The Heavens Come

Chapter 806: The style of Xiaomei's battle is so full of fireworks

In the Valley of the Holy Helm at dawn, the battle has been going on for most of the night.

Meow Meow has reincarnate her skin and attached to the tool man, becoming a form of ancestors, awakening her deeper ability of Neptune's divine power. Now she can suppress Neptune Poseidon even without using the body.

The meow fighters who were summoned by her continued to "biubiubiu" to pierce the water to the emperor Poseidon. Although the picture gives a funny feeling, the water of the Ning River where the bullets are usually shot has great damage. Power, the body of the emperor Poseidon continued to collapse and regenerate. As a deceased person summoned by the book of life and death, he was almost immortal, but depending on his current status, I am afraid he hopes that he can return to heaven as soon as possible. .

It won't be long before he will explode like Odin ...

The sea king was suppressed by the sea emperor. This is the suppression of the rank. In fact, even if the meow meow can awaken the power of the meow country, it is difficult to really fight Poseidon. The key to the meow meow defeating the sea emperor is her own and perfect fusion. The power of the Styx.

At the same time, the attack of the emperor can easily dismantle the body of the Meow State Warrior, but this cannot really kill them. As long as the Meow is not dead, they can continually condense.

A real liquid cat.

And the ability of Neptune to summon the Atlantis Legion is different from person to person. The Atlantis Empire will be created according to the will of the users of the ability. Now it is a group of heavily armed cats fighting the Neptune. It's just because Meow Meow is a cat.

This battle does not even need to meow me to intervene anymore, the meow fighters have gradually become familiar with the fighting style of the sea emperor, and can firmly press the sea emperor to fight.

That is, at this time Meow Meow received a contact message from Ye Ting to ask her to do something. She immediately agreed and said aloud, "Captain ribs, I'll leave it to you!"

Among the soldiers of Meow Kingdom, the one with the spare ribs rushed to Meow Meow immediately, held out his armor-clad paw and made a saluting action: "Understand, Master Haimeow, meow!"

"Meow!" Meow Meow nodded solemnly, then looked at Tessa not far away, and walked quickly.

Ye Ting asked her to take away the power of the real gem in Tessa's body.

When Meow Meow rushed to Tessa's side, she saw the picture of Ao Xing and the crocodile **** Sobek fighting with Xiaolong.

The battle between the dragon and the crocodile was full of primitive and brutal style. Now this style has become even more violent-I saw that Ao Xing was covering the power of the dragon, dragging the tail of the huge crocodile and buzzing around him. Shake it off, and finally thunder and flew out.

The huge crocodile body slammed into the wall of the nearby Holy Helm Valley, and the whole earth seemed to shake.

This is because Xiaolong belongs to the unit that cannot be destroyed, so he can smash it ...

The giant crocodile's figure shrank quickly, and finally turned into Sobek's ink-condensed figure. He was already full of anger, and a spear-like weapon appeared in his hand, and he was about to rush forward to attack Ao Xing.

However, when Xiaolong screamed, he immediately roared, his body covered with dragon scales, and transformed into a divine dragon. This time, his divine dragon seemed to be more solid, and it was almost a real oriental divine dragon appearing in the vision of others. !!

Walking in the air, hovering, and quickly swooping towards Sobek.

The huge dragon's mouth swallowed some of Sobek's aggressive figure into it.

The ink splashed, Sobek's body was crushed instantly!

Xiaolong's attachment to Ao Xing did not bring much power. He was a spirit, a kind of undead creature. Although Xiao Mei came to Ao Xing's body, he could not bring what he originally had. Dragon Divine Power and Thunder Gong Divine Power, those items that he often used, such as the immortal sword, the fairy sword, and the painted skin, can be brought through Xiaomei, but it is still left by Ye Ting.

The power he can use now is not different from the previous Ao Xing battle, but after all, he is the old dragon king once, and the survivor's world's combat power is the first. Even if this name has little gold left, it still starts to rise. With the comet line ... his battle experience still makes him very powerful and terrible!

Ao Xing couldn't defeat Sobek, but Xiaolong determined that he controlled Ao Xing's body to kill the crocodile.

Sobek, crushed by the dragon, quickly re-condensed again, but Xiaolong controlled the body of his son and killed again-he had previously lamented that he had missed the opportunity to participate in the battle of the Holy Helm Valley, and now finally came to this battlefield. In addition to being angry for his son, he also has to vent well.

And he knew that there was not much time left for himself ...

——Because Ye Ting is deliberately preparing for a big wave!

When Xiaolong and Sobek fought together again, Meow Meow had successfully obtained the real gem power from Tessa-this power was not very useful for Tessa. It's not easy. Tessa can barely control the power of the real gem only because of the consciousness left by Malakis in her body, but she cannot fully exert the power of this power.

Claudia had previously used this power perfectly and defeated Odin (that's what it is), mainly because Ye Ting can completely control the real gem, and she is the one who creates the life-connected spirit .

