The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1014: fire attack? Yi Sun-shin's Countermeasures

In ancient times, there was an iron lock on Hengjiang.

The secluded iron chain across the river is a nightmare for warships and road ships.

And today the iron chain Zhenhai.

Dense chains entangled the entire stormy sea area.

A chain fell into the deep sea and was nailed into the sea rock below 10,000 meters.

There are also chains scattered out of the stormy sea, entwining all the reefs and islands together.

"If you want to do it, you have to do it the best!"

This is Yi sun-shin's order.

The means by which they intercepted the Tianlongfu ships were not the flattened warships, but the thick iron chains under the warships.

These iron chains nailed into the bottom of the sea and into the reef are combined to form a huge fishing net.

As long as the Apocalypse Navy enters this iron chain fishing net, no matter how powerful the warship is, it will be entangled to death!

"As long as the chain and fishing net are not broken, Huaxia's battleship will sink deeper and deeper!"

Sivaji was confident and confident at this time.

"With the power of the entire sea area against the power of the Chinese warships, I call these iron chains the Sea Locking Formation!"

Under the sea lock formation, the entire sea area was imprisoned!

"well done!"

Yi sun-shin was very satisfied with this fortification. He told Sivaji: "The enemy's vanguard fleet has arrived, let them experience the power of the lock sea array!"

What appeared in front of him at this time was the 200,000 vanguard of the Jiangdong Fleet.

Sun Ce's younger brother Sun Quan served as the commander.

And Zhou Yu, as the chief counselor under Sun Quan, he is naturally still working for Sun Quan!

"Gongjin, what did you think of?"

Hearing that Zhou Yu said that this scene seemed familiar, Sun Quan asked curiously.

In fact, he also has a familiar feeling, but he won't be able to say it for a while.

"Fire attack!"

Zhou Yu spit out these two words lightly.

Don't behold the imposing presence of this endless plank continent.

But as long as it is made of wood, it can be burned.

"I see!"

Sun Quan suddenly realized.

He also remembered the glory of his previous life and set fire to Thief Cao.

But this life.

"Being able to burn hundreds of millions of enemies to death here is a great feat!"

A blaze suddenly rose in Sun Quan's heart.

Burning natives and foreigners are two completely different feelings!


But Zhou Yu shook his head, telling Sun Quan not to think too easily.

"Now the entire sea area is covered with wooden boats. If there is only one fire, they can abandon the fire area!"

To put it simply, the sea of ​​​​storms is too wide.

Even if Zhou Yu set fire to the enemy army today, the area covered by the flames was far less than that of the entire stormy sea area.

Even if 10 million enemy troops were burned to death by then, there would still be 70 to 80 million remaining enemy troops!

"Never mind him! You can count as much as you can burn!"

"Even if we can only burn one-tenth of it, we will kill the enemy tenfold!"

Sun Quan is not greedy at all.

Their Jiangdong Army is one million in size.

If tens of thousands of enemy troops can be burned to death in the first battle, then the result of this battle is also extremely brilliant!

"No hurry, let them be arrogant for a while."

But Zhou Yu would not give up the opportunity to burn the enemy so easily.

He said slowly: "I'll go find Zhang Shuai first, my lord, you lead the army to charge for a while."

"Although there are many enemy ships, they are just shredded paper after all."

Zhou Yu needs Zhang Shun's wife Zheng Yisao to cooperate and come up with a combo.

After all, the poison of corrosion can be burned by changing its form a little bit!

During the time he was looking for Zhang Shun, Zhou Yu allowed Sun Quan to reap some results.

This is the crushing situation.

Even if the enemy forces tie all the ships together, what's the use?

Ants are still ants!

"Okay! Waiting for good news from Gongjin."

Sun Quan had long believed in Zhou Yu's arrangement.

Since Zhou Yu wants to play the big ticket, then he will play the big ticket!


After Zhou Yu left, Sun Quan led 200,000 Jiangdong vanguard troops into the battlefield.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! The enemy is hooked!"

Sivaji laughed when he saw Sun Quan leading his army headlong into his encirclement.

