The Heavens Come

Chapter 820: I am not a man or a woman, I am a cat

On the stone platform above the doomsday volcano, the black robe man incarnate by the mysterious man has disappeared.

His evil hoarse voice seemed to reverberate in this fiery, bored world.

Ye Ting walked to the ironing platform step by step with a solemn expression, he pondered for a moment, bent over and picked up the hammer that was set aside.

"What was going on just now? What does it mean that a new Lord of the Rings has been born?" Xiaolong walked to Ye Ting and asked nervously.

The little fox also paid attention to Ye Ting's body. She wanted to vomit a bit. Ye Ting finally hit the hammer ...

"He has created a new Lord of the Rings, of course, that has only part of the power of the Lord of the Rings, and there is no real rank of the Lord of the Rings." Ye Cui explained.

As the owner of the Lord of the Rings, he can understand the cause of this matter more clearly than Xiaolong and Fox.

He slowly took off the ring on his finger, looked at the dense cracks on it, and continued: "The next battle of Mordor will also be the war of the old and the new ring. The bet is the position of the ring. Order. "

The mysterious man wins, the rank of the ring will be taken by the mysterious man, Ye Chui's ring will be completely broken and disappear, the mysterious man will become the new master of the ring, and he will be completely free.

If Ye Chui wins, everything will develop according to the original plot. Sauron, the incarnation of the mysterious man, is completely defeated. Ye Chui wins the game, and the mysterious man will eventually become a ring controlled by Ye Chui's Lord of the Rings. spirit.

[Why is this happening? Is it so easy to create a legendary item? 】

The little fox was still a little puzzled.

"Creating a legendary item requires two conditions, twisting history and creating a legend." Ye Ting gently placed the broken ring on the iron platform. "From the beginning of this game, the mysterious man was planning this thing, Integrating Egyptian mythology into the world of the Lord of the Rings is a twist of history. I thought he was doing this to enhance the power of the unknown, but in fact his real purpose was to create a new Lord of the Rings. "

"Then create the legend ..." Xiaolong continued.

"This game is the legend he created." Ye Ting raised his hammer. "In the game of God, each legendary item has its own legend. The journey of the ring of the Lord of the Rings is the Lord of the Rings. The story of the legend ... Since the beginning of this game, all the battles that have occurred are part of the legend, and the process of the legend is actually not important. The important thing is the result. As long as he modifies the result of the story, he can completely convert the legend. The story captures the past. "


"If the result of this story is the same as the original book of the Lord of the Rings, which defeated the darkness and destroyed Sauron, then this is the story of the Lord of the Rings in my hand." Ye Ting said, when he lifted a hammer and hit the one On the broken ring.

This is where the Lord of the Rings was born, and the Ring can also be forged.

Use the utensils here to repair the cracks on the ring.

He continued: "If the result of this story is that Sauron finally defeated all justice, then this is not the story of the Lord of the Rings in my hand, but the story of his Lord of the Rings. Since then, his A ring will take the rank of the ring. "

"It turned out so!" Xiaolong finally understood.

[But ... in the final battle of Mordor, mysterious people should have no chance of winning? 】

The little fox understood it, but he was more confused.

There are no more half-orcs in the Mordor camp, and they do n’t have too much combat power. It wo n’t be long before the Middle-earth human alliance and survivors, the unknown, and local players can flatten Mordor. .

The results of this battle are now completely doomed!

"I thought so just now." Ye Cui focused on the iron and said in his mouth, "But these days, Sauron has created a new Lord of the Rings with the doomsday volcano, although he has not yet obtained the rank of the Lord of the Rings. But that ring should already have the power. "

"Power? You mean ..." Xiaolong's face was surprised.


On the battlefield in front of the Gondor Demon Capital, Remy, Tessa, and Irene appeared with the Corps of Swindlers, making this battle, which had a very clear result, immediately more clear.

"Well? Story mission?" At this moment Tessa suddenly received any reminder. She showed an expression of interest and turned to look at Irene next to her. "Would you like to take it?"

