The Heavens Come

Chapter 813: You never know how important a wig is for baldness

In the kitchen, Hatch and Guru did not follow the common sense at all, one directly shabu shabu, the other grabbed the chef and whipped, the ugly chef yelled and wanted to push Guru away, but although Guru has thin limbs and a mouth There are no more teeth left, but the strength is not small, and the mouth is even better. In the movie, Frodo directly bit his finger with the ring.

The ugly chef was then bitten by a piece of meat, screaming in his mouth and crawling out of the kitchen.

In the outside hall, the coquettish spider lady sat at the dining table infinitely, watching Ye Ting and Xiaolong with a captivating eye, and constantly rumbling. Ye Ting has always been a righteous man with a firm mind and facing the temptations of beautiful women. Unmoved, he calmed down his mind, but Xiaolong had become so happy that his eyes gradually became red.

"Are you okay? Don't be fooled by her." Ye Ting didn't act immediately. He looked at Xiaolong and contacted through the ring and asked.

The evil way here is that the way spider spiders control Xiaolong and Yexue is not relying on spiritual invasion, but other things-it seems to be able to motivate the desire that already exists in others, and let the desire lead the body to complete the manipulation.

At this moment, Ye Ting could still feel the hunger in his stomach, and he also understood that this hunger was the key to Spider-Man.

Full of thoughts, and hunger can also make people crazy, and stimulate human hidden desires.

"I'm still awake. I haven't experienced anything. This is just a small scene." Xiaolong responded to Ye Xingdao, then stared at the spider woman's long legs and couldn't help swallowing.

"The heart keeps pounding after seeing you two, but there is only one of them. How can you serve the two of you? It's better ..." At this moment, the spider lady wobbled her waist charmingly and said quietly, " You two fight one game, and whoever wins will be served by that other one, do you say OK? "

"Not good," Ye Xing said.

"Okay!" Xiaolong shouted out the two swords of the immortal and the immortal, and his eyes looked fiercely at Ye Xing.

Ye Ting: "..."

Just then, the ugly chef in the kitchen next to him crawled out with blood, and Guru was pressing on his body and gnawing and biting. The chef yelled at the spider mother with a miserable voice: "Help me ... the two Guys are not normal creatures at all! "

"..." The Spider-Mother glanced at the ugly chef. The expression on her face instantly became cold, and she no longer hid. Her red skirt wobbled, and a huge spider's tail flung out from behind her. Along with this process, her body gradually grew larger, but her upper body remained humanoid, but her lower body became a spider, her appearance was still beautiful, and her fangs were exposed in her mouth.

At the same time a tingling "creak" sound came from above the hotel.

From all corners and crevices, a black spider quickly climbed out. The smallest was the size of a fist, and the largest was the size of a human head. Brushing it, all the spider silk was quickly ejected from the tail.

The interior of this hotel, which might have given a warm feeling, was immediately densely covered with all kinds of spider silk.

The grunt who was lying on the ugly chef was also caught in a cobweb in the sound of screams. The body was stuck on a large net. It kept working hard, but it couldn't get rid of that cobweb.

Hatch in the kitchen also rushed over quickly, and the stones were constantly spitting out in his mouth-just now he was enjoying the soup pot deliciously, but suddenly the pot became a stone, and all the kitchen utensils in the kitchen also became a stone. Of course there is no real food here, so he burst out in anger, but as soon as he came out, his body fell into the cobweb automatically.

He yelled "Wang Wang", but couldn't break free.

"Crazy ..." Ye Ting said with a glance at Hatch and Guru, and looked at Xiaolong again, "Desire."

That feeling of hunger drove Hatch and Guru completely into madness. Hatch is now even like a hungry mad dog, losing his mind and unable to exert his powerful power.

And Xiaolong, he may not be as upright as Ye Xing, and his will is firm, but the temptation would not have allowed him to win. After all, he usually spends his days with the fox spirit of the old Su's family. The point of resistance is still possessed, but the hunger makes his immunity to beauty greatly reduced, so that he is easily recruited.

