The Heavens Come

Chapter 828: Only 1 can kill Ye Chuan

Xiao Long put the Lord of the Rings back on the forging platform. His eyes looked coldly at the huge eyeballs that were hovering above the magma. With a scream in his mouth, he turned into a phantom of the dragon, and roared to the huge eyeballs hovering in midair.

Now Mordor is collapsing, the source of the power of Sauron ’s evil eye is about to dissipate, and the time for the mysterious man is running out.

Ye Chui looked at the Lord of the Rings on the forging table, and he stood up, holding the armrest of the chair with difficulty. The Ring and the final gap were not repaired completely. He had to re-forge it as soon as possible, but he was so weak, let alone Picking up the forged hammer again, it becomes a bit difficult to walk even if it is walking.

And at this moment, Hatch lying on the ground suddenly sprang up, and with the sound of the click, his metal body decomposed and reorganized into a steel armor covering Ye Chu, and then took Ye Chu. Step by step to the forging station.

"Master, leave it to me next." Hatch's voice rang in Ye Lo's ear.

Hatch ’s steel armor form can still be motivated in this world, but he ca n’t fly, but this moment helped Ye Chui. With the help of Hatch, Ye Chui walked to the iron platform and bent down Picked up the hammer that Xiao Long just dropped.

The hammer weighed heavily, and on the wrist of the steel armor, the attached power system started to help Ye Chui lift the hammer.

When, when--

Continue to reforge the Lord of the Rings.

On the boiling magma of the Doomsday volcano, Xiaolong is constantly fighting the evil eyes of the mysterious person. The mysterious life and death book is suspended around the body of the mysterious person. This is the power he relies on most. Become extraordinarily weird, and constantly call out the dead through the life and death book, and at the same time want to seize the opportunity to capture the life and death fate of Xiaolong, and write Xiaolong's name on the life and death book.

However, his tactics are not very useful for Xiaolong. Although this is the first time that Xiaolong has faced a mysterious man in the first game, in the previous game, the power of the mysterious life death book has been undoubtedly revealed, such as calling out The deceased, such as letting others kill the deceased to complete the sacrifice, record the name of the enemy, be prepared, and the dragon will not be succeeded by the mysterious person.

Speaking of open hanging dragons is not comparable to Ye Chu, but when it comes to real combat experience, Ye Chu is still inferior to Xiao Long, because Ye Chu is used to directly crushing each other with all kinds of incredible power.

The mysterious man is gradually weakening, and the last crack on the ring is slowly closing.

The battlefield of Mordor also came to an end.

The corpses and orcs with the qualities of mummy, strong orc, and half-orc are gradually being defeated. The other half-orcs and barbarians have already failed, and the black buildings in Mordor are gradually collapsing. Victory is coming.

"Ye Chu may need our help now." At this time, the undead warrior Jian Sheng Kong Zhou, who was summoned through the soul gem, suddenly came to Aoxing. "Maybe we should help him in the past."

"Huige ..." Ao Xing turned his head to look at the direction of Doomsday volcano. "The mysterious man flew to Doomsday volcano before. It should be to stop him, we should let some people go to support him." Hesitantly looked at Jian Sheng Kong Zhou.

He still remembers the horror of this unnamed purgatory leader, who can challenge the survivor base he built at that time, and was finally defeated by Ye Chui. He is now summoned, and he may have resentment against Ye Chui in his heart.

"I was summoned by the soul gem. The soul gem is in Ye Chuan's hand. I will never betray him." Jian Sheng Kong Zhou said quickly, "And my speed is very fast, even more than using the space gem to teleport fast."

After all, the transmission of space gems is suppressed here, and it is difficult to transport them over long distances.

"Okay, then." Aoxing thought for a moment and chose to allow it.

Hearing Aoxing ’s words, Kong Zhou ’s seemingly calm face finally showed a relaxed look. Ye Chui gave Aoxing the command of the undead soldier he had summoned before, and Ye Chui had no time to take care of the battlefield. At that time, all of their undead soldiers were ordered by Ao Xing, and now Ye Chui seems to be in danger and has no energy to control them.

With the permission of Aoxing, Kong Zhou can leave here and rush to the doomsday volcano.

Then Aoxing asked curiously: "Mr. Kong Zhou, how are you going to the doomsday volcano?"

Jian Sheng Kong Zhou did not speak, but stretched out his hand towards the sky, his palms spread out.

At the next moment, a stream of light fell from the sky and fell into his palm.

It was a sword, a sword famous in Chinese legend.

Legendary items controlled by Juggernaut Kong Zhou.

Seven Star Sword!

"This sword?" Aoxing was shocked. Ye Chui just called them back from the undead world but did not give them legendary items and power. Where did Kong Zhou's Seven Star Sword come from?

This sword has never been obliterated? After Kong Zhou's death, the sword still exists. Now Kong Zhou is briefly resurrected by the Soul Gem, and the sword is called back again.

He may be mischievous about Ye Chui!

Ao Xing immediately thought of this, Zhangkou wanted to speak, but Jian Sheng Kong Zhou held the Seven Star Sword in his hand, and his body immediately turned into a sword light, and broke towards the end of the volcano.

