The Heavens Come

Chapter 830: The heavens come to reality!

In the void space.

Ye Cui looked at the God King in front of him, and he remembered from the first time he participated in God ’s Battle Royale, and he communicated with the God Envoy. Although the God Envoy ’s attitude towards him was still indifferent at first, according to The forums and other survivors received information during the exchanges. The attitude of the angel to him is indeed different. The style of Tucao, the feeling of being angry with him ... are so kind. After meeting the little fox It is due to Tim a little familiar.

He also couldn't tell whether he thought the little fox felt like a **** ambassador, or that the **** ambassador felt like a little fox, but now it looks the same.

"Da Shui'er was sent back ... Twenty-nine years or nine years ago, so the god's envoy has always been Da Shui'er ..." Ye Chui smiled on his face, in fact, he had already speculated, It ’s just that this speculation has been implemented, and then he looks at the **** king in front of him, "So, what is all this for? My life ... is under your control?"

"Manipulation, no, I don't have that much energy." The **** king shrugged his shoulders, and suddenly there was a trace of doubt on his face, staring at Ye Chuandao seriously, "but I do feel some manipulation on your fate. Traces, but that has nothing to do with me ... All I can control is the world of this number one player. "

"But I got your Huaxia blood heritage, and then opened the hard disk you left, opened the world, and my entanglement with the unknown purgatory, the mysterious person staying in the shadow of the puppet master ... it all follows Can't you get rid of the relationship? "Ye Chui asked doubtfully.

"It really has nothing to do with me." God King's handsome young man's face showed a sense of grievance, "I left Emperor Blood Jade in order to let Xiaolong's descendants find a chance to inherit the blood of the God Race, the one called Ao Xing ’s boy, I still hugged him when I was a child. I peed me at that time. I thought this child was extraordinary. Although he inherited the dragon blood of the dragon, he did not conflict with my blood of the gods. Hard disk It was also prepared for him ... but I did n’t expect Xiaolong to be too disappointed for me. I just lost the hard disk casually. Not to mention, Dragon Blood Jade and other things let you get an outsider in your hand, and I also do this. Very depressed. "

After the show, I showed a pair of expressions, I really misunderstood Xiaolong's expression, Ye Chui couldn't help but feel a little sweaty, Emperor Blood Jade, originally Ao Xing's things, so according to the original God King's idea, stand today It ’s supposed to be Ao Xingtai who is talking to God King here ...

Then the King of God sighed and continued: "My blood of the Chinese Protoss will open the hard drive, and there will be a causal connection between the blood and the hard drive. Since you inherited my blood, you will encounter the hard drive and open him in the future. It ’s something decided by cause and effect. "

So is his life not actually arranged by the God King? As for the God King saying that he has traces of being manipulated by fate, this point Ye Cui may know the answer.

"I can vaguely appreciate your power." Ye Cui was silent for a while, then continued, "You and the original court were involved in an SSS-level battle royale game, and have disappeared from now on, everyone Even the undeceased say you have fallen, but I know that is impossible, what is the truth of the matter? "

"Your guess is correct, the heavens have not fallen, we are just ..." The **** king hesitated, as if imagining another vocabulary, he said after a while, "Beyond, I entered another world, one ... use the present The more popular saying is that a fantasy parallel world, a world that I have created and mastered. "

Ye Cui frowned: "Why is this for?"

The King of God has reached the most powerful level in this world. He has mastered the source and manipulated all the rules. He is already omnipotent. Even God ’s authority can be given to Ye Chu as a reward. If he wants, he should You can also directly modify the real world, make the real world into the world he imagined, get a revival of vitality and start the national cultivation of immortals, and control the source, all of which should be a breeze.

Why should he recreate a new world?

Is it just for fun?

"Why ..." There was a lonely look on the **** king's face, and then he smiled again, "You are not too powerful now, you will understand later, in short, after I leave, you can take my place Controlling the source, ah, according to what you have always said, the game system of the real world **** is equivalent to a computer system. The **** is a system administrator, and controlling the source is to control the computer. "

The **** king walked in front of Ye Chui and reached out and patted Ye Chui's shoulder gently. He said: "After controlling the source, you can control the computer and gain control of the system administrator. Now, the situation is equivalent to giving it to you. And you have reset the system administrator, but this process may also cause some unnecessary trouble. You need to pay attention. "

"What trouble?" Ye Cui froze.

"The system crashed or something ... Of course, I believe you can solve these problems." God King's face smiled slyly, and the people disappeared.

Where he patted Ye Hang's shoulder, there was a faint golden light flashing and disappearing.

Ye Chui glanced sideways at his shoulder, and then found that the voidness around him disappeared. He did not return to the personal space for settlement rewards, but appeared directly in the real world. He has not yet stepped into the realm of the original rules. But he has already begun to grasp the power of the original rules. At this level, the so-called gold coins or points have no meaning for him.

God's envoy authority, and the slightest strength that God King patted him on the shoulder before leaving, these are the most valuable items.