At the same time, it seems that there is another kind of power acting on Xiaolong. He thought about it and looked at the spider maid: "You should be a war knight?"

The war knights of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse, wherever they go, will bring war and cause civil war.

Her temptation was the power of the war knight, which made Xiaolong and Ye Xing stare.

Ye Ting's gaze was on the fat and short chef again. The cook's short and fat body was stained with blood, but the wounds grunted by Guru were healing quickly, and his ugly face showed a sneer ... The eyes turned away: "You know that with your own strength, you can't beat me, so you want to confuse the people around me and my inner bar ..."

"Wait a minute!" The ugly chef shouted, "I'm the famine knight who brought famine!"

Ye Ting looked down at the ugly chef, and said "Oh" in his mouth, and then continued to look at the spider girl: "You seem to be the spider monster Herob in the movie? Originally, Apocalypse can also transform the game character into his four doomsday knights. ... "

"She's just a puppet. She was given the power of a war knight by Lord Apocalypse. It's me who dominates here!"

The famine knight was furious and wanted to jump up and beat Ye Ting's knees: "Everywhere I go is desolate, and any creature will have an intolerable hunger, but any food taken out will quickly rot, as you step into the shadowy mountains At that time, I had already stepped into my field of famine. No matter how powerful a person is, his strength will be affected in the face of hunger—Hirob, attack me quickly! "

"Yeah ..." Hilob made a submissive voice in his mouth, and his face became hot, and the giant spider crawled a few steps into the face of Xiaolong, making a fascinating voice in his mouth, "Dear, go Kill him, you're alone when you kill someone else's house ... "

After Xiaolong showed this kind of maiden maiden shape, not only was she not sober, but the redness in her eyes was a little denser. Of course, this is not to say that Xiaolong has any special traits, but he is now like a prey. In the web, after the spider mother showed a prototype, his manipulation was even more intense.

Then a powerful killing intention erupted on Xiaolong's body, and the sword qi flew to Ye Xing as if it were a substance.

At the same time, in the sound of a clicking sound, above the hotel full of spider webs, a spider dragged the spider web and quickly rushed to Ye Xing, and a continuous stream of corrosive venom spewed out from his mouth. Ye Xing turned away from the venom, his body A rune array emerged around, blocking Xiaolong's sword-qi killing power.

Xiaolong raised his two swords and was about to launch an attack.

"The killing fairy sword and the absolute fairy sword are temporarily out of my control ..." Ye Ting felt it, and whispered softly to herself.

His figure suddenly flashed, and appeared next to Xiaolong instantly.

Xiaolong hurriedly slashed his sword towards Ye Xing, and a spider also flew towards Ye Xing at the same time, but the figure of Ye Xing flickered again at the next moment, and he had detached himself from the dragon. After making a splash, the spider just landed on the side of the dragon's head. Its tail was linked to a cobweb. When it missed, the cobweb contracted immediately, and the body quickly retracted back to the roof.

But at this moment, an accident ... or Ye Ting's intentional picture appeared-the spider's legs accidentally caught the dragon's hair, and as the spider retracted to the roof, the wig fell off from the dragon's head. .

The Spider-girl was full of evil preparations to admire Xiaolong and Ye Xing's inner bar. When she saw Xiaolong's wig falling off, she showed a slick and shiny bald head. She couldn't help but stay slightly.

And Xiaolong, who had already raised his two swords to prepare for the attack, suddenly suddenly stiffened. The immortal in his left hand was suspended in the air, allowing him to free his left hand, and reached out and stroked his bald head.

"My dear, what are you waiting for, attack him quickly ..." The Spider-Man quickly said with Jiao Didi's voice, urging Xiaolong to start immediately.

However, Xiaolong turned around and looked at the spider mother, his eyes seemed redder than before, and I don't know how many times.

"... dear?" The Spider-girl stunned.