So when she learned that Ye Ting needed this power, Tessa gave it to the ancestor (Meow Meow) without hesitation.

Meow Meow quickly rushed to Xiao Mei's side.

In fact, Claudia is faster than Meow and can bring this power to Xiaomei more quickly, but Ye Ting is worried that this mental retardation will accidentally consume this power, and at the same time she must reach Xiaomei You need to cross the Nile River, which is blocked here, which is easier for meow king.

Xiaomei is holding a pan and attacking Christine here.

Hey, hey--

In a heavy bombardment, Kristin's abominable figure continued to recede, and the nano-armor covered by her was also shattered, and small pieces of armor particles fell down.

The scene was like the scene of the extremely small charming peeling fish scales.


Xiaomei took a pan on the head of Christine's covered armor, and the helmet immediately collapsed, but at the same time, Christine's right hand took the opportunity to grab Xiaomei's pan, and the sound of a flowing particle sounded on her. The Nano armor quickly circulated, gathered to the arm, and climbed onto Xiaomei's pan, locking the pan firmly.

Christine also had nano-armor flowing on her left arm, quickly condensing into a sharp sword.

While Xiaomei's weapon was restrained, she pierced Xiaomei's body.

But Xiao Mei's right hand accurately grasped the Nano Sword.

Click it, snap it aside, throw it aside, and look at the pan in the left hand, it seems that it is difficult to shake off Christine's lock, so she simply grabbed at Christine with her right hand, with a bang, the little hand directly A piece of armor came down.

Christine locks Xiaomei's pan with nano-armor. At the same time, she can't leave Xiaomei's side in time. She hastily wanted to make a remedy, but it was too late. Xiaomei's skillful movement took another one on her ... ...

This action is like pulling feathers.

Xiaomei's style of painting during battle is so full of fireworks ...

Although Christine herself was an undead warrior summoned by Ye Ting with a soul gem, the iron leopard nano armor on her body was real, but this powerful black technology was completely unable to resist Xiaomei's white-looking and tender In the small hand, Kristin's heart gave birth to a little despair, and with a loud noise, the armor on her body suddenly fell off completely, and the green and white body leaped back.

She gave up her armor like a broken tail to survive, and finally fled from Xiao Mei. Behind her, a portal emerged from the splash of Mars. Her bulky and bulky body smartly jumped into the portal. Inside.

Xiaomei naturally won't let her escape, and she will immediately chase her inside the portal.

But when Xiaomei ’s body just got into the portal, the portal contracted instantly, and it had to dissipate—the teleportation magic could n’t escape too far away. Kristin deliberately seduced Xiaomei into the portal and wanted to use The power of the portal hurt Xiaomei.

In Complex 3, the black dwarf star in the middle of the four is directly cut off the right arm by the portal. This teleportation magic of Marvel Master, if used properly, is tantamount to a powerful space-blade attack.

Everything is as Christine planned.

The moment Xiao Xiao passed through the portal, the portal quickly shrank and was about to dissipate ... However, before Christine's face showed a happy look, she suddenly saw that the portal was shrinking to Xiao Mei's body At the time, Mars was rushing around, but it couldn't shrink any more!

Xiaomei's body just shook, without any harm.

Xiao Mei also had a look of doubt on her face, and then she stretched out her hand and pulled it around, and then she opened the portal door that was about to be closed, and her body got out.

Christine: "..."

She suddenly lost any willingness to resist.

Destroy, hurry, tired ...

She was completely desperate. In fact, the moment she used the book of life to completely get rid of Ye Ting's control, she was already desperate. She didn't know where it was, but it clearly belonged to some kind of game battlefield. Even if she is no longer controlled by Ye Xing, she will never be able to leave here. When the game is over, she will be wiped out by God.

It was just that there was a little bit of resistance in the original, and now this feeling has completely disappeared.

Xiaomei tilted her head and didn't rush to move. After a moment, she looked to the rear, and Meow was rushing quickly.

In fact, Xiaomei can easily solve Kristin. The reason why she delayed so long is to wait for Meow to bring the power of realistic gems here.

"What are you going to do?" Christine suddenly realized something, and asked in surprise.

"The host said that he would use you to sacrifice heaven." Xiaomei replied.

嗖 ——

The meowing trident burst into the air, piercing Christine's body instantly, and the dark red ethereal particles were entangled in the trident.

Christine's body was pierced. Her current body has been affected by gamma rays and has an abominable level of mutant power. This injury was originally not fatal. She could be pierced by a trident but felt her will. As she dissipated quickly, she suddenly realized that she could manipulate the book of life to get rid of the control of the soul gem, all of which was expected by Ye Chui.

Even ... she would have the idea of ​​manipulating the book of life, I'm afraid Ye Ting instilled in her.

With this feeling, her body quickly dissipated—the undead warrior summoned from the soul gem could also be resurrected after being killed, but Christine got rid of the control of the soul gem and now she is completely free. They will not be resurrected after death.