He knew that Sun Quan's 200,000 vanguard army was just an appetizer.

The tens of millions of troops of the Apocalypse Navy will fall into the encirclement he set up!

"Don't worry, let them rush in, let them rush in!"

He gave orders loudly.

Even if all the ships under his command were torn apart here today, he didn't care.

"After this battle, we will change to a bigger ship!"

Setting up this sea lock array is also to be able to capture the ships of the Apocalypse Navy!

Rumble! Rumble!

Under the crushing of Sun Quan's army, the small wooden boats in front of the Tianlongfu ship were crushed one after another.

Seeing the arrival of this giant, the East Asian soldiers on the wooden board ran forward desperately.

At the beginning, Sivaji was right. On this chain of ships, they can run horses.

Only cavalry on horseback can survive the crushing of the Tianlongfu ship.

For the boundless wooden continent, Sun Quan's 200,000 vanguard army is like a thin line on the continent.

Although the thin line has been extended.

But what is a thin line to a huge plank continent?

Sivaji still didn't move.

He is waiting, waiting for the big fish to take the bait!


Soon, Sun Ce led the remaining 800,000 Jiangdong Army to the battlefield.

Under the crushing of 800,000 elites, the thin line on the plank continent began to become thicker.

None of the Jiangdong Army officers and soldiers need to disembark to kill the enemy.

Standing on the side of the ship, they can shoot the East Asian soldiers below into rotten meat.


At the same time, after the artillery on the Tianqi Fu ship started to fire, the sparks generated by the explosion also began to ignite the wooden boats one after another.

But soon.

When the fire had just risen, I saw Li Sunchen yelling softly.

"Rain is coming!"

Crash! Crash!

Under the power of his raised hands, the burning wooden boat was immediately doused by the rain!

Under the downpour, it seemed that those East Asian soldiers who were fleeing for their lives fled faster!

"Hehe, someone told me the story of the Huaxia [Romance of the Three Kingdoms]!"

"Burning Chibi, heh!"

Li Sunchen sneered, "How can I, Li Sunchen, be as stupid as Cao Cao?"

Due to the spread of Chinese culture to the outside world, many knights from Ying Kingdom and Korea Kingdom have also read the stories of Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Especially the later generations of Ying Kingdom, who made the stories of the Three Kingdoms into games to the extreme!

Naturally, with the widespread spread of the Three Kingdoms culture, the story of burning Chibi has long been widely spread in the East Asian cultural circle!

And Li Sunchen also heard the story of burning Chibi from the mouth of the knights under his command!

So he will not let himself repeat the path that Cao Cao walked!

"I was prepared for it!"

Seeing that the raging fire was extinguished by the downpour, Sun Quan immediately understood why Zhou Yu wanted to find Zhang Shun.

"Gongjin's foresight is really admirable!"

he sighed. It is impossible for ordinary fire to burn these enemy ships.

"Since it can't be burned, then crush the enemy's ship and kill all the enemies!"

Burning the East Asian Allied Forces was just the icing on the cake for their battle.

In terms of hard power, they can still crush these East Asian ants!

Click click click!

But soon, after the Tianlongfu ship traveled hundreds of miles, the speed of the battleship suddenly slowed down.

There was a creaking sound under the heavy bottom of the boat.

"what happened?"

Sun Quan, who noticed something unusual, inquired.

According to the strength of his Tianlong Fujian, he can still penetrate hundreds of miles.

This small sampan in East Asia can't resist the Tianlongfu Ship at all!

"General Qi, it's chains, dense chains were found under the ship!"

The soldiers under his command soon discovered the problem.

In their surprised eyes, the huge chain hidden under the sea revealed its true face.

Although these black chains made of fine iron are not worth mentioning in terms of the huge size of the Tianlongfu Ship, there are too many of them!

When thousands of huge chains were gathered into a rope, the Tianlongfu Ship was stopped like this.

"Go up! Go up!"

Seeing that the speed of the Jiangdong fleet finally slowed down, Sivaji ordered loudly.

His strategy took full effect, and the Tianlong Fujian was really blocked by him.

Although his soldiers paid an extremely painful price during this period, there are so many of them!

