The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1003: reform, combine vertical and horizontal

"Cheng Mu!"

After Ying Zheng arrived, he gritted his teeth and looked at Cheng Mu.

With the resentful look in his eyes at this moment, he wished he could eat Cheng Mu's flesh and blood raw!

"Hehe, Emperor Qin, long time no see!"

Although Ying Zheng was angry, Cheng Mu smiled.

He looked at the few people beside Ying Zheng. These people should be the last family property of Ying Zheng.

"Qin Huang came here in person today, and it will save me another trip."

Cheng Mu was very happy.

If Ying Zheng came to die in person today, Daqin would be destroyed after this battle.

This is the most satisfying thing for him.

‘It’s going to take three months, a few days is enough! '

As long as Yingzheng is killed and the army under Yingzheng's command is defeated, Cheng Mu can directly visit Xianyang City!

"Hmph, shameless!"

Ying Zheng could already see a trace of contempt in Cheng Mu's eyes.

In an instant, he roared angrily: "Kill him!"


In the next second, three golden dragons rushed out from behind Ying Zheng!

Cheng Mu came prepared? And he, Ying Zheng, came prepared!

"It's really a disagreement and drawing swords!"

Seeing the three golden dragons roaring towards him, Cheng Mu shook his head and could only act passively.

He originally wanted to chat with Ying Zheng for a while!

"Guan Hai, go and get rid of the people around Ying Zheng! This Ying Zheng, leave it to me!"

As Cheng Mu's bodyguard, Guan Hai's task at this time is to deal with those people brought by Ying Zheng.

This Yingzheng is qualified, let Cheng Mu personally send him on the road!

At the same time, Dongfang Nuo's Mo Shuang Army and the ruthless Sword Soul Army also arrived on the battlefield.

Under the impact of Moshuang's giant cavalry, the front line of the Great Qin National Defense Army was immediately defeated.

And the Excalibur Army also turned on the massacre mode.

The sword-wielder activated his military spirit very well, and he didn't want to be "sit down" by Shang Yang again.


For a moment, the skill arrows flew randomly, the power of the army soul was shaken, and the might of the most powerful people fighting was raging.

At this time, the entire Langya County has completely turned into a sea of ​​battlefields.

Inspired by Ying Zheng's personal participation in the battle, tens of thousands of rangers from the Qin Empire have rushed to the battlefield.

this time.

Among the tens of millions of troops, finally formed a flying army that can withstand the millions of sword immortals of the Excalibur Army!

All kinds of flying mounts flew into the air, densely covering the sky and the earth.

"Kill kill kill!"

With the help of the soul power of the Divine Sword Army, the sword bearer rushed towards Shang Yang again.

Although Shang Yang has the strength of half-step Jingong.

However, the strength of the Shenzhou army's army soul at the middle level of killing gods has already reached the real strength of the gods.

The souls of the Excalibur Army didn't directly intervene, and Shang Yang's face turned pale just from the little power released.

"Military soul! Where are your military souls gone!"

Feeling that his strength was being suppressed, the impatient Shang Yang couldn't help roaring.

They have ten armies, that is, ten army souls.

Although the strength of these ten army souls is not as strong as that of the Divine Sword Army, there are so many of them!

"Sit even!"

This time, Shang Yang released the continuous sitting skill to the army soul of the army under his command.

Under the tandem of sitting skills, the souls of the ten Daqin National Guards were completely fused together.

This is Shang Yang's last resort!

The hastily formed Great Qin National Defense Army is weak, and the army spirit it inspires is only as strong as the realm of the altar.

If these army souls cannot be fused together, then all ten army souls will be crushed by the army souls of the Divine Sword Army!

"So, have you given up resistance?"

The sword holder felt the decline of Shang Yang's strength.

The skill of [Consecutive Sitting] consumed Shang Yang's great physical strength. At this time, Shang Yang's strength was only half of what he had just now!

"Give up resistance? Hehe!"

Hearing the words of the sword holder, Shang Yang sneered: "Killing you is enough!"

"Draw the ground as a prison!"

Under his stern voice, a golden cage imprisoned the sword holder again.

Then those golden swords appeared behind Shang Yang again.