As he appeared, Xiaolong and Hatch also appeared beside him, but the others did not follow. Ye Chuo looked around and found that they were in the unknown purgatory when they entered the battle of the number one player. Jianlin.

"Sister Shui'er? And Xiaomei, meow them?" Xiaolong looked around with doubt and surprise, and asked Ye Chuidao.

"... Little fox?" Ye Chui looked up at the sky and tried to contact the angel, but he didn't get a response. He frowned slightly, felt all around again, then stretched out his hand, and would still stagnate on the ground. When he got up, he put his hand on Xiaolong's shoulder, the two figures disappeared instantly, shuttled through the unknown purgatory, and finally appeared on a street in the science fiction area.

Originally quite prosperous, the nameless purgatory, now empty and full of sci-fi temperament, a little girl with a gothic loli is looking around in confusion, and a man wearing a tall black collar with a red collar The thin man was just behind her, and the figures of Ye Chui and Xiao Long emerged out of thin air.

"Claudia ..." Ye Chui waved and looked at the thin, thin man who gave a cold, temperamental appearance to a Western man, frowning, "Nikola?"

"It's me, I have now become Queen Claudia's blood slave, declaring allegiance to her all her life." The thin man was Nikolai, and his voice clanged vigorously, as if not embarrassing at all.

"Master, the blood egg is very strong, and will definitely help you conquer the world in the future, Kokoko." Claudia said immediately and proudly.

"... blood egg?" Ye Cui froze.

Nikolay's face twitched quietly, but still said calmly: "Queen Claudia gave me a new name."

Ye Chui and Xiaolong: "..."

Nikolay, whose real name is Judah, was one of the thirteen disciples of the famous paradise organization. The leader of the betrayal organization obtained the book of Nord, aliased Nicholas, and became the famous blood ancestor of the blood. The party's blood parliamentary quintet, mysteriously unpredictable ... and then now accepted by Claudia as a younger brother, given a blood egg.


Ye Chui has received strict training and will not laugh no matter how funny things are ... unless he ca n’t help, he and Xiaolong ca n’t help but laugh, and patted Claudia ’s head. This kind of thing can only be done by their own mentally retarded bats ...

But this is not the funniest place.

Ye Chui tried to calm himself down, then turned his head to look aside, reached out, and grabbed a man who was hiding in a building next to him.

The man was wearing a red dress, green hair, pale face, and a twisted smile on his face-it was the leader of the original unknown purgatory fantasy area, the crazy clown.

"You !?" Nikolay was shocked to see the Joker appearing, "You ... how come you are there, the game is over, shouldn't you be wiped out?"

The crazy clown was killed by Ye Chu, and summoned back with the soul gem, but he should only exist in the world of the Lord of the Rings, and he will disappear after leaving that world, unless Ye Chu continues to renew ... obviously Ye Chu is not so. Atmosphere, the reason why Nikolai is willing to become Claudia's blood slave is to avoid being re-erased and returning to the undead.

He completely lost his strength and past, and only integrated his ideas into Claudia's book of blood gods, and Claudia helped him reshape his present shape, so that his ideas could stay in this world.

But the crazy clown ... he shouldn't be there anyway.

He should have returned to the undead world ...

"Haha, hahaha ..." Hearing Nikolai's question, the crazy clown immediately issued a series of laughter, breathless breath, "hahahaha, hahahaha ..."

"Don't laugh, in fact you don't know what happened." Ye Chu interrupted him.

"... Yeah." So the crazy clown stopped laughing madly and straightened up to look at Ye Chu. "So, what happened? Why did I come back here after the Battle Royale, and, I seem Not because of your soul gem, but ... I seem to be really resurrected, but without the original legendary power. "

Xiaolong also looked at Ye Chui curiously. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Ye Chui raised his hand and summoned the soul gem. Feeling the orange light of the gem, his face slowly became serious.

The system collapse that King of God said ... it turned out to be the case.

"The undead world ... and the door of the real world, that undead mirror is now completely broken." Ye Cui said with a deep voice.

"What !?" Xiaolong was shocked.

Ye Cui glanced at Xiaolong: "The mirror of the undead was originally cracked by your sword of immortality, and now ... the theocracy is handed over. The deceased have come to the real world. "

The undead world is like the recycle bin of the system. Now that the system is malfunctioning, the things in the recycle bin have rushed out of the cage and come to the real world.

"The outside world ..." Xiao Long said in horror.

"Fortunately, the deceased have no real body, but they can change themselves into those non-existing characters in the movie according to their own characteristics." Ye Chui's eyes appeared with golden light, as if he was watching the outside world, " Now they appear in the real world as the characters of the heavens, and they also control a variety of abilities and objects ... "

After a pause, Ye Chui's voice became a little heavy.

"The heavens have come to the real world."

Because Ye Chui's words, everyone was quiet.

Then the blood egg classmate suddenly thought of something and said with a trembling voice: "The undead world is broken, the undead come to the real world ... so the clown will appear here, then, then I ... I don't actually need to be a blood slave of?"

Ye Chui turned his head and looked at Nikolay: "Who said no ..."


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