As Christine's body dissipated, the trident fell to the ground, and the etheric particles entangled on it seemed to be boiling. They were fully activated, emitting powers that blurred the illusion and reality.

Hundreds of miles away, Ye Xing also released the magic spell that he controlled in his hand.

Christine is a sacrifice. Her body is full of imprints from the world of Marvel movies. Her death, combined with the power of realistic gems, completely completed Ye Ting's ritual of imitating a mysterious person.

This can be said to be a ritual of true sacrifice to heaven.


A layer of weird ripples spread to all directions where Christine disappeared.

The sky is still that sky, and the Holy Helm Valley and the chaotic battlefield have not changed at all.

But the leaves of Death Marsh felt something.

【Did you make it? 】

The little fox asked quickly.

Ye Ting smiled and stretched out his hand, the blue cube appeared above his palm, which is exactly the space cube that Ye Ting can only use in the Marvel movie universe!

Now, in the history of the Lord of the Rings world, not only was the mythical man fused with Egyptian mythology, but also Ye Chui successfully integrated the world view of Marvel movies!

"So ..." Ye Ting's eyes shone slightly at this moment, and the other hand suddenly waved, something appeared in his hand.

[Look! 】

The little fox immediately fell into shock.

[When did you get this thing! ? Why don't I know! ? 】

The things in Ye Chui's hands are exactly the eyes of Agomo!

Eye of Agomo Sealing the Time Gem!

"Have you forgotten? They were snatched from Gu Yi during the Great Battle." Ye Ting explained, trying to open the mysterious creation in his hand, but he sighed quickly, "Hey, is it really okay? ...... Is it really worthless to have a memorial for redeeming points? "


Hearing Ye Chui's words, the little fox remembered it. When he took part in the Chitari Battle Royale, Ye vertically entered the Supreme Sanctuary in New York, tied Gu Yi, and stole the other side's Agomoto by the way. eye……

At the end of the game, the eye of Agomo was always on Ye Ting and was taken out by him.

However, if this thing is not obtained through regular story missions and has no power, it is just a unique souvenir ... Ye Xing spent a point to redeem it.

To get the real time gem, it's only about talking to Domham about the conditions.

Now Ye Ting is trying it out.

One of the six infinite gems is missing. Maybe it can summon the power of a time gem?

Even if Ye Xie could not, there was nothing disappointing.

He put away the eyes of Agomo, raised the space cube in his hand, and the shell of the space cube suddenly shattered and dissipated, exposing the blue space gem, and his eyes looked at the boring side. Hatch, with a change of heart, the yellow soul gem stored in Hatch's body was summoned and floated above Ye Xing's palm.

The orange soul gem also appeared above the palm of Ye Ting's hand.

Then Ye Xing looked in the direction of the Valley of the Holy Helm. The blue gemstone in his hand shimmered, and regular space forces were launched. A portal was quickly condensed and connected to the battlefield of the Valley of the Helm.

Ye Chui stepped in, and the next moment he appeared next to Xiaomei and Meow.

This game prohibits long-distance teleportation. All long-distance teleportation is banned by the original rules. The transmission of space gems is not just a simple power. What he has is a rule-level teleportation, which is the strongest teleportation power.

Of course, after Ye Xing appeared in the Valley of the Holy Helm, he immediately felt the suppression of the original rules.

God's will to stay in this game seems to be touched. The sky that had already cleared quickly filled with dark clouds. The terrible divine power is brewing in it, and the divine punishment is about to come!

The current situation is simply that after the game started, the King of God ~ ~ God King installed a patch to prohibit remote transmission in order to prevent Ye vertical transmission to PK in front of the big boss.

But Ye Tzu found a stronger link that temporarily exceeded the ban on this patch.

Shen Wang, the private server operator of the game, was naturally unhappy, and immediately prepared to punish Ye Xing and install new patches ...

"..." Ye Ting looked up at the sky, felt it, and whispered, "Time seems to be too late ..."

He looked at the grass next to him, where a ray of ether particles was still floating, and the last trace of this power remained.

Ye Ting beckoned, and that ethereal particle flew to the top of Ye Ting's palm automatically, turning into a translucent red gem that seemed to dissipate at any time.

Ye Ting looked at Xiaomei again, and reached out and gently scratched in front of Xiaomei.

The purple power gem in Xiaomei's body was immediately pulled out and gathered with the other four gems.

The golden divine power spread out from Ye Xing's hand, connected to each gemstone, combined into the phantom of Infinity Gloves, and then this illusive Infinity Glove was slowly put on Ye Xing's palm.

The infinite gloves themselves need to be exchanged separately, but only to stimulate the power of gems. With Ye Xing's research on several gems, he can do it without the need of real infinite gloves.

"Oh!" When this illusive glove was brought to Ye Xing's body and connected to Ye Xing's body, he immediately felt a strong pressure on his body.

Sure enough, not everyone can control this thing, but Ye Ting's current Protoss body still easily resists the power of gloves.

"Is this the power of infinite gloves ..."

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