Under the roar of the golden long sword, the sword holder turned into a living target!

"Damn it!"

The sword bearer had just taken a bottle of elixir to restore his strength.

Now he was trapped by Shang Yang again, he was furious and cursed: "Do you know this move?"

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

He raised his sword and cut off all the golden swords that came from the attack.

Feeling the trembling and shocking pain coming from his hand, he became even more angry.

Could it be that Shang Yang, whose aura is weakened by half, can't beat even his sword holder?

"Brother Jian! I'll help you!"

But at this moment, Dongfang Nuo rushed up with a knife.

He also recognized Shang Yang's identity, when would it be better if he didn't grab the head now?

"Be careful!"

The sword bearer didn't care too much.

So what if Dongfang Nuo came to grab the head? Its essence is still helping him to hold the sword!


Dongfang Nuo slashed down with his saber, and the power behind Shenmen hit Shang Yang's chest.

"Small tricks!"

Although Shang Yang's breath was not stable, the emaciated camel was bigger than the horse. His strength is not comparable to that of the sword bearer and Dongfang Nuo.

"Go away!"

With an angry reprimand, Dongfang Nuo flew upside down.

Blood spurted wildly, bones cracked.

A weak half-step god-level powerhouse is still a half-step god-level powerhouse!

"I'm coming too!"

Seeing that the sword-wielder and Dongfang Nuo were no match for Shang Yang's opponent, Hot Hand Destroyed Flower also roared and rushed over.

Grab the head, count him in!

"You! You are presumptuous!"

Seeing the sword bearer and others rushing towards him one by one, Shang Yang was furious.

Are you so easy to bully yourself?

"political reform!"

Shang Yang let out a roar, and a strange energy poured into his body.


At this time, the sword bearer's Slaying Evil Sword also appeared on his chest.

But this time.

Although the Killing Evil Sword pierced Shang Yang's chest, Shang Yang's strength actually increased by a point.


In the blink of an eye, Shang Yang sent the sword-wielder flying with a slap.

When the sword holder stabilized his body and took a look, where was the wound on Shang Yang's chest pierced by his Slaughtering Evil Sword?


While Shang Yang was fighting with the sword-wielder, Dongfang Nuo had already rushed to Shang Yang's head.


With this blow, he was determined to split Shang Yang into two halves.


However, under this knife, although the long knife in Dongfang Nuo's hand penetrated Shang Yang's body, Shang Yang was still unscathed.

His strength has recovered some!

"something wrong!"

At this time, the sword-wielder stopped the ruthless Destroyer who wanted to rush over.

If they still can't see the problem at this moment, they are blind!

"Our attack was actually absorbed by Shang Yang!"

Dongfang Nuo stood back beside the sword-wielder with a look of apprehension. He used the word "absorb", and he must have noticed the improvement of Shang Yang's strength.

This Shang Yang can not only be immune to their attacks, but also absorb their attack energy to improve his own strength!

"He should still be in the state of his own reformation. It is estimated that this reformation can turn our attack damage into a buff effect."

The sword bearer also guessed.

This Shang Yang is a bit scary.

Not only is the one-handed [Consecutive Sitting] intimidating, even this [Reform] skill is so special and powerful!

Turn positive into negative, turn attack into nourishment.

"This is a magical skill! It can not only save your life but also kill the enemy!"

Dongfang Nuo was amazed.

If he had this skill, one person could fight tens of thousands of enemies!


The sword wielder said viciously: "I don't believe his skill doesn't have a duration."

"Brothers block him first, don't let him run away!"

"If you can't beat it, you can avoid injury!"

Today, Shang Yang and his sword bearer are definitely killed.

As for who Shang Yang's head will be given, it depends on which of the three of them has the better skill!


"May I ask your names?"

Guan Hai firmly stopped the few people in front of him.

Since Cheng Mu ordered him, he will naturally do his best!

None of the people that Ying Zheng brought here today can leave.

"Hmph! You don't deserve to know our name!"

Faced with Guan Hai's obstruction, these people from the Qin Kingdom looked sullen.

Although they are here to kill the enemy, that's right. But at this moment, Guan Hai wanted to kill all of them alone. Isn't that too arrogant?