Irene was a little resistant, but after thinking about it, she said, "Well then, let's take it, and we'll have more enemies than waiting to kill anyone."

What they received was a task to kill the enemy.

This task obviously originated from the roles that the two of them originally replaced: in the original play, the dwarf Jinpiao and the elven prince are a good base friend. From the initial discomfort, they gradually established the friendship behind them, not only When you are on the road, you are riding a horse, sleeping together at night, and often competing to see who kills many enemies in battle.

Earlier in the Helmet Valley, they actually received a similar task, but they were ignored when the situation was critical, but now they have received this task. Since the situation is not fierce, then do it next.

If you win the competition task, you can get some very good hidden rewards.

The two men took up the task and started fighting.

In their respective fields of vision, they can see the counts floating above their heads.

When they summoned Thunder with a Storm Tomahawk and a friend took a photo with a magic phone to solve a nearby orc, they also turned their attention to the mammoth not far away.

A mammoth from a barbarian, this stuff is very powerful and burly, and in the original drama, the elven prince solved one by three, five, and two, which can be regarded as his highlight moment.

The dwarf Jincha also contributed a famous line: "That can only be counted as one."

Seeing this mammoth giant elephant, Tessa and Irene exchanged a look, then Tessa raised the Storm Tomahawk, summoned the Rainbow Bridge, and prepared to teleport directly to the giant elephant to attack. Irene also hurriedly pointed her phone camera at the giant elephant. To take pictures.

But the action of the two of them has just begun, but a purple figure appeared first in front of the giant elephant.

With her body suspended in midair, she raised her pan in her hand, which was Xiaomei.


Xiao Mei screamed softly, and the pan was patted on the head of the giant elephant.

The head of the giant elephant looked bigger than Xiaomei's whole person, but it fell on the body as a pan. The burly body of this giant was snapped to the ground in an instant, and the four stone-like giant legs were all because of Can't bear the strong pressure to collapse in succession, the body collapsed to the ground.

After killing the mammoth, Xiaomei happily turned around and waved at two friends, don't thank me!

Then the figure turned into a purple shadow and left.

Tessa and Irene: "..."

This is the arguably the most fierce duel in the original book, basically there is no suspense.

When the Dragon Team, the Expeditionary Force, and the Rohan Army joined, the result no longer needed to think at all. The only issue to consider now is that there are not enough orcs to kill, and now there is a zombie player in the HOLD field. Walking around, the mammoth giant elephants were dumped in a pan, and some people simply stopped seeing them.

What else is there to fight?

Those who have such ideas include meowing.

At first she came here with the dragon team, and she was looking forward to fighting well. When she met a strong opponent, she might also show the form of surprised meow and blind others' eyes. As a result, she was lost directly. interest.

So she simply found a stone beside the battlefield and sat down, her eyes narrowed, and she almost fell asleep.

That is, at this time, the hissing sound that burst through the sky suddenly came.

When Meow Meow followed the sound, she saw the distance from the direction of Mordor, all the speeding shadows were quickly rushing in the sky, that was a flying dragon!

Meow's eyes narrowed, and a bit of doubt appeared in his heart, because those dragons were neither the dragons shaped by western lizards hatched from the dragon's ranch, nor the Lord of the Rings World Mordor Ring Spirit Center. The kind of black dragon that rides.

These dragons are very weird in shape, with strong limbs, snake-like necks, and bird-like skulls, with huge wings spreading behind them.

It undoubtedly belongs to the dragon.

But it is completely different from most people's image of Western dragons.

[These are the dragons in Egyptian mythology. Meow, be careful. Those who ride these dragons are all strong! 】

The little fox's reminder came.

Meow Meow immediately raised enough interest. This game was modified by Ye Ting and the mysterious people. It was already quite different from the original world of the ring. She did n’t know much about the fusion of Egyptian mythology. Yes, but you can roughly understand why the dragon in Egyptian mythology appeared here.