Soldiers from the Tianzhu Kingdom have already begun to climb the Tianlong Fu Ship.

However, the Tianlongfu ship is too big, and the ship's side is extremely high. Coupled with the fine iron hull, the densely packed Tianzhu soldiers returned without success.

Seeing that there was no hope of climbing alone, Tianzhu soldiers piled up in groups.

These Tianzhu soldiers want to pile up into a hill of human flesh and rush to the top of the Tianlongfu ship!

"Hmph, I don't know how to live or die!"

Sun Quan sneered when he saw this group of ignorant East Asian ants.

"Kill them all!"

At his command, Jiangdong's elites flew directly off the ship.

Swipe, swipe, swipe!

After a few stabs, everyone only saw the shadow of swords and swords.

Sun Quan's Jiangdong Army is currently the first-level army to kill gods. The super strength of the peerless realm allows them to kill these weak East Asian soldiers with a swing of their swords.

After a series of swords and swords, only a few pieces of bone and flesh remained under the Tianlong Fujian!

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!"

Li Sunshin also stood up at this time.

Not only Sun Ce's Jiangdong Army arrived on the battlefield, but also the other nine fleets of the Apocalypse Navy rushed in.

Now these ten cracks have torn apart the wooden boat continent of the East Asian Allied Forces.

Half of the chains of the originally indestructible Suohai Formation had been broken.

Those broken chains pulled the connected ships together, and soon the Apocalypse Navy's fleet fell completely under the siege of the East Asian coalition forces!

"Sea Storm! Arise!"

After the war had begun in full swing, Yi Sun-shin single-handedly reawakened the stormy seas.

When the entire stormy sea area is eroded by wind and rain, the plan of the Apocalypse Navy to burn the ship has completely failed!

At this time, unless it is a very strong strange fire, it can ignore the wind and rain and burn proudly!

"Soldiers, it's time to kill the enemy!"

"We have hundreds of millions, no matter how strong the enemy is, we can fight them to death!"

Sivaji's roar also resounded across the battlefield.

Finally when it came to the final battle, the Tianzhu soldiers under his command were finally able to fight back with swords!

"Soldier of the Shark Army! Kill the enemy!"

"Soldiers of the Shark Army, kill the enemy!"

"The Nanyang Fleet kills the enemy!"

"Soldiers of Jinfan Army, follow me to kill the enemy!"


Facing endless enemies, Zheng Zhilong, Zheng Chenggong and others led their troops to charge again.

Although the Tianlongfu ship under his command can no longer move, the artillery fire on the ship can still roar.

Under the powerful artillery, these wooden boat continents will still be reduced to dust!

Sivaji wanted to lead elephant soldiers to attack the wooden boat continent.

However, under the powerful artillery of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, a large number of elephant soldiers turned into blood mist!

Slowly, the battle at sea turned into hand-to-hand combat on land.

The soldiers of the Apocalypse Navy also showed their invincible demeanor on the wooden boat continent.

These peerless bosses, when faced with third-rate and second-rate enemies, it is no problem to fight ten against one!

"Yataka Mirror"

Toyotomi Hideyoshi of the Ying Kingdom couldn't sit still after seeing that the soldiers of the Ying Kingdom, who had an absolute advantage in numbers, were unable to achieve results.

He is also a figure among the three heroes of Ying Kingdom.

The Yata mirror in his hand is also one of the three ancient artifacts of Ying Kingdom.

call out!

I saw Toyoshiri Hideyoshi holding the Yata mirror, and a white light shot out from the mirror.

In an instant, everything the white light went was annihilated.

Whether it is a soldier in battle or it may be a super lucky ship of the Apocalypse Empire.

Under a flash of white light, a hole was pierced through several Tianlongfu ships in an instant!

"you wanna die!"

These destroyed Tianlongfu ships are the ships of Sun Ce, the Jiangdong tiger.

Seeing that Toyonai Hideyoshi used the Yata mirror to show off his power, he rushed over with a roar!


A long spear immediately blocked all the power of the Yata mirror.

While the guns were shaking, Toyonai Hideyoshi was pushed back a long way!

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