out a roar. In this roar, the black beetle spreading around like a tide began to surge wildly.

They are blocked from the blood **** forest of Claudia, and the black beetles entering the realm of blood **** forest will be immediately attacked by the deadly plants, or eaten and corroded, or directly crushed into powder, However, in the roar of the human sphinx, they began to slam the blood **** forest insanely and fearlessly, and new black beetles emerged from the ground constantly, the number seemed endless.

Although the Blood God's Forest is terrible, it can face the endless black beetles, and the scope of the field is rapidly shrinking.

The beast and the sphinx were even more timid, and kept approaching the two little loli.

"No time to hesitate." Seeing this, Meow Meow didn't hesitate anymore, and grabbed Claudia's shoulder in one hand, and the trident threw a few arcs in the air in the other hand, and one was inserted by her. underground.

There was an instant as if the dam was a blasting crater. It was like a sloping river with a white curtain of water. It seemed to be submerged and raged out. It engulfed two loli and wrapped the water of the river. , Turned into a huge water cocoon, the head of the sphinx was uncomfortable, and turned around and rushed towards the pyramid, but suddenly, inside the huge water cocoon, a tentacle stretched out, and one will The monster's body, which is 20 meters long and 50 to 60 meters long, is entangled.

The monster's body is very large, but the tentacles that extend out of the calluses are not small, because they are the tentacles of the sea monster Carason.

But different from the past, this time Carlason's tentacles showed a bright red like blood ...

This is not because Meow Meow summoned Carason with the endless blood energy in the Book of Blood Gods. Carason in the form of blood energy has been used for a long time. It is just that the blood in the Book of Blood Gods can be used to gather Carason. Mori, the combat power may be a little weaker than the Styx Karasen. Meow Meow is now more powerful than the blood energy form, which is the blood **** form.

It is still the Styx that gathers Carason, but with the unique ability of Carlaudia, Meow Meow gave Carason the blood **** power.

The Book of Blood God can make Ye Ting become the Blood God for a short time. This is the correct use of the Book of Blood God, but this method has a major disadvantage, that is, Ye Xing must have blood of blood, although Ye Xing does not discriminate against vampires. , But let him be a vampire he had never thought of.

Later, he found a way to enable himself to load the blood **** power contained in the book of blood gods like armor, and Claudia as the instrument of the book of blood gods is like an armor Only AI can provide assistance.

This is also the original role of Claudia ... And now, what Meow is to do is to summon Carason with the Styx River, and then let Carason fuse the blood **** power in the book of blood gods, and Claudia acts as the The transition allows Carason to fully possess the power of the blood god.

In theory, in addition to Ye Xing, Meow Meow, Xiaolong, and Little Fox can be used to enter the blood **** state by this way, but Ye Xing has tried before because Claudia controls the power of blood **** and Incomplete, it is difficult for the spirit to maintain the state of the blood **** for too long, but now Claudia is different. She devoured part of the power of Nord's book. The book of blood **** itself is a torn page from Nord's book, although Claudia is still mentally retarded, but her strength has indeed changed qualitatively.


The giant water cocoon broke completely, and the **** figure of the cricket came out of it.

It is red as blood, like a demon.

No, it's even more scary now than the demon!

Those black beetles that were controlled and did not fear death and used madly could not help stopping the movement at this moment, and started to be stiff and trembling.

The Sphinx monster returned to the front of the pyramid in an instant, and it made a roar to increase its prestige, but the sound became soft and without any force.


The Fagun Forest is not continuous. I don't know how many miles there are. The strange pyramid is located in the middle of the forest. At this moment, three people are lost in the forest shrouded in darkness, and it is difficult to find a path.

"This is indeed the direction. Claudia had passed here before ..." Rimi crouched down on the ground, looking at some marks on the ground, and looked up at the trunk in front of him in doubt, with an axe on the trunk The trace, which was left by Tessa not long ago, "But why did we go around and finally come back here?"

Tessa was also looking at the trace, confirming: "Yes, this is indeed what I left ... We have been in the forest all the time? No matter which direction we go, we will come back here in the end, this is magic ?"

"No, the situation here may be even more weird than magic." Erin looked at her magic phone and commented, "My phone can be said to be the crystallization of the strongest magic power in a weird town, capable of detecting any type. Breath of magical power, but it is completely unresponsive here. "

"My investigative ability doesn't work either." Rimi shook her head in frustration. She replaced Aragorn's identity in the Ring Guard Squad. Aragorn is a famous ranger in the Lord of the Rings and in the second part of the Lord of the Rings. , Aragon and the elven prince, and the dwarf Jinpui went to rescue the robbed Meri and Pippin. Aragon showed a strong tracking ability. Directly through the traces of the ground, it was determined that the two Hobbits had penetrated. Inside the Fagun Forest.

