The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 1017: All destroyed!


Although Zhang Shun is small, his aura is not weaker than the Big Tengu at all.

"Is it impossible to die with a large body? It's ridiculous!"


With one strike, the entire sea area rioted.

Not just the Storm Seas.

A huge broken knife spanning several sea areas rises from the sea.

This is a broken knife purely condensed from sea water. And the extremely powerful power from the blade made the whole world prostrate at Zhang Shun's feet!


Then, under Zhang Shun's knife.

After a breaking sound, the head of the big tengu fell down!

The dog's head, dozens of times larger than the mountain, fell into the sea of ​​flames.

Soon, the two corpses of Ootengu were all burned to ashes!

crush! Unrivaled crush!

As the general of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, Zhang Shun's strength can represent the upper-level combat power of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom!

People like Sun Ce and Su Lie have just walked out of the fairy temple.

Their strength still has a long way to go!

"Let's go!"

After the big tengu's body was completely burned, Zhou Yu flew to Li Sunshin's body.

Looking at Yi Sun-sin and Shivaji who were completely in despair, he decided to send them on the road himself.

In fact, it is mainly to absorb their life energy to improve their strength.

If it weren't for his strength being completely behind the first-tier pair in Tianqi Immortal Kingdom, Zhou Yu wouldn't have come out to kill the enemy so actively!

Everyone is a famous general, who wants to be left behind?

"Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me!"

Seeing that Zhou Yu had raised his hand, Li Sunshin cried out to Zhou Yu to spare his life.

He was just now the commander-in-chief of the hundreds of millions of coalition forces, aloof.

And now. He is like a lost dog.

Even Zhou Yu, the **** of immortals, was able to defeat him, and he was completely convinced by Li Sunchen.

"I, Goryeo, am willing to continue to be a vassal of the Huaxia clan!"

In the previous life, Goryeo was a vassal of China.

And in this life, the two dogs of Goryeo and Yingguo wanted to bite their masters, so they united with the three kingdoms of Tianzhu and Ah.

It's just that Li Sunchen didn't dare to jump anymore after being severely taught by the general of Tianqi Immortal Kingdom!

In order to survive, Li Sunchen is willing to return to China again!

"A vassal? No need!"

Zhou Yu was full of disgust. Now that his Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom is powerful, he doesn't need these white-eyed wolves at all.

Want the land of Korea? Send troops to get it!

Unfaithful once, never use it for life!

"Ah ah ah, you go to hell!"

But at this moment, Sivaji rushed over.

He wanted to sneak attack while Zhou Yu was distracted.

"Eastern wind blows away!"

But before he got close to Zhou Yu, he was shocked back.

Want to sneak attack? In fact, Zhou Yu was already prepared!


In the next second, a raging flame ignited in Sivaji's body.

With screams, Sivaji quickly turned into a pile of ashes!

"You! You! Go to hell!"

Seeing that Zhou Yu was so ruthless, Li Sun-shin, who had no hope of survival, roared and rushed over.

Since he can't survive, he will drag Zhou Yu to die with him!

Click click click! Boom!

But he had only rushed out a few steps when the fire burned his legs.

I saw his body getting shorter and shorter, and soon his whole body was reduced to ashes amidst screams!


Feeling two huge energies pouring into his body, Zhou Yu let out a satisfied breath.

He not only killed Yi Sun-shin and Shivaji, but also Tokugawa Ieyasu who was hiding his head and showing his tail, and hundreds of leaders of the Shenmen and Shentai realms in the East Asian coalition forces.

The individual life energy of these people really cannot bring much benefit to Zhou Yu, but there are so many of them!

With such a huge amount of life energy, Zhou Yu's strength has reached the realm of the half-step divine palace!

As long as this kind of battle happens a few more times, as long as he is burned a few more times, Zhou Yu will soon become a strong man in the Divine Palace!

Mrs. Zheng also got half of the life energy.

When the power of Banbu Jingu emanated from her body, the sea of ​​corrosion completely annihilated all enemy troops and ships on the sea!