This is the legendary Chinese sword flight! ?


In the Doomsday Volcano, Dang, Dang, Dang's iron hitting sound continued to ring, and there were almost 20,000 hammers away from forging the Ring, and the last crack on the Ring was about to disappear.

But at this moment, Ye Chui suddenly felt something, turning his head to look above the Doomsday Volcano.

A gorgeous sword light burst there, and fell through the void.

Seven hits!

It is the power that Ye Chu is very familiar with.

At the time of the Battle of the Hundred Ghosts, Ye Qingmei took out the broken Seven Star Sword, which was a seven-strike blow, which damaged the pictures of the Hundred Ghosts and forced the little fox at that time to fall into Ye Chui Among the Lord of the Rings ... and the current Seven Star Strike is far more powerful and overbearing than Ye Qingmei's then Seven Star Strike. This is the full power of the Seven Star Sword.

Jian Sheng Kong Zhou arrived here, and immediately made a fatal blow to Ye Chui.

As the undead warrior summoned by the soul gem, he launched an attack on the owner of the soul gem Ye Ye, then he would be punished himself, and the smoke disappeared, but Kong Zhou standing in the crater did not care.

Anyway, he just wanted to cut Ye Chui, this will be a rare opportunity.

Perhaps the only chance to kill Ye Chu.

He is already dead, but the Qixing sword carries his avatar. As long as he leaves this game world, the idea of ​​his boarding in this sword can make him completely resurrected.


The terrible sword light came, and Xiaolong immediately tried to stop, and the mysterious man tried everything to stop Xiaolong.

The armor on Ye Chui's body quickly squirmed, condensing a shield that firmly protected Ye Chui.


The hammer in Ye Chui's hand hit the ring.

This is the last hammer.

As the hammer fell, the last crack on the ring also closed completely.

Complete the task of forging the Lord of the Rings!

Immediately Ye Ye collapsed to the ground.

Hatch also fell softly on the ground, resisting these seven-star strikes and causing him considerable damage.

"..." Sword Saint Kong Zhou showed a silent expression on his face, faintly unwilling, after all he failed ... His body began to be punished for attacking Ye Chu and gradually dissipated.

But at this moment, the Lord of the Rings, which had successfully forged and became intact, was suddenly taken into the hands by a dry palm.

It turned out to be grunt!

He didn't know when, he slipped to the forging table, held the ring in his hands, and showed an unforgettable expression: "Baby, my baby ..."

[Oops, the mysterious man quietly controlled the grunt! 】

Grunt holding the Lord of the Rings, his body suddenly staggered, accidentally planted towards the Doomsday Volcano-this is the fate of Grunts, with the Lord of the Rings swallowed by the magma of Doomsday Volcano.

The mysterious man used the plot enhancement to force this scene to be staged.

At the same time, the evil eye of Sauron, the incarnation of the mysterious man, squeezed out the last power, brewing billowing black smoke, preventing Xiaolong from rescue.

Finally, he still wants to win ...

Regardless of Ye Chui's plan, his luck is better after all. Unexpectedly, Jian Sheng Kong Zhou will suddenly appear here to attack Ye Chui!

Even if the Lord of the Rings is successfully re-forged, as long as it falls into the Doomsday Volcano, it will still be completely destroyed.

Now Xiaolong is entangled by him, Ye Chui and Hatch are unable to fight anymore, and the others have not arrived yet, then no one can save the Lord of the Rings.

at last……


The grunt falling on the stone platform did not fall into the magma as he wished. He ... He was holding the ring in his hands, floating slowly in the air, and a magic power was wrapped around its body.

It's a funny flower skirt and a big red flower on his head!

These things bring magical power, so that Grunt has gained a certain dangling ability.

And those things were given to Guru by Ye Chu ...

Going to the stone platform again, it was like an ugly little fairy, holding the Lord of the Rings in both hands, under some uncontrolled control, slowly walked to Ye Chui's front, and sent the ring to Ye Chui In the hands.

Ye Cui weakly picked up the ring and brought it to his finger.

Then at that moment, the weak state blessed on him was swept away, and he stood up full of blood and resurrected, looking up at the evil eyes of Sauron suspended in the air and the soon-disappearing sword Saint Kong Zhou, face There was a faint sneer. UU reading book

He held out his palm to the evil eye.

The evil eyes of the incarnation of the mysterious man felt instinctively fearful, and immediately went away into the distance.

But everything was too late, he was already extremely weak, plus Ye Chui full state resurrection, the Lord of the Rings forged completely, everything was too late.

The invisible chain quickly bound the mysterious man, and the illusory ring appeared around him, and he began to completely spiritualize it.

"Not willing ..."

Howling in the heart of the mysterious man.

Suddenly, accompanied by a clatter of flipping through the book, the illusory book of life and death, the pages of the book spread out, turned into a page of paper and flew out, flying to the end of Kong Zhou disappeared, suspended on the doomsday crater Qixing sword.

"Let's make a deal ..." The mysterious man's consciousness passed into Qixingjian. He knew that Qixingjian had a part of Kong Zhou's consciousness. "The final power of the life and death book is for you ... kill Ye Chuan ... over time. ... that was the only chance to kill him! "

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