"What kind of meow is that?" Meow meow asked.

[Yes ... abstain from spirit. 】


When meowing in doubt, the Egyptian dragons-a total of nine of them-have already landed on the battlefield here one after another.

They made a series of sharp bird sounds, which sounded like they could pierce the eardrums of others. Many people with little resistance could not help covering their ears, and they have burly bodies and use them immediately after landing. A sharp mouth and sharp claws attacked all around, and a spew of rotten black mist could be spewed out of the mouth.

The most frightening thing is the people riding on their backs.

All of them were wearing black armor, without revealing any skin. They looked around with cold eyes and saw these black armored people. Many people present at the scene instinctively thought of their name: abstain from spirit.

This image is almost exactly the same as that in the Lord of the Rings movie!


"Although there is no rank of the Lord of the Rings, it already has the power of the Lord of the Rings ... you can create your own ring spirit."

Through the vision of the little fox, Xiaolong saw the appearance of the Lord of the Rings. These rings were riding the Egyptian dragon. The shape was almost exactly the same as the ring spirit in the movie: "Is this the last card of the mysterious man?"

"When I used my infinite gloves (incomplete) to ring my fingers, I noticed that some unknown people gathered under the Sauron Heta. At that time, because the mysterious man protected Mordor with a book of life and death, I could not solve them. Now I see These people are the mysterious people who are preparing for the creation of the spirit ring. "Ye Chui kept ironing and said in his mouth," Just now, when the mysterious people formally issued me a declaration of ring fighting, these ring spirits It was really created. "

As a Sauron in this game, Mystery Man, like Ye Ting, can choose the unknown person to replace his role (Serpent, Saruman, etc.), and in the first few days of the game, he let nine The nameless man who replaced the ring spirit appeared in front of Ye Chui, and caused the nine people to be killed one after another ... All these things were also deliberately made by Sauron.

He just wanted to use Ye Ting's hand to solve these precepts.

When these precepts die, he can create brand new precepts, and these new precepts will be stronger!


On the battlefield outside the capital of Gondor, with the emergence of the spirits, some unexpected riots occurred in the original one-sided battle, and many people were caught off guard, but the situation quickly stabilized.

Although the strength of the nine sacred spirits is strong, they cannot yet reverse the war.

The huge body of the Egyptian dragon wandered around the battlefield. The survivors, the unknown, and the local players are better here, but the Rohan army, which is just a mortal, was hit hard.

King Rohan accidentally fell to the ground, his body being crushed by the body of a horse.

As he struggled to stand up again, an Egyptian dragon suddenly landed not far from him.

On this dragon is the leader of the Ringmen.

And at this moment, a soldier bravely stopped in front of the dragon-it was Princess Luo Hanguo who dressed in men's clothing sneaking into the battlefield!

This is what happened in the movie.

In the movie, Princess Rohan, dressed as a man, stops the ring leader Angmar Witch King. After hearing the King said "men can't kill me", Princess Rohan lifts up his helmet, reveals long hair, and says "I It's not ~ ~ I'm wamen ", and then stabbed into the helmet of Angmar Witch King with a sword.

Will the same scene happen again?

The ring leader on the dragon apparently had an independent consciousness. He knew this famous stalk in the Lord of the Rings, so when he saw the shuddering Princess Rohan, he felt a sense of drama.

So he jumped from the dragon, pulled out the long sword around his waist, and walked step by step towards Princess Rohan, saying in his mouth: "Man can't kill me." He raised the sword in his hand, not forgetting to add A sentence, "Neither can women."

Then, just as he was about to attack the princess in front of him, a golden light suddenly fell and penetrated his body instantly.

That golden light was the Trident of the Sea King.

Meow Meow appeared in front of the ring leader with the blue teleportation, reaching out and holding the Trident Summoner.

She watched her chest hurt, half-knelt on the ring leader, felt the reminder of the little fox's lowering, so she smiled and said, "I'm not a man or a woman, I'm a cat!"

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