The Heavens Come

Chapter 804: Where does she go, the style of painting will change drastically

The deceased and the undead warriors belong to a very special existence. Through legendary items such as life and death books and soul gems, they have been brought back to the world, which have already died, and have been obliterated by God. This also allows them to have Very special power, as long as the book of life and death and soul gems are still maintained, then theoretically they can be restored regardless of any kind of trauma, even if killed, they can be summoned again.

The only limitation is that it needs to pay a certain price. The summoning of soul gems needs to pay gold coins. The cost of summoning the book of life and death is not clear yet.

Therefore, in theory, unless the battle of the Holy Helm Valley is over and the mysterious person confesses to losing, Odin, as a powerful combatant among the dead, should continue to be resurrected, but now its ink-condensed general body collapses, And he never reappeared ... In a way, Ye Ting understood it.

Who was it? When I met an opponent like Claudia, I was forced to turn into a little magic fairy. It is estimated that I will have no face to continue to live ... especially this ancient name that broke into the prestigious age in the era of myth. God.

Its self-esteem was hit hard, and it refused to continue to fight ...

"This ..." Ye Ting was surprised. Did they find a way to end the battle quickly? What can be done to prevent the resurrection of the dead? I do n’t know how Ye Xie ’s side of the undead warrior, but the mysterious shouting shouters are estimated to have face, each of them belongs to the famous existence in history and myth.

But Ye Xing just thought about it that way.

Because he soon realized that after Claudia defeated Odin in an abnormal way, the realistic gem ether particles surrounding her immediately became a little weak.

There is only a trace of the power of the real gems on Tessa. After all, the real gems are not really mastered, and once used, the power will be weak.

In the Battlefield of the Holy Helm Valley, everyone who noticed the crash of Odin looked at Claudia with a stunned look. They were surprised that this Gothic Loli was so powerful that she calculated everything deliberately, deliberately Attacking Odin in this way ...

But Claudia didn't actually have that much.

When she got the ether particles according to Ye Xing, she knew that this power can break the boundaries between fantasy and reality, so she thought about it and exerted it according to the thoughts in her heart ...

As a blood queen who wants to conquer the world, she really wants to fight with the little magic fairy.

Claudia looked around and did not find Odin's figure, so she immediately started looking for a new target, but Ye Ting's thoughts quickly came to her mind, reminding her not to use this power anymore, and to return it to Tessa.

So Claudia waved her hand and let the etheric particles on her body flow back to Tessa.

At the same time, Claudia suddenly felt something, and looked in a distant direction with a surprised look—where were the howling sounds of a wolf, and a black giant wolf 45 meters tall was holding his head in the stormy night. Howling.

That giant wolf was changed by Fan Haixin.

The demon hunter summoned by the book of life and death has the blood of a werewolf!

And his werewolf blood is very powerful-this is a matter of course. None of the people summoned by the mysterious people are ordinary characters. Fan Haixin's werewolf blood has reached the realm of heaven, which is stronger than Ye Chui's previous encounter Werewolf, that of the magic party, as long as it is terrible, I do n’t know how much.

He is now fighting Nicholas, the blood's first ancestor. In order to defeat Nicholas, he showed his lowest card power.

Werewolves and vampires have a fatal relationship, in a way, the werewolves can indeed restrain some vampire abilities.

Facing the black wolf in front of him, Nicholas's old face trembled slightly, and he felt a sense of urgency: "If only the book of Nord was in his hands ..." He quickly tried to Ye Ting asked, "Ye Ting, you can summon the book of Nord, I need it."

Ye Chui ignored Nikola's request, partly because he was concerned that giving too many powers to these undead soldiers might get them out of control, and partly because he couldn't summon the book of Nord now.

Legendary items are unique.

A page of the Book of Noord became the Book of the Blood God, and now the Book of the Blood God has devoured some of the power of the Book of Noord. The two are now restricted by uniqueness. The Book of the Blood God exists You cannot summon the book of Nord!

Without receiving a response from Ye Ting, Nicholas snorted in his heart, but suddenly he felt something, and looked puzzledly into the distance—the bat colony transformed by Claudia was rushing over quickly, and faintly radiated from it Out of Nicholas' familiar power ...

"Dogs are faithful slaves!"

Claudia's milky voice sounded, and at the same time, Nicholas was familiar with the power of the Word upon the black wolf in front of him.

The black wolf roared, but his body shivered uncontrollably.

Claudia's figure condensed, and the huge book of blood gods hovered in front of her. She was proud of her hands on her hips and rushed to the black giant wolf. Trouble. "

"What was just the Word ...!" Nicholas grimaced.

