The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 627 I’ll be at your door right away

The Chongsa River sparkles under the setting sun.

There are bright red berries hanging on a bunch of shrubs on the river bank. A red hand reached out from the branches of the shrub, quietly touched a berry and retracted, making the elastic branches tremble.


Another white palm slapped the berries away.

"Ouch." Karak muttered in pain.

"Don't be so greedy! We are running for our lives." Ying Xin said angrily like an old mother.

"They withdrew." Linde put the telescope out of the bush and looked around, but saw no trace of the magic ship or the red dragon.

A white cat emerged from the bushes, shook the grass blades in the sun, suddenly took off, stretched its body in the air like a raven, and fluttered its wings into the sky with a squawk.

Gale attached the detect invisibility spell to Druid Jaheira, allowing her to detect in a wider area.

"It seems that they are really gone. There are no invisible units." Jaheira brought back good news.

A group of people emerged from the crowded bushes.

Lind brushed the blades of grass off his head, chanted a spell, and called out to his two undead behemoths—no answer.

"Damn Yankees, how dare you kill my horse!"

Mr. Lin twitched his lips and decided to write down this grudge. The Necrotic Owlbear and the Necrotic Shark-Lizard accompanied them through life and death, and played an important role in evading the pursuit of the Red Dragon Knight. At the last moment, he and Gale teamed up to cast spells, creating a group of magical phantoms, and escaped separately on owlbears and shark-lizard beasts to lure away the pursuers.

It's a pity that we couldn't save these two big killers.

Now that the adventure team has officially entered the radiation range of the Supreme God, the word radiation is quite appropriate. The mind flayer master brain is as lethal as a nuclear weapon.

The Yankees did not dare to fight and took the initiative to evacuate, which was completely in line with Constantine's prediction.

The old woman in Vlaakis must have been furious, and the pursuers she sent must have suffered a heavy blow when they returned. At this time, the smiles shifted to the faces of the adventurers.

The prince's honor guards were all silent. They were also on Vlaakis's must-kill list, and they were able to escape due to the help of the adventurers. At this time, it would be unreasonable to be proud of one's identity. Although these monks are one-minded, they are much kinder than others of their kind.

"Let's camp for the night and have some rest. We'll enter Livington tomorrow." The holy power of oath in Lind's body has been almost exhausted, and his legs are shaking. This is a sign of losing strength. The mortal body is so real. Don't dare to take it seriously. Take care of it, I'll show you the illness right away.

"Our camping supplies are all on your two undead mounts." Shadow Heart told a cruel truth.

Everyone's face was gloomy and they were groaning.

Linde smacked his lips, "Then use local materials."

There was an abandoned outpost not far from them. It seemed that it had been ravaged by the army of the Supreme God. There were not even half a living person left, but a bunch of miscellaneous debris and a spacious barn were left. Shelter from wind and rain.

When Gale lit up the bonfire and everyone gathered together, they felt alive again. The gravekeeper appeared silently at the camp - he was always so mysterious.

Tonight's dinner is magic berries. That's all. Eat it if you like. Everyone discussed going to the city tomorrow and having a good meal. Will was the most sober: "Guys, our luggage has been lost. Do we still have any money?"

The adventurers looked at each other, and finally squeezed out twenty-four copper coins from their pockets.


"What's so awesome?"

"We have no hope!" Shadow Heart said frantically, "Everyone who enters Baldur's Gate must pay an entry fee!"

Linde waved his hand, "It's okay. With our skills, isn't it easy to make some money? We can just set up a stall and perform at the worst."

The group of people chatted and laughed, and their empty bellies seemed less uncomfortable. The magic berries were delicious, but they were not very hungry.

At this moment, as night falls, the sky is suddenly filled with a bright blue light. The flash from the star realm is like a blurry and beautiful blue skirt.

Constantine warned: [Be careful, Velakis is coming. 】

Everyone stood up and looked up at the sky that covered the sky. What was rising in the light was the projection of Vlaakis, still so huge and so condescending.

Raizel looked up to this former faith and said coldly: "Queen Vlaakis—fuck you."

The adventurers nodded in unison.

Vlaakis angrily yelled: "You traitor, you have failed my expectations, but you still dare to call my name."

"I saw Orpheus with my own eyes. I spoke to First Kesrak Centurion Voss personally. You have deceived us and enslaved us."

The Lich Queen's voice surged, and her roar was like a thunderous wave exploding in her ears.

"That traitor Voss is lying! My rule is unbreakable! Listen here you traitor, I don't have much time for you. We Githyanki deserve all the credit for moving mountains, extinguishing stars, and shaking the planes. It’s all cast by me!”

She took a deep breath and forced out her voice as softly as possible: "That heretic prince will destroy our land and the honor of the Githyanki people will be torn apart. He is just a challenger for power. Don't trust the traitor Voss." Sweet talk. You're just being used by him and the Heretic Prince."

Constantine said nothing. But the prince's honor guards scolded him.

Vlaakis ignored the voices of those people and just stared at Raizel, "I will give you another chance to return to the Astral Prism and kill the fake Orpheus. Then I will promote you as my Personal guard, Red Dragon Commander, my only one, my chosen one."

Everyone had expressionless faces and even wanted to laugh. In fact, the few of them whispering were already a little nervous.

"How dare a mere lich speak of a chosen one? She is so capable, but she comes to kill the Supreme God?" "What you don't get is always in turmoil. She is the fake god."

Raizel resolutely refused Vlaakis's solicitation and angrily rebuked him on the spot.

"I trusted you, but in exchange for your betrayal and endless pursuit these days, you are nothing in my eyes, and I will train the next generation of princes, who will destroy your rule, It’s like cutting through a piece of rotten wood with a sword!”

"You are nothing!" Vlaakis roared, "Centurion Kesrak will bring you before me, and I will tear the flesh and blood from your skeleton piece by piece and devour your brains as you pray for death. !I will eat you! You will turn into nothingness!"

After she finished speaking, she canceled the astral projection on the spot.

There was dead silence in the camp.

Vlaakis's loud voice really shocked everyone.

Linde yawned, "Okay, that's all Vlaakis can do. Let's go to bed early."

Gale smiled sadly: "Brother, you are really not afraid at all. To be honest, your optimism is really touching."

Linde smiled meaningfully, "Vilakis, she deserves a beating. I'll be at her door right away and teach her a lesson."

"It's over, it's over, Linde is talking nonsense again." Everyone yawned and went back to the barn to rest.

In the distant Astral Sea, Tu'narath, the death city built on the corpse of a six-armed god, is the capital of the Githyanki Empire.

As soon as Vlaakis finished the projection and was furious, a blue portal suddenly opened in the air in front of her.


A young man walked out from behind the door. Vlaakis saw the grand silver tree stretching out to the infinite multiverse behind him, and said in shock: "What are you going to do?! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend..." his tone became more and more depressed. Can't help but panic.

The Tower King said nothing, just patted the Lich Queen on the shoulder.

He turned and returned to the door. Vlaakis was trembling silently in her deep palace. Dots of gray candles rose from her shoulders and never went out. (End of chapter)

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