When everything melted, the entire sea area returned to calm.

In the stormy sea at this time, where are the shadows of East Asian soldiers?

Ten Apocalypse naval fleets wandered alone on the sea, as if the big move just now was a dream!

"My lord, I am willing to be your servant forever!"

Tamazamo couldn't hold on anymore at this time.

Although the collapse of the East Asian coalition forces made her desperate, the most important thing in despair was to save her own life.

‘Damn Westerners, if it weren’t for you and Yuzao, how could we be in such a desperate situation? '

She cursed inwardly.

If it wasn't for the three great kingdoms of the West to persecute her time and time again, how could she have come to die?

"Hehe, it's late!"

Zhang Shun raised the broken knife in his hand murderously.

He does not deny the beauty of Yuzao Mae, who can be called a peerless beauty.

But the beauty of his wife Zheng Yisao is not inferior.

For the sake of family harmony, he naturally couldn't keep this Yuzao!

"My lord, the western gods forced my concubine to come here. They threatened my concubine with the lives of millions of my people to come here!"

Yuzao cried miserably: "At this time, the lives of millions of concubines and fox clansmen are still in the hands of the Western Immortal God."

If it wasn't for Odin Zeus and others to use the lives of her fox clan to force her, how could she come to fight against Huaxia?

"Oh? What does it have to do with me?"

Zhang Shun was surprised when he heard the Western Immortal God, but it didn't affect his heart before killing Yuzao.

Western fairy god? It's time to kill him too!

"My lord, this concubine has important news to report, please spare my concubine's life!"

In order to survive, Yuzao didn't care about anything.

"Oh? What news?"

Zhang Shun stopped what he was doing.

Good looks can't save Tamamo-mae, but important news can!

"It's the Kingdom of God! The Kingdom of God is coming soon!"

Tamazamo hurriedly said the news that he had overheard.

She is pretty, so Zeus Odin and others also called her several times.

"Oh? Tianzhu Divine Kingdom?"

Zhang Shun frowned. Those who can be known as the Kingdom of God are those who are not weak.

The Kingdom of God, like the Kingdom of Immortals, is just a name for a power that can ascend.

"That is to say, maybe this Tianzhu Kingdom has a strength comparable to my Tianqi Fairy Kingdom?"

If so, then he would have made preparations early.

At present, in the Tianqi Navy, Zhang Shun and his Tianlong Army are the only ones who can be regarded as the top combat power.

Two god-level powerhouses are definitely not enough to face a huge kingdom of God.

"My lord, but my concubine heard that there are two main gods in Tianzhu God's country who are not in harmony!"

Tamamo said everything he knew.

She had to make herself valuable, otherwise Zhang Shun would hack her to death!

"Lord God? What strength?"

Zhang Shun heard the word Lord God.

In the power system of the Huaxia people, there is no such title.

"Your Honor."

"If you divide it according to your strength in China, my lord, the lowest level of the main **** is also the strength of the palace."

Tamamo explained.

"How many main gods are there in Tianzhu God's country?"

If the main **** had the strength of the Divine Palace realm, Zhang Shun suddenly felt that there was some hope for this battle.


Yu Zaoqian replied: "My lord, there are five main gods in the kingdom of Tianzhu, namely Brahma, the **** of protection, Vishnu, the **** of protection, Shiva, the **** of destruction, Asura, the demon god, and Galalou, the golden-winged bird."

"Because the guardian **** Vishnu and the **** of destruction Shiva are not in the **** Brahma doesn't want to join the war!"

As the great demon of Ying Kingdom, Yuzaoqian was very well informed about the news.

"Oh? Don't want to join the war?"

Hearing Yu Zaoqian's words, Zhang Shun laughed and said, "Then why are you joining the war now?"

Could it be possible that the words of Brahma in the Immortal Kingdom of Zhu were farting?

"It's the three great kingdoms of the West!"

At this time, Yuzao said bitterly: "All this is a conspiracy of the three great kingdoms of the West!"

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