The black giant wolf stood up angrily and made a hoarse voice: "I'm a wolf ... noble werewolf ... Wang!"

It was finally suppressed by the power of the Word and crouched on the ground like Hatch.

"Servant, my queen now orders you to attack those orcs!" Claudia akimbo.

So the black giant wolf transformed by Fan Haixin grinned and turned into the half-orc army.

Nicholas: "..."

Ye Ting: "..."

"She's painting style will change drastically wherever she goes ..." Ye Chui couldn't help but sigh, and then he used the power of the little fox to make the power continue to subconsciously towards Tessa who had regained control over the ether particles.

Ye Chui actually has other ways to contact other people. If not necessary, he doesn't want to expose the secret that God can now control by himself, but the little fox's ability to contact is far more convenient than other methods of contact, with almost no delay. Timely communication, so he did not continue to hide this when he contacted Tessa and Rimi.

[Do not use this power first, save it first, I need it back. 】

Ye Ting's thoughts appeared in Tessa's mind.

"Okay." Tessa immediately agreed, and with the manipulation of the will, the ether particles quickly diffused into her body and hid.

The power of ethereal particles is difficult to control by herself. Using these particles is not stronger than the original Odin divine power, and she has a faint feeling. In her deep consciousness, that sealed memory has now been unlocked. This seemed to make her control of Odin's divine power even stronger.

Malakis sealed her memory because she was affected by Odin's divine power and was ridiculed by the surrounding environment. That memory represented her resistance to her own power. Although her Forgotten this memory, but the memory still exists, and a layer of subconscious yoke is formed, which affects her exertion of Odin's divine power.

Now that the memory has been unsealed, she remembers her past embarrassment, but she has already accepted her present, and the influence of memory disappears almost instantly.

Not only was her memory unsealed, but also the last trace of Odin's divine power.

In the world of Marvel's movie Asa Protoss, Odin is the most powerful, although he does not have much dazzling performance in the movie, but that's mainly because the movie is about Thor, the Thor in Thor 3. Do n’t want to torture with Rocky. In the end, Hella, who had to burn the house before he could get it, did not dare to come out as a demon after it was determined that Odin was dead.

Now Tessa is completely in control of Odin's divine power. The magic blood she owns has also been promoted under the influence of Odin's divine power (the magic blood is in the same inheritance system as the Asa Protoss blood). The true false Protoss Odin bloodline!

Tessa holds the Storm Tomahawk in her hand, and her body is filled with electric light, and her fighting spirit rises for a moment.

At this time in her heart, she was still a little puzzled. Ye Chui seemed to know about her seal and the existence of Malakis, but she knew that it wasn't a matter of asking about these things now. She dragged the road thunder and lightning and continued to enter the battlefield. , Looking for the next opponent.


Among the deceased summoned by the mysterious man, the mysterious man is one of the top combatants, but no one expected that he would be autistic by Claudia in this way, and Fan Haixin also became a loyal dog ...

Sobek, who controls the Nile, has been paying attention to the changes in the battlefield, noting that he can only secretly sigh in his heart after the scene: "Is that the vampire who looks like a mental retard? Is it Ye Ye's card?"

Sobek served as commander of the orcs, the unknown, and the deceased in this war.

His strong fighting ability is on the one hand, and on the other hand, because he belongs to the ancient gods of the Egyptian mythology system, he can exert his power to the greatest extent in the world of the Lord of the Rings.

The Nile has surrounded the Valley of the Holy Helm, and the area surrounding the river is still tightening.

At the same time, Sobek is also directing the Orcs to charge the Holy Helm Valley. In this game, for the forces of the mysterious side, as long as they break through the Helm Valley, they can determine the victory of the Orcs-just The rules of the Battle of the Holy Helm Valley that Ye Chui participated in are similar.

The deceased and some unknowns are responsible for fighting the undead warriors, survivors, and local players. Sobek, the commander, is responsible for breaking the walls of the Holy Helm Valley!

The battlefield is virtually divided into two parts, the extraordinary battle with magic and powerful power, and the mortal battle between half-orcs and Gondor warriors. This kind of scene seems a little weird and discordant, but both parts are equally important.

The half-orcs madly charged towards the walls of the Holy Helm Valley, trying to pass through the gates of the Holy Helm Valley, and climbed up the walls, while the Terran warriors fought hard and kept killing the half-orcs who climbed the walls Guarding every city wall, there are also unknown and deceased people trying to break through the city wall, but some members of the dragon clan remain on the city wall to resist them.