"Oh, then you can die!"

Since the enemy doesn't cooperate, you will lose interest in Guan Hai.

In the midst of the killing intent, he rushed towards several people with a knife.

At this time, there were three of his opponents, and the highest strength was only half-step Jingong.

Letting him go all out is enough to give the three people face.

"Hmph! Combine vertical and horizontal!"

These three people are great talents of Qin State, Prime Minister Li Si, Strategist Zhang Yi, and Bangguo Lu Buwei.

The three of them are extremely famous existences in history, so they are also extremely powerful in this life.

Li Si, the prime minister of the state of Qin, is under one person and over ten thousand people, with half a step of divine palace level strength.

Zhang Yi, a famous diplomat and strategist, has a powerful background.

Lu Buwei, the second father of the original Yingzheng, Bangguo, has half-step divine power.

They are Ying Zheng's last family fortune.

They came here this time to help Ying Zheng kill Cheng Mu, but they didn't want Cheng Mu to have Guan Hai as his bodyguard.

Ever since, in order to resist Guan Hai, Zhang Yi could only use her own big move from the beginning.

Combine vertically and horizontally!

Together, the three of them were tied tightly together.

The strength of the three of them combined into one place to resist Guan Hai's attack together.

"The yellow-mouthed child, don't go crazy!"

After combining all the strengths of Zhang Yi and Li Si, Lu Buwei met Guan Hai as the main fighter.

What he used was an azure long sword with the starburst of the Big Dipper engraved on the hilt.

This is the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, one of the top ten famous swords in ancient times!

Lu Buwei, who holds the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword, is even sharper than Guan Hai, who is at the Divine Palace Realm.


The Golden Prison Execution Sword collided with the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and even the two powerful army souls were shaken under the tremendous power.

Lu Buwei holds the Seven-Star Dragon Yuan Sword, and after fusing the powers of Li Si and Zhang Yi, his single strike can display the strength of the Divine Palace Realm.

"As expected of a strange person!"

Seeing that Lu Buwei was able to block his own sword at this time, Guan Hai was not stingy with his praise.

Historically, Lu Buwei was a great stranger. As a merchant, he invested in strangers, and finally became Ying Zheng's second father. He had great power and made a lot of money.

Lu Buwei probably earned this Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword!

"Hmph! Go to hell!"

Lu Buwei didn't like talking to Guan Hai at all.

He just wanted to hack Guan Hai to death at this moment, and then help Ying Zheng hack Cheng Mu to death.

He has no chance to invest in Cheng Mu.

So all his hopes were still in Ying Zheng's body!


The attack of the Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword in his hand was extremely fierce, and the blue cold light ravaged the entire sky.

Under Lu Buwei's continuous attacks, Guan Hai's power was suppressed for a while.

It's just that as Lu Buwei made more and more shots, his mood became more and more impatient.

He found that no matter how desperate he was, no matter how fierce the attack was, Guan Hai still looked calm and easy.

Gradually, his hands were tired from chopping, but there was not even a drop of sweat on Guan Hai's forehead.

"Are you tired from chopping?"

Looking at the panting Lu Buwei, Guan Hai grinned: "Since you are tired from chopping, it's my turn!"

He wanted to test how strong Zhang Yi's [Combined Vertical and Horizontal] was.

At this point he tested it out.

Under Zhang Yi's [Combined Vertical and Horizontal] Lu Buwei's strength has been enhanced by about ten times.

Can make Lu Buwei, who is half a step away from the Shrine, possess the offensive power of the initial stage of the Shrine, this Zhang Yi can be regarded as a great talent!

The initial stage of the Jingu can indeed crush the half-step Jingu.

But the most powerful person who has just entered the initial stage of the Divine Palace, after not fully controlling the power of the initial stage of the Divine Palace, he can only fight hard against ten strong men who are half a step away from the Divine Palace!

Of course, this has a lot to do with the talent of the person involved.


In the end, Guan Hai chopped off the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in Lu Buwei's hand.

Another knife cut off Lu Buwei's head!

Guan Hai is the strength of the Jingu Middle Realm.

Even if Lu Buwei's strength has increased a hundred times today, he is still no match for Guan Hai!

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