唰 ——

The power of the immortal sword and the killing fairy sword was instantly excited to the extreme. The dragon's body also entered the state of Thunder God's body. The blue electric light and the cyan red sword light were entangled. When they turned, they hit the spider's body without any fancy. on.


At this moment, if you look above the shadowy mountains, you can see the peak where Herod's Lair is located. It was lifted out of the air by a powerful force. The sky was originally covered with overcast clouds, but the electric lightsaber rushed to the sky, leaving it to the sky. The dark clouds have dissipated so far.

In the original lair hotel, the upper part was lifted open, the sun was scattered, countless spiders fled around, Xiaolong stood on a gravel, and looked coldly to the left and right. He felt that Shiroub had not completely died, and his body was clamoring. In a flash of lightning, it rushed into the shadowy mountains.

Dare to open his wig in public and never stop with you!

In the shabby lair hotel, the chunky and ugly famine knight stayed-what is the situation?

"Compared to beautiful women, Xiaolong cares more about his wig ..." Ye Ting also said a little unexpectedly.

Looking up at the empty roof, he actually just tried it out, and deliberately let the spider lift Xiao Long's wig to him. He had an idea in his heart and wanted to try it. It turned out that he wanted Nothing wrong.

The famine knight can make people feel hunger. This is not a mental attack, because hunger is born from the body. People who are determined will be tortured by hunger, and the hidden desires will be released. The war knight can use these desires to achieve the purpose of control, so that the dragon starts to attack Ye Xing.

But they would never think of how important his wig is to Xiaolong. After his son and daughter knew he was bald, he tangled and did n’t know how long, dare to lift him to wear a wig. Seal-this is not just a description, it really makes him extremely angry and irritable, and anger is also a desire, a desire to kill and destroy.

The anger of the dragon will be multiplied under the hunger of the famine knight, and the desire to kill and release will instantly occupy the dragon's mind.

Of course, Xiaolong's own consciousness is constantly fighting for control, which is also worth encouraging.

Ye Ting looked down at the famine knight again. Compared with the death knights he encountered before, the famine knight and the combat knight were even more weird. His protoss body was also affected, resulting in an irresistible feeling of hunger. One seemed terrible, with a smile on his face: "Is the Famine Knight?"

Alas, the famine knight's small body quickly reversed two steps backwards, and the ground in front of him exuded delicious food condensed out of nothing. Similar to the scene in the previous kitchen, these foods were created by his ability. Yes, on the ugly face with sweat on his face, he breathed a sigh of breath, and said quickly: "You must be very hungry now, eat it up, these foods are yours ... In my field of famine, only The food I take out will not spoil. "

In the field of famine, any food will quickly rot, and only the food of the famine knight will not rot, but as long as he eats his food, he will become his puppet.

Ye Ting's belly suddenly made a "cooing" sound, UU reading was really hungry, his will began to blur, his eyes looked at the food that seemed to be emitting endless appeal. The palm can't help but have an urge to get those foods.

The Famine Knight's face was slightly relieved. He was not sure if his ability could completely control Ye Xing, but it seemed that he could temporarily stop Ye Xing ... but at this moment, he heard Ye Xing slowly say: "Hatch, do it ..."

A shadow suddenly leaped from the side, and a claw that could not help him topple him to the ground.

It was Hatch, he flung on the famine knight, a claw pressed on the famine knight's head, the sharp claws had penetrated into the flesh knight's flesh.

"You, you ..." The Famine Knight was extremely shocked. He had previously tried to seduce Hatch and Guru with food, but he failed completely, and was almost killed by Guru. At the same time, Hatch and Guru were completely lost under the hunger. With reason, he should only become a crazy beast, but now, Hatch will come to help Ye Ting attack him?

How could he get rid of the hunger without his permission!

The Hatch dog stared at the Famine Knight with eyes, black liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"The hunger you create is not a psychological attack. It really makes the body feel hungry. You can get rid of hunger by eating just when you are hungry." Ye Ting explained at the moment, "I just let Hatch secretly You did two barrels of oil, you might not have thought that you could be food? "

Famine Knight: "..."



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