The Heavens Come

Chapter 782: Curious kills meow!

The evil eye crystal kept on Meow Meow, just as the Meow Meow continued to spray the pharaoh evil spirits to spray the river water to attack, this originally quiet evil eye crystal suddenly became restless, and involuntarily let Meow Meow spit it out. .

Bone and boney, the appearance of gray-eyed evil eye crystals fell to the ground and rolled forward. The original shape, which was only the size of glass beads, quickly became the size of a grapefruit.

Meow was a little puzzled, his eyes staring at the evil eye crystal.

The pharaoh undead who was running around also stopped. It suddenly felt the familiar atmosphere from the evil eye crystal, and his expression couldn't help it. It was the mysterious adult who controlled the book of life and death and the nameless purgatory. It passed through this evil eye. Crystal, let your strength penetrate here, saw a flame in the gray crystal ball, the flame was like a vertical pupil, as if people can hear the horrible roar.

The mysterious person incarnate Demon Sauron, can use the evil eye crystal (True Crystal) to distribute his dark power, it has shot!

Meow meow also realized that it was not good, and pushed away decisively. This Fagun forest was shrouded in darkness, and the vision of the little fox's God could not be penetrated here. Ye Ting's power was even more difficult to show here, and here In the game world, only Ye Xing can fight against mysterious people. Although the evil eye crystal is very precious, Meow Meow has decided to give up.

In the evil eye crystal, the vertical pupil condensed by the flame flickers continuously, and the black pattern in the vertical pupil is like a figure covered with armor, which is exactly the same as the picture of Sauron's evil eye through the crystal of the real ring in the Lord of the Rings.

Suddenly, the figure of the armor seemed to move, and the pharaoh evil spirit seemed to see a simple and shabby book floating in front of the figure, title: Book of Life and Death.

A writing brush appeared in the figure's hands, 唰, 唰, and a fork was crossed on the book of life and death.

The next moment, alas, alas, above the body of the Pharaoh's evil spirit, two dark traces of ink, like two spears, appeared suddenly, penetrated its body instantly, and nailed it to its place.

"Why is that!?"

The pharaoh's evil spirit roared unwillingly and doubtfully, and the body began to collapse unstoppably. Here is the inside of the pyramid. The power of this legendary item of the pyramid is mainly concentrated on the defense, especially it is the body of the evil spirit. With the power of the pyramid, there is almost no way to kill it, but the mysterious man who is thousands of miles away kills it instantly.

All the unnamed people join the unnamed purgatory. Some of them have become unnamed long ago, and some have become unnamed when they joined the unnamed purgatory. However, as long as they join the unnamed purgatory, they will be controlled by mysterious people. The book of life and death records the names of all of them, and it can use the book of life and death to freely control their fate of life and death.

But Pharaoh's evil spirit is very puzzled. It obeys the arrangement of the mysterious man and integrates its existence into the history of the Lord of the Rings. It took hundreds of years to lay down this killing. Now why does the mysterious man suddenly stab it? It doesn't make any sense.

The body of the Pharaoh's evil spirit dissipated, and in the end there was only a hazy ghost image, with a scream of roaring noises, and he wanted to escape, but eventually completely dissipated.

With the disappearance of the Pharaoh's spirit, the pyramid here and the tomb immediately began to collapse. The black beetles that had been crawling around in the wooden coffin also lost their vitality. They relied on the magical creatures that were spawned by the Pharaoh's spirit. When the Pharaoh's evil spirits die, they will die quickly. Similarly, the cursed black worms all over the mausoleum also fall to the ground one after another and die.

"Meow?" Meow Meow looked around in confusion, wondering what was happening, and her eyes quickly fell on the still-gray crystal.

Suddenly, a powerful impulse came to her consciousness, and she couldn't help but reach out her small hand, trying to grasp the crystal again in her hand.

She realized that something was wrong and wanted to stop her movements, but her small body still moved involuntarily and touched the crystal ball uncontrollably. A little scary appeared on her face and she died of curiosity. Meow, she can't touch that thing ... but she really wants to touch it ...

"Meow meow, stop!" Ye Ting's consciousness suddenly came to her ears. With the death of the Pharaoh's evil spirit, the dark power of the Fagun Forest dissipated, and finally Ye Ting's gaze was fixed here.

But Ye Ting's voice was still a bit slower, and Meow's hand touched the crystal ball.

In an instant, she saw the evil eye of Sauron in the Mordor Tower, saw the evil will of the mysterious person, and saw the trace of the human-shaped vertical pupil of the evil eye as if raising her hand, summoning the book of life and death, and then in life and death The name of meow is written in the book ...

The book of life and death, the power of this legendary item is to control the fate of life and death. When the name of another person is written on the book of life and death, the life and death fate of this person will be completely controlled by the person who controls the book of life and death ~ ~ If you go to the name, you will surely die, just like a Pharaoh evil spirit.

However, the mysterious person does not want to write whose name he can write. Then he is invincible. To write the name requires some prerequisites, such as catching the line of life and death of the other party, just like the previous Yanshi control. The book of life and death, which has written about Ye Xie's avatar in general, has another way, that is, to cut off a written name, and after killing that person, you can use that person's life and death fate , Transferred to the people around him.

Just like the current Pharaoh evil spirit, this killing game set by the mysterious man did not expect the pharaoh evil spirit to solve the meow. The purpose of the mysterious man at first was to create an environment that Ye Ting could not visit, and then wait for meow When Meow approaches Pharaoh's evil spirit, cross out the evil spirit's name and write the name of Meow Meow instead.

He succeeded. Although Ye Ting's gaze finally entered the world after the death of the evil spirit, he was still one step behind.

In addition to the exquisite and cruel layout, the mysterious man also used the original plot of the Lord of the Rings-In the original world of the Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit Pipin had contacted the crystal of true knowledge because of curiosity, and connected with Sauron's consciousness, mystery The person strengthened the plot. Although the meow meow was replaced by Mei Li in the ring team, the two Hobbit characters are similar. In addition, the meow meow has always carried the evil eye crystal on the body, so the mysterious person can bring this The plot is grafted on Meow Meow.

In the end, he successfully borrowed the power of the plot and the power of the book of life and death, and wrote the name of meow.

If you put on Ye Xing's ring, it will become Ye Xing's ring spirit. The power of life and death is similar. If you write a name on the book, you will always be in control of life and death!

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