Now Rimi and Tessa and Irene come to pursue Meow and Claudia, just repeating this part of the plot, coupled with Ye Ting's strengthening of the plot's power, let Rimi's Tessa ability rise straight-in her In the field of vision, Claudia's traces can be clearly seen on the ground.

But even so, they kept spinning around the edge of this forest, unable to leave or go deep.

"Take a break first," Tessa said, sitting directly under a big tree, shaking her head.

Rimi and Irene immediately agreed to go. They separated from Ye Chui and hurried away. It has been more than half a day now.

It was just when Irene took out the food to share with them, they all felt a faint vibration on the ground at the same time, the three were very alert, Tessa immediately clenched the storm prisoner of war, summoned the Rainbow Bridge, and her body was a gorgeous light and shadow Shrouded, she teleported instantly, appeared on a branch of a large tree next to her, and looked around.

When Irene and Remi also came to the branch one after another, the three of them saw the western forest at the same time, the red, scary, huge figure, which they were very familiar with, and very strange at the same time.

"It was Carason summoned by the Sea King Trident!"

"But ... red ..."

"You look at its back ... wings !?"

Carlason's height reached 100 meters. Not only that, but his body was still floating above the sky, which allowed three people in the dense forest to see its figure. Even at an extremely long distance, Carlason could still clearly see Carlason. The whole shape of it is the biggest difference from before, except that it is covered with blood infrared, which is a pair of huge bat-like wings on its back!

Although it has long been known that Karasen has various forms, they have also seen a lot, but this form of Karasen, they are the first time.

Its pliers arm grabbed the huge trident and was constantly attacking downwards. The ground vibration was caused by the trident falling on the ground.

"It fights with its body ..." Rimi narrowed her eyes. "We must rush to help as soon as possible."

Without saying anything else, the three immediately set off. The huge Carason seemed to be a beacon, guiding the direction and letting them rush there, Tessa's Rainbow Bridge, Irene's Apparition, and Remi used black The strength of the Phoenix condenses the wings of the Phoenix. This is the ability to produce extremely fast speeds in an instant, but they go all the way and find something wrong after a while.

"Although we have been moving in that direction, the distance from there has not actually been closer ..." Tessa said to the three of them to stop.

They still couldn't get out of their lost state.

"This approach may work." Irene then said suddenly, when Tessa and Remi looked at her, she had teleported to the highest end of a big tree, holding the mobile phone in her hand, facing Kara in the distance. Mori took a picture.

Erin landed on the ground and began to look at the picture.

Her mobile phone is not a normal mobile phone, but a magical creation. The camera's pixels have reached hundreds of millions of pixels. Erin fiddled with her fingers to continuously enlarge the picture of Carason in the photo, and finally cut it off.

Rimi and Tessa were puzzled, but did not disturb her.

Then she saw that Irene suddenly got into the middle of Remi and Tessa, raised her camera, and took a three-person selfie.

She continued to operate, using a certain function on the mobile phone, to bring the three-person selfies and Carlason P together ~ ~, and then sent it to the magic network of the weird town.

"My phone can use the magic of all the magicians in the weird town to perform powerful teleportation magic. I can set the coordinates so that we can be forcibly transmitted to Karan," Rimi quickly explained.

The world of the Lord of the Rings game is forbidden to transmit over long distances. This prohibition from the original rule of the God King can not be violated even by Ye Tzu and the mysterious person. Yes, and with the whole grotesque town as the backing, there is almost no limit to the magic power that Irene can control. The mobile phone in her hand can connect all the grotesque town magicians together.

Simply put, the photo of P is sent to the circle of friends. All the magicians can provide magic support by liking it. Then they can make P's photo come true and start transmitting magic ...

After understanding what Irene was about to do, Tessa and Remi couldn't help but look at each other.

Tessa: "I seem to have seen this routine."

Rimi: "That's what those internet celebrities who do travel beauty photos all day do ..."

The next moment, accompanied by a white light, the three of them disappeared from the same place at the same time, and instantly appeared in the center of Fagun Forest.

Transmission succeeded!

Irene's net red style teleportation magic really works!

The three of them teleported and appeared in mid-air.

The field of vision just saw that the huge red **** Carason monster waved a gold trident and inserted it into the ground. When the trident was lifted, a giant lion was inserted on the tip of the giant golden trident. Monster, the monster is still struggling, but the body is penetrated, but the petrified body still begins to collapse and disappear ...

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