Above the city wall, Ao Xing stood on the highest level, and the dragon welcomed him. If Sobek was the commander of Mordor, then Ao Xing now represented the commander of Shire, Justice and Humanity.

Sobek looked at Ao Xing with a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

"The capture of the city wall is doomed ..." It was full of self-confidence, the body condensed with ink, and suddenly began to swell violently. The human form disappeared and became invisible. In a blink of an eye, it became a huge indescribable monster ... that is A huge crocodile!

In Egyptian mythology, Sobek was originally a **** with a crocodile body, it is a crocodile god!

Previously, the emperor Poseidon called him the head of a crocodile for this reason.

The huge crocodile it turns into can be said to be the blood **** body of the Egyptian Protoss, which moves quickly on the battlefield, from the war fortress Cohen of Hellfire, which is just not far away from it at the same time. Laugh, while constantly sweeping around with his own variant firepower.

After seeing this ten-meter-long, terrible and abnormal crocodile, Cohen immediately concentrated all the dense firepower that emerged around him on the crocodile, and instantly released a dozen magic thunders in his hands.

The explosion of the bang and the fire bombarded the figure of the Sobek crocodile. The heavy rain quickly allowed the smoke to dissipate. The huge crocodile turned to look at Cohen, his body was not harmed at all, and it did not seem to be entangled with Cohen. It is intended that Cohen should only be a small character in his eyes, and it continues to climb towards the wall.

"..." Cohen froze. After a few seconds of hesitation, he pretended that nothing had happened just now. He continued to laugh and glanced at the other half-orcs-crazy war madmen or something, but it was just him People set.

He is still a steady one, knowing what enemies he can't deal with ...

The crocodile **** Sobek rushed to the wall of the Holy Helm Valley, and his huge body hit the wall with a vibration. The ground was shaking a bit, but it could hit a small hill without hitting the block. It seems that it is not known how many years, many damaged walls have caused too much impact.

In this game, the city walls cannot be destroyed by force, which is a restriction from the origin rules. Even if Ye Chui controls the destructive attack of the destruction rules, there is nothing he can do.

Sobek was not surprised by this result. His body caught on the mottled wall. The huge body immediately climbed up. The ten-meter-high wall was quickly climbed to the top by the huge crocodile head. Behind the city wall, the giant mouth opened, and human warriors and survivors on the wall would be swept away.

At this moment, the roar of the dragon suddenly sounded, Ao Xing found it, and hurried to support it. This age was actually not very old, and he was a handsome man with long hair. At this moment, the dragon's divine power surged on his body. Surrounded by the phantom of the Oriental Dragon.

The golden body, the supreme majesty of the world!

As a descendant of the survivor, Ao Xing could not completely transform the blood dragon body ~ ~ Now this pair of looks can only be regarded as semi-finished products, but they still have a full power.

The dragon danced in the air and fell in front of Sobek. The giant dragon claw held the head of the crocodile, opened a mouthful of dragon flame, and burned into Sobek's body.

Sobek's crocodile body struggled hard, his body suddenly fell off the city wall, its huge mouth also broke the claws of the dragon and bit it on the body of the dragon, and the dragon was wrapped around the body of the crocodile, two real worlds The legend of the non-existent beast rolled down to the ground in this way, and attacked the opponent constantly in a primitive and brutal way.

Seeing this scene through the live broadcast of the little fox, Xiaolong immediately showed a nervous expression.

"Ao Xing is not the opponent of that crocodile god." He immediately judged that when Sobek just appeared, Meow Meow fought with it. Although he was almost trapped by Meow Meow in the Styx River, Hei Poseidon had to rescue him. Next, through the battle dragon can feel how terrible this Sobek, Meow Meow is much stronger than his son, he can determine that Ao Xing is not Sobek's opponent.

"Relax." Ye Ting glanced at Xiaolong and glanced at Oriental Skyrim, "It's almost time to dawn ..."

In the Lord of the Rings film, Gandalf rushed to the Valley of the Helmets with reinforcements at dawn. Ye Tsing could strengthen the plot. Xiaomei replaced it with Gandalf. Ye Tsing could force Xiaomei to the Helm's Valley at dawn. At that time, Ye Ting can also borrow Xiaomei to send her strength to the battlefield. With this connection, he can also project Xiaolong's will on Ao Xing.

In the same vein of the dragon family, Xiaolong can completely control Ao Xing's body.

Xiao Long nodded, and the killing breath on his body began to brew quickly.

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