The Heavens Come

Chapter 797: Jedi inch fist

Death swamp hundreds of miles from the Valley of the Holy Helm.

Ye Tingzheng and Xiaolong, Xiaomei, Hatch, and Guru are resting in a swampy open space. It didn't rain here. The sky was full of stars at night. Ye Ting was sitting on a stool, watching silently through the vision of the little fox God The situation in the Valley of the Holy Helm.

I do n’t know how many years the mysterious person ’s life and death book existed. During this period, he used the life and death book to kill countless powerful people. Ye Chui had long expected that he might summon some of the dead who were specifically targeted to meow them. In this way, Ye Cui really felt a little overwhelmed at the beginning. Although the undead soldiers he summoned were just as powerful, Ye Cui could not give them all the legendary items and abilities they originally had, so the main combat power was to meow them.

So the mysterious man summoned a few dead people who completely restrained them. Ye Chui had to admit that the mysterious man's thinking was correct, but unfortunately he still made some terrible mistakes.

Although Claudia claimed to be the blood queen, although she was indeed a vampire, it would be a mistake to treat her as a vampire.

After discovering that Odin and the Emperor were among the deceased, Ye Chui immediately reminded Claudia and made her try not to use blood magic.

Speaking of mysterious people may not believe it, although Claudia now has a lot of powerful killing skills, but she is actually the strongest when she does not use blood magic ...

Ye Ting used the vision of the little fox to control the battle remotely.

Xiaolong stood aside, holding his chest in thought. He also saw the situation on the battlefield through the little fox, and his face was a bit of regret. It was a pity that he could not participate in this battle in person.

"Xiao Mei, it's time for you to play at dawn ..." Ye Ting said at this time.

Xiaomei was squatting next to a puddle beside her, her eyes were curiously looking at the puddle, and several bodies were floating in the puddle. Just as Ye Xing was talking, Xiaomei suddenly felt that the body in the puddle was moving. , It whispered softly, as if calling Xiaomei, letting Xiaomei ’s body bend involuntarily, her rotten arm sticking out from the puddle, and then the terrifying skull, it was slowly grabbing Xiaomei ’s body ...

This is a water ghost, transformed by the grievances of those who died here in countless years of human and Mordo battles.

They will attract passersby to visit the puddle, and then drag the passerby into the puddle and drown.

But now, Xiaomei seems to be attracted by the water ghost. The water ghost stretches out its rotten claws, and is about to grab Xiaomei's head. Then, the pan in Xiaomei's hand slammed, and the pot caught the water that came out of it. Ghost head.

Bang! The whole puddle seemed to boil.

The water splashed several meters high, and a scream of a water ghost screamed.

"Xiao Mei ..." Ye Ting looked at him with a speechless face, "Don't play with water ghosts, prepare food."

After entering the death swamp, Xiaomei found that strange water ghosts would crawl out of the puddles here. She loved this fun game. Standing in the puddles, she waited for the water ghosts to climb out of the pit, and then The pan was shot dead ... She found enough fun from it, which is probably similar to the ordinary girl playing a mole game.

"Oh." Xiaomei shook her head and walked to the side of the stove to start preparing food.

Ye Ting glanced at Xiao Mei, shook his head helplessly, and continued to put his consciousness into the battlefield of the Holy Helm Valley.

The Battle of the Holy Helm Valley in the world of the Lord of the Rings is a battle that determines the ultimate victory of justice and darkness. If this battle fails, the half-orcs will completely occupy the borders of Rohan, and the northern Gondor, now The king is missing, the regent is still a second-hander, and is quickly captured by the orcs, and then the gradual fall of the Middle-earth world ...

Only when humans win the Holy Helm Valley and let Rohan save their strength, can they finally gather forces to counterattack Mordor, and finally win the battle.

It is also because of this, the battle of the Holy Helm Valley in this game of God will also determine the ultimate success or failure of a battle.

Although this game is a battle between Ye Tzu and the mysterious man, the battle between the two forces is also the top priority. If the mysterious man controls the dark army of Mordor to completely capture the Middle-earth world, then Ye Tzu will lose. This egg test.

Before the Helm Valley, Nicholas entangled Van Hessing, and Claudia immediately went to assist Meow and Tessa in accordance with Ye Ting's request.

Other surviving fighters summoned by Ye Ting are also fighting the dead of the mysterious man.

The Orcish army has already begun to attack. Although their fighting power is not a threat to the survivors and local players, it is still a very troublesome thing to start the charge in droves.

Most of the dragon team is constantly resisting them.

The human armies in the Valley of the Helm are also fighting as much as they can ...

The gatekeeper in charge of Solomon was now staring at the illusive and magnificent gate. The gate stood there, but it actually connected to a different space. On the other side was a prison holding demons. Rimi was imprisoned in, but now the illusive door was shaking, and a louder sound of impact was coming from it.

On the gate, the crack was previously cracked by Claudia, and now the crack is increasing.

On the other side of the door, it was a strange space full of chains and a horrible monster. Rimi also wore countless chains around her. The power of the black phoenix she had received was the most affected Suppression can only summon a faint black flame.

But that was enough for her.

She was dragging layers of chains, standing in front of the gate, constantly waving her fist and hammering the gate in front of her. The method was not very authentic ... inch punch.

In the film that killed Bill, there are many bridges to pay tribute to XG old martial arts movies. Although most of them have undergone Western-style magic changes, they are completely different, but because of the classic movies, they still appear in the game of God and have been given new meaning again .

This is equivalent to going through another magical change ...

In the second part of the movie ~ ~, the main character was buried alive. She recalled Master's teachings in the limited space of the coffin, used her punches, and finally opened the coffin board and climbed out.

Rimi has long redeemed this ability, but has never had a chance to use it.

In the game of God, this scene was changed by the devil to a fine-quality ability: Jedi inch punch.

It is not a powerful skill, the effect is to let people focus their power and exert the strongest attack in a limited distance ... Now, she is using this ability, the black phoenix power in her body is suppressed and can only excite There is only a trace of it, and she is showing these powers with the Jedi boxing fist, letting that burst of power burst out at one point.

Coupled with Croatia's obedience to Ye Trang's orders, Solomon had cracked the crack.


In the end, Solomon broke a large hole, and Rimi stepped out of it step by step.

Pop, pop, pop ...

The chains wrapped